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Tag Archives: gore
Commando (1985) Review: Arnold Schwarzenegger in Top Form for this Action Classic

In Commando, we have John Matrix (Arnold Schwarzenegger) single handedly taking down a metric butt-ton of people. How much is a metric butt-ton you ask? Oh, you’ll know when you see it. There’ll be a point in the movie where you’ll say to yourself “Man! He sure has killed a lot of people!” That, my friends, is a metric butt-ton moment. Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 4.5 kabooms, action, movie, R-rated
Tagged action, adventure, Alyssa Milano, Arnold Schwarzenegger, boobs, breasts, Commando, Dan Hedaya, David Patrick Kelly, Demolition Man, Die Hard, explosion, gore, Jeph Loeb, John Connor, John Matrix, John McClane, John Rambo, John Spartan, Kindergarten Cop, language, Mark L. Lester, Matthew Weisman, R-rated, Rae Dawn Chong, Rambo, SLM Production Group, violence
Hard Ticket to Hawaii (1987): A Bonkers B-Movie Bonanza
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 3 kabooms, action, movie, R-rated, YouTube
Tagged Andy Sidaris, babes, bombs, boobs, breasts, bullets, Bullets Bombs and Babes, Dona Speir, gore, Hard Ticket to Hawaii, Hope Marie Carlton, Malibu Bay Films, Nudity, Playboy Playmates, R-rated, Ronn Moss, Sex Scene, softcore, Triple B Collection, violence
Pale Rider (1985) with old timey manspeak translations

“3 hots and a cot is the least I owe you.”
Pale Rider (1985), starring Clint Eastwood, comes chock full of old-timey sayings like the one above. The old-timey manspeak is so thick, in fact, you might want to bring a dictionary, or settle in and be ready for the ear puzzle of trying to translate what the hell these old-timey prospectors and gunslingers are talking about. Continue reading
From Beneath You It Devours: The Tremors Series’ Seven Best Graboid Kills!

Tremors rocks! Ever since I was a little girl I have watched Tremors— back then I used to jump around on the living room furniture with my brothers and if we touched the carpet we were Graboid food! I even … Continue reading
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Tagged Burt Gummer, Finn Carter, Fred Ward, gore, Graboids, Kevin Bacon, Michael Gross, Tremors
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ActionFest 2011: Hobo With a Shotgun (2011)! They Picked on One Hobo too Many!

You know a movie is weird when the reel gets messed up and starts playing upside down and backwards, but everyone thinks it’s just part of the film! That’s exactly what happened at ActionFest during the first screening of Hobo … Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 3.5 kabooms, action, convention, movie, R-rated
Tagged action, Action Flick Chick, Actionfest, Brian Downey, crime boss, Drake, Everwood, exploitation film, gore, Gregory, Grindhouse, Hobo With a Shotgun, Hope Town, horror, Ivan, Machete, Molly Dunsworth, Nick Bateman, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, Rocket Llama, Rutger Hauer, shotgun, Slick
FemForce #155 Featuring Action Flick Chick Katrina Hill, Art By Scott Larson

Femforce # 155 has hit the shelves and artist Scott Larson was kind enough to include me in some of the backgrounds. Here is a look at the pages from start to finish. Thanks Scott! I think it looks awesome!
Posted in announcement
Tagged action, action chick, Action Flick Chick, art, background, battle, Femforce, FemForce #155, fight, gore, Katrina Hill, Scott Larson, shirt, superhero, superheroine, supervillain, tank top, villainess, violence
Chicks Who Don’t Want Flowers: Hatchet II (2010)

It’s always exciting when a movie’s title screen is bloody and is accompanied by the sounds of a chainsaw ripping through flesh and people screaming! Hatchet II’s title screen starts off that way, and the rest of the film lives … Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 3 kabooms, action, horror, movie, R-rated, Valentine's Day
Tagged action, Action Flick Chick, Adam Green, Candyman, Chicks who don't want flowers, Danielle Harris, decapitate, gore, Hatchet, Hatchet II, horror, Kane Hodder, kill, Marybeth, Rileah Vanderbilt, Spoilers, Tamara Feldman, The Candyman, Tony Todd, Valentine's Day, Victor Crowley
ThanksKilling (2009): Just add alcohol!

If ThanksKilling doesn’t make you say “WTF?” at least 10 times, I don’t know what will. I’m just going to come out and say it: Thankskilling is bad, bad, bad. How bad was it? It was so bad that I … Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 0.5 kabooms, horror
Tagged action chick, Action Flick Chick, alcohol, ancient evil, Awful movie, bestiality, boobs, breasts, dog, drunk, evil turkey, Feast, gobble, gore, grand guignol, grave, holiday, horror, monster, nipple, Nudity, Pilgrim, redneck, revenge, Rocket Llama, sex, shotgun, Spoilers, stereotype, stuffing, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving horror, ThanksKilling, turkey, violence, wtf