actionchick: Who’s your hero?
AbouMarwan: Tyler Durden
JBieberLust: @justinbieber allllllll the way
ayunirazak: jimmy <3
kc0eks: @actionchick you?
CatchMe0nMars: Goku .
KZOMRadio: Indiana Jones – always and forever.
carlwatkins: I would have to say @warrenellis is one of my greatest heroes. Not sure if that speaks more about him or me though.
sucahsays: My parents…
rohera: Alfredo Pacino
sunrunner75: Right now, my brother-in-law…holding it down on the Super Heru tip..peep his show ~ #Givethanx
deepdarkred: Wolverine!
MightyGeek: Personal hero is my Dad. For so many reasons. Historic hero is Nikola Tesla. He was the genius underdog.
Movie_Buff24: Jesus Christ
cybeam1: J.A. Steel @JASteel Go to Hollywood and try to make action movies as female filmmaker and you’ll get why.
amihama: Who’s my hero? Hurley. Dude!
daydawg: Real or fictional?
swiv: Besides the military, police, & fireman – Edwin S. Porter creator of the first action film “The Great Train Robbery”
dedychr: I AM! LOL..
chronicgeek: My husband is my personal hero. Felicia Day is my inner-writer/entertainer hero.
TheYoungLiar: my hero (even though he’d probably hate people thinking of him as a hero) would be Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
nerdrage42: My heroes? Anakin & Kal-El (those who know me…know those are my kids)
mvp_repo1: Martin Luther King, Anne Frank, and anyone that faces the worst situations with bravery and dignity.
TheSteveLee: my hero is whoever gets up every morning and runs miles before their 9to5.
chronicgeek: I seriously enjoy it when @actionchick posts a question and then people’s responses. It makes Twitter feel more connected.
mikeschramm: Yo that should have been a blog post, not a bunch of late night twitter spam. And: Batman.
deepdarkred: It’s not like he has to follow you, now is it?Ignore the haters
mikeschramm: Aw I don’t mean to be a jerk. I just think something that interesting deserves more than 140 characters at a time.
daydawg: Fav movie hero William Wallace
actionchick: @mikeschramm No, I didn’t think you intended anything jerky. I understood. Different view. My own: twitter is much livelier
actionchick: @mikeschramm And sometimes my site manager or I will collect these answers into a more durable, if less lively, blog post.
mvp_repo1: @mikeschramm I respectively disagree w ur pov on @actionchick as it’s not spam and a ? that brings a positive vibe vs just bs. Jmho. Peace.
jonfun: @actionchick the most awesome person on the planet!
HaintedHoller: @actionchick Berke Breathed and Rumiko Takahashi
OSOSANTOS: darth vader,all the s*** he went thru and he still ruled the galaxy
cheetoh_eater: My hero? Earnest Hemingway: Uncompromising. Original. Unafraid. And, went out with a bang.
GinySassenach: My hero, Joe diMaggio
iflirt4u: @actionchick you’re our hero
ysabelkid: Fictional – Ripley. Real – mom and former mom-in-law.
MistiCBR: my grandmother
atomiclemon: Kyle Reese
sockmonkeyluv: right now my hero is my big ass mug of coffee
Cory Gaitan: Batman
Evan Pokroy: Greg Gutfeld.
Nick Turk: Stephen Fry
ZAck SCott: Me!
Axel Scott: Tory Scott and JB xx
Coop Cooper: Shatner
Humberto Rotondo: Harvey Pekar and Stan Lee
John Ferrigno: Harlan Ellison
Matt Leong: Douglas Adams
Alex Langley: Weird Al Yankovic.
Ricardo Rodriguez: my mom and dad
Jeremy Hyler: Paul Thomas Anderson, Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino, Stephen Colbert.
Helen Oetken Barnard: Catherine Valente (for her Orphan’s Tales stories).
Cordell Moss: you are
FilmGurl DotNet: Right now, Hit Girl comes to mind!
Scotty Stalcup: My Father, Donald Stalcup.
Brett Reno: My grandfather and my late father.
Rick Silver: Sponge F’in Bob on steroids!
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Fictionally, Batman, and of course, myself, and you, in real life
I’m going with the only person who has never let me down: ME!!!
Barbara Gordon/Oracle.