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Category Archives: 3-D
Drive Angry 3-D (2011) Review: Never Disrobe Before Gunplay!

After watching Drive Angry 3D, I’ve come to realize that Nicolas Cage’s character, Milton, is really a metaphor for Nicolas Cage. It doesn’t matter what you do to kill Milton, he just keeps coming. It doesn’t matter how hard his film bombs or what critics say about it, Cage will keep making funny and ridiculous, sometimes horrible, films, and by golly, I just can’t get enough. Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 3-D, 4 kabooms, action, movie, R-rated, Valentine's Day
Tagged action, Action Flick Chick, Amber Heard, Billy Burke, Chicks Who Don't Want Flowers for Valentine's Day!, cult, Drive Angry, Drive Angry 3-D, explosion, gun fight, hell, Jonah King, Machete, Milton, Nicolas Cage, Piper, Sex Scene, The Accountant, Valentine's Day, William Fichtner
Interview with Silent Hill: Revelation 3D Stars Adelaide Clemens and Kit Harington!

NYCC proved to be very productive for me this year, as I got to sit down with the stars of the new film, Silent Hill: Revelation 3D, Kit Harington (Game of Thrones) and Adelaide Clemens! We talked about their favorite … Continue reading
Posted in 3-D, action, convention, horror, interviews, YouTube
Tagged action chick, Action Flick Chick, Adelaide Clemens, Game of Thrones, horror, Kit Harington, movie, Silent Hill: Revelation 3D, video games
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Dredd (2012): You Don’t Have to Dread Seeing Dredd!

Let Action Chick go ahead and drop a wisdom bomb on you guys: Dredd is good! Yay! I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve seen a new release that was good, but Dredd entertains with a ton of … Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 3-D, 5 kabooms, action, movie, R-rated, science fiction
Tagged action, action chick, Action Flick Chick, Dredd 3D, I am the law, Judge Dredd, Karl Urban, Lena Headey, Ma-Ma, movie, Olivia Thirlby, Sylvester Stallone, The Raid
Coming Attraction: John Carter (2012)!

Walt Disney Pictures presents John Carter, a film based on a book, “A Princess of Mars,” by Edgar “Tarzan the monkey-man” Rice Burroughs. A civil war vet, John Carter (Taylor Kitsch), is transplanted to Mars where he finds himself in … Continue reading
Review: Immortals (2011)!

Would being immortal be a blessing or a curse? This is where I would usually say watch Immortals to find out, but no character in the film is actually immortal, so I guess you’ll have to speculate and imagine an … Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 3-D, 3.5 kabooms, action, movie
Tagged action, Action Flick Chick, Empirus Bow, Henry Cavill, immortality, Immortals, King Hyperion, Luke Evans, Mickey Rourke, nihilism, theism, Theseus, Titans, Zeus
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Coming Attraction: Underworld Awakening (2012)!

Kate Beckinsale returns as the bad ass vampire Selene in Underworld Awakening. In this fourth installment of the series, the humans are trying to eliminate the Lycans and the vampires, forcing the two species to fight back and avoid extinction. … Continue reading
Posted in 3-D, action, Coming Attractions, movie, trailers
Tagged 3D, action, Action Flick Chick, coming attraction, Kate Beckinsale, Underworld Awakening
Fright Night (2011)

Fright Night! Vampires and blood, blood and vampires! If a vampire movie doesn’t have tons of blood in it, it’s a piece of crap and I want no part of it. Thankfully, Fright Night has both and is quite a … Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 1 kaboom, 3-D, action, horror, movie
Tagged action, Action Flick Chick, Anton Yelchin, blood, Charley, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Collin Farrell, David Tennant, Fright Night, horror, McLovin, vampire
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