Continued from:
Zombies vs. Vampires – Round 1
Before Halloween, we had a great discussion on the topic of “Zombies vs. Vampires,” any aspect. In anticipation of Fangirltastic sci-fi sister site’s Zombie Week 2010, the Action Flick Chick stockpiled weapons, fortified the perimeter, and raised the topic again. But hold the phone! Pink Raygun skipped Zombie Week this year because they’re busy moving?! No, no, no. Unless you shoot it in the head, zombie appreciation lurches onward.
For Round 2, we’re giving away DVDs from the TV series Blood Ties and a couple of crappy zombie movies to random participants in the talk.
@ActionChick already launched into this topic one night a few weeks ago while listening to the Nerdy Bird Jill Pantozzi‘s show during her last night as a DJ at The Point before starting her new job writing for the MTV Splash Page. Here’s what we have so far for this lateste round. Feel free to add more as comments below or tweets on twitter. We’ll draw the DVD winners sometime after midnight Central at the end of Tuesday, 4-27, the night before the Texas Frightmare Weekend film festival begins.
@actionchick: Vampires vs. Zombies! Who will win??
@Moonfly_Fairie: Hmm, have to go with zombies cuz there’s more of them.
@skynyrdnation: @actionchick zombies would win cuz vamps cant handle deadmans blood
@teresajusino: @actionchick @Moonfly_Fairie @LostZombies But do #s matter when your #s’re literally falling apart? Hard to win a fight w/ONLY a torso.
@certaintragedy: @actionchick zombies are slow. i say vamps win
@RurouniZakku: @actionchick Zombies would win, vampires think to much, they would have to spend most of their time running
@bebarce: @actionchick Are we considering the Borg as space zombies?
@actionchick: Interesting question. They’re more zombie-like in some ways than 28 Days Later.
@carlwatkins: @actionchick I think borg are anti-zombie. Completely controlled by logic rather than the primal urges of a zombie.
@ElaineRemains: @actionchick are we not borg, we are devo
@SRA_Nick: @actionchick hold up new chicken pic!! Nice, are u a comic?
@outofsequences: @actionchick I’ll have lots of photos! I can make sure to put an @to you directly if that’d make it easier.
@lily_stitches: @actionchick when zombies run they’re “infected” when they hobble they’re the undead. Jussayin.
@actionchick: Some ppl had BIG arguments over 28 Days bc of that.
@Sklib: @actionchick I’m actually in a zombie film and lit class… there’s wayyyyy more to it than that
@actionchick: Where?
@Sklib: @actionchick UW Milwaukee
@TanManG: I want that class SOOO bad! I would totally ace!
@OnyxSparrow: @actionchick Funny, I just picked up Zombies vs Vampires the other day at the Hollywood Video closeout sale.
@wyldride: @actionchick Speaking of borg — Zoidborg:
@wyldride: @actionchick #ZVV I’m not sure it would ever come up. Might compete for resources, but Zombies wouldn’t eat Vampires bc they are dead …
@wyldride: @actionchick #ZVV … & Vampires can’t drink Zombie blood. Seems like they’d ignore each other & go after available foodstuffs (ie. humans).
@Moonfly_Fairie: @actionchick #ZVV I now retract my previous statement about zombies winning. If they were like the uber-vamps in Buffy, zombies are toast
Related posts: Zombies
* Book Review – Breathers: A Zombie’s Lament (2009)
* Coming Attractions – Resident Evil: Afterlife in 3-D (2010)
* Coming Attractions – Horrorfest 4 – 8 Films to Die For in 2010
* Planet Terror (2007): Good Barbecue!
* Z-Day Preparation: ‘Must-Watch’ Zombie Movie Marathon – Plus Preview for Romeo & Juliet vs. the Living Dead
* Every Zombie Movie Ever Made
* Zombieland: Time to Nut Up or Shut Up (Movie Chicks on Horror Flicks)
* Zombieland Photos: Behind the Scenes with Luci Romberg, Emma Stone, Woody Harrelson, and a Scary *** Clown
* Zombieland (2009)
* Zombieland Photos: Behind the Scenes with Luci Romberg (pt. 1)
* Zombie Wranglers, Zombie Manor, and a Byte (or a Bite? a Bit?) on Zombieland
* Dance of the Dead (2008) – Wired Like a Crackhead Drinking Red Bull
* Zombie Survival Guide for a Small Town
* Interview: Kim Poirier (Dawn of the Dead, Decoys, HypaSpace)
* Resident Evil (2002)
* Quarantine (2008)
* Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004)
* Dawn of the Dead (2004)
Related posts: Vampires
* Ultraviolet (2006): The Monster You Don’t Want Knocking Down Your Door
* Daybreakers (2010)
* Movie Chicks on Horror Flicks: Daybreakers (2010)
* The Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV Never Saw
* The Twilight Saga Parodies II – New Mooned
* Top Twilight Parodies – Buffy, Kevin, and Olivia vs Edward
* Twilight: New Moon spoiler!
* 30 Days of Night 2: Dark Days Begins Shooting Today (Interview with Author Steve Niles)
* Blood: The Last Vampire (2009) Trailer
* Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992): The Real Cherry on Top of the Pile of Dead Vampires
* Natsukashi Podcast: Hank Carlson and Dennis Murphy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
* The Lost Boys 2: The Tribe (2008)
* The Lost Boys (1987)
* Blade Trinity (2004)
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