Any movie can be improved by adding…what? The Action Flick Chick asked this question not too long ago through twitter and Facebook. By adding your own thoughts to the topic any time this week, you can enter a drawing for a a $50 movie gift card, courtesy of the creators of the new Facebook game FameTown, plus DVDs from the Action Flick Chick. Post your replies (a) as comments here, (b) as a tweet to both @actionchick and @thefametown on twitter, and/or (c) as a comment on the Action Flick Chick’s relevant Facebook topic.
FameTown is the exciting new online Facebook game that opens the world of glamour and celebrity to all! Brought to you by industry superstars Michael Eisner and Shawn Fanning and launch sponsor Burlesque starring Christina Aguilera and Cher, the central goal of FameTown is to raise the player’s social status by gaining as many fans as possible.
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PLEASE NOTE: These answers are from weeks ago. This week’s answers will be added soon.
Action Flick Chick (@actionchick): Any movie can be improved by adding _____.
Answers on twitter:
AGreatWhiteDope: Tim Thomerson.
BelRand: Cylons/ninjas/@feliciaday/unicorns/cookies
BLTjesus: BACON!
bonniegrrl: add a hot British villain!
BumpFire2012: a kickass female character. Red hair and/or hawt costume worth extra points!
callouscomics: A screaming circa mid-90’s Mel Gibson in a kilt.
CapSteveRogers: Kat.
cheesehead1976: James Horner music
cheetoh_eater: …by adding a “Wu” clip.
CompanyManComic: BACON.
dannyson1: / LAUGHTER
DSB_IV: a gun that shoots shurukens and lightning
Ed_EisSenorNerd: You
eric_stanze: the unexpected.
evildorina: “Bitch!”
agidgetwidget: RT @evildorina: “Bitch!” || BAH HA HA!
geekwithsoul: < a studio that won’t make it 3D
GenDraftComic: // @actionchick
GoKustom: Me.
GoKustom: Just kidding…milk.
Gordylocke: the Wilhelm screamhotellimawhisky: Bill Murray!
hotellimawhisky: Han Solo!
Iamsam3: Mobile Suits.
kc0eks: weed or weed related humor
kristenmchugh22: Clive Owen, Patricia Clarkson, Christopher Eccleston, I have a very long list. Chiwetel Ejiofor, Emily Mortimer, John Cusack
LeapingBear: Gratuitous Sex and Violence
MattBarrett1: good story and characters.
MonsterCops: A monkey.
Mr_Sahue: Ninjas!!
mysocalledbrain: #anymoviecanbeimprovedbyadding “Vs Ninja Zombies” or “presented in 2D” or “in Space”
nerdlunch: Good topic. It is hard to get something going on Friday afternoon/evening, but it can be done.
nerdlunch: Bruce Campbell.
robocake33: Agreed RT @nerdlunch Bruce Campbell.
nerdlunch: Celtic cyborgs.
nerdlunch: Klingons.
Nightwyrm: third wall jokes
Nightwyrm: ah, I meant fourth wall jokes of course
OnyxSparrow: I think “Thin Red Line” has enough _____ already thank you.
P1LaughingMan: BOOBIES!!
pipboy2010: wit
purewitz: A hot Action Flick Chick.
robcarrphoto: bacon.
RocketLlama: MUPPETS!!
scooterchicken: Explosions…duh. Oh…and Bruce Willis.
sherryandluke: a little mystery at the end
Siwelkire: Boobs.
SizzlerKistler: ME: a fun-loving music number that doesn’t take itself seriously.
swiv: Any movie can be improved by adding a plotline
thehulkster: Me!
TheMike31: Thomas Jane. Kurt Russell if it’s the ’80s/early ’90s.
theroseinbloom: @nerdlunch @actionchick or any (or all) of the following: Harrison Ford, Nathan Fillion, David Tennant, or Morgan Freeman.
tragedyman: NAZI ZOMBIES
USS_Stalwart: Any movie can be improved by adding The Second Amendment ;D
videogamedoc87: Morgan Freeman.
workingclassdog: not Ishtar or Gigli!
wyldride: feliciaday_.
actionchick: LOVE all the answers to “Any movie can be improved by adding _____.” So we CAN get a good topic going amidst the #ff sea.
Answers on Facebook:
Al Hagan: Pumpkins, it’s Halloween ffs. Lol
Brett Reno: suspense.
Crissie McBride: ninjas….and boobs ( o )( o )
Ed-e Uribe: Action Chick
Emmanuel Croft: breasts!
Eugene Boyle: hot chicks of course!
FilmGurl DotNet: heart All the great movies have heart.
Gary Makries: talented actors
Gerardo Lopez-Castillo: Boobie…
Gilbert Paulsen: vagina amd breast
Harold Burman: Explosions!
Helen Oetken Barnard: MST3K
Samuel F. Moultrie: Nice Helen. I was gonna say boobies but MST3K works.
Christoffer Andersson: ditto on the MST3K. If that is vetoed I’ll go for nudity
Ima SpaceNinja: Danny Trejo.
Jacob Pickthall: Zombies
Jeremy Hyler: a good plot.
John Knutson: action flick chick
Michael Potter: New combos of old swear words
Mitchell Ivey: pirates
Paul Witzenburger: A hot Action Flick Chick.
Randy Haskins: More Cowbell!
Robert J. Peterson: Well, once upon a time, I would’ve said Jack Nance.
Ronald L. Riding: Guns & boobies!!!
Sarah Campbell: Shaffer cheese
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… BAMFs.
God, that Brett Reno kid is such a nerd! “suspense” —– DUH, the correct answer is Strippers WEARING Bacon…