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Tag Archives: breast
Fit to Kill (1993) Review: Not Fit to Watch

I thought I had a great idea when I decided to watch another Triple B Collection movie by Andy Sidaris. It turns out I was horribly wrong. Hard Ticket to Hawaii was so awesomely awful that I thought maybe Fit to Kill would follow in its steps, but I was wrong wrong wrong wrong. Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 0.5 kabooms, action, movie, R-rated
Tagged action, Andy Sidaris, babes, bombs, boobs, breast, Bruce Penhall, Bullets Bombs and Babes, Dona Speir, Fit to Kill, Geoffrey Moore, Julie Strain, nude, Nudity, Penthouse, Penthouse Pet of the Year, R-rated, Roberta Vasquez, Sex Scene, softcore, softcore porn, spoiler, The Triple B Collection, The Triple B Collection: Fit to Kill, Triple B Collection, violence
Crank (2006): Including the Manliest Kill Ever!?

Crank is a very exciting, very, very, non-realistic, out of this world crazy movie, and it is tons of fun to watch. Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 4 kabooms, action, movie, R-rated
Tagged action, Adrenaline, Amy Smart, boobs, breast, Brian Taylor, Carlos Sanz, drug use, Drugs, Dwight Yoakam, Edi Gathegi, Efren Ramirez, Jason Statham, Jose Pablo Cantillo, Lakeshore Entertainment, Mark Neveldine, Nudity, Partial Nudity, pervasive language, R-rated, Reno Wilson, Sex Scene, sexuality, suspense, thrill, violence
Blade: Trinity (2004): Blade and His Amazing Friends

THE HUMAN RACE HAS BEEN SAVED! You can breathe a little easier, and go back to your normal routines without having to worry about vampires sneaking around trying to drink your blood. Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 5 kabooms, action, horror, movie, R-rated, superhero
Tagged action adventure, action movies, Blade, Blade Trinity, bloodthirsty, boobs, breast, butt, Cascy Beddow, David S. Goyer, Dracula, Gene Colan, Hannibal, horror, Jessica Biel, John Michael Higgins, Kris Kristofferson, language, Marv Wolfman, Marvel Comics, Natasha Lyonne, New Line Cinema, nude, Nudity, Parker Posey, R-rated, Ryan Reynolds, sexual content, vampire, Vampires, violence, Wesley Snipes
Reasons to Love Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead (2006)

Action Flick Chick Katrina met Lloyd Kaufman, head of Troma Entertainment (home to The Toxic Avenger, Class of Nuke ‘Em High, Tromeo and Juliet), during this year’s San Diego Comic-Con International. “Speaking of action CHICKS,” Kaufman asked later, “have you … Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, comedy, horror
Tagged A Modest Proposal, A. J. Verel, Allyson Sereboff, American Chicken Bunker, Andrew Monkelban, Anna Gabriella Olson, Arvid Cristina, B-movie, bathroom, blood, boobs, breast, breasts, Brian Cheverie, Brown Ray DVD, Cajn, Caleb Emerson, cannibals, capitalism, Cathy Mackay, chicken, Chris Sciuto, Class of Nuke 'Em High, college, comedy, Comic-Con, Comic-Con International, cult films, Daniel Bova, Debbie Rochon, debt, debt management, dismemberment, Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog, Elisabeth Sobocinski, Elske McCain, eye gouging, Faith Sheehan, fast food, fast food industry, fried chicken, Gabriel Friedman, Glenn Lasky, gore, gross out, high school, horror, humor, Ira Kortum, Jason Yachanin, Joe Fleishaker, John Karyus, Joshua Olatunde, Joshua Samuel Strauss, Kailin Smith, Karen Tuccio, Kate Graham, Khalid Rivera, Kiel Walker, kiss, Kristin Kinnaird, Lauren Michelle Watts, lesbian, Lloyd Kaufman, Lori Schuler, Maria Gismondi, Martin Victor, Mary Ann Reisdorf, Melanie Syph, Ménage À Trois, monster, musical, naked, Nicolas Pellissier, Night of the Chicken Dead, Night of the Living Dead, nipples, nude, Nudity, parody, party, Paul Gusmann, Poultrygeist, protest, Return of the Living Dead, Robin L. Watkins, Ron Jeremy, Ron Mackay, Rose Ghavami, Ruth Phelps, San Diego Comic-Con, San Diego Comic-Con International, satire, SDCC, Simon Savory, softcore, splatter, spoof, student loans, Takashi Miike, Tessa Lew, The Toxic Avenger, Theresa Ferrara, threesome, threeway, Tina Crapsi, toilet humor, topless, Toxic Avenger, Tracy Janis, Troma, Troma Entertainment, Tromaesque, Tromaville, Tromeo and Juliet, twitter, Tyler Dolph, undead, vegan, vomit, Zack Beins, zombie, zombies
PSA Because It’s October: Olivia Munn Checks Her Breasts

For Breast Cancer Awareness Month, G4TV’s Attack of the Show! co-host and Playboy cover model Olivia Munn conducts a self examination.
She points out one reason why men should know this too.
Check it out. This matters. Continue reading
Posted in Video Channels, YouTube
Tagged AOTS, Attack of the Show!, breast, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, breast exam, breast examination, breasts, cancer, chest, disease, female, G4, G4TV, gender issues, health, Heroes, lump, male, medical issues, men's health, model, non-nude, Olivia Munn, Playboy, PSA, public service announcement, self examination, survival, women's health, YouTube
Rob Zombie’s Halloween II 2009 (Spoilers Galore!)

Wow! You know what I think? I think it would really suck to be a Myers. It just seems like you don’t stand a chance. You are either killed really young by your younger brother/child, or stalked for years and go crazy from seeing the horrifying murders that your brother intended to be you. Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 3.5 kabooms, action, horror, R-rated
Tagged action, boobs, Brad Dourif, breast, breasts, brutal bloody violence, Chris Hardwick, crude sexual content, Daniel Roebuck, Danielle Harris, Dayton Callie, Deborah, Debra Hill, Dimension Films, Dr. Loomis, Ezra Buzzington, female nudity, Final Girl, graphic images, Halloween, Halloween 2, Halloween II, horror, Jeffrey Daniel Phillips, John Carpenter, language, Laurie Strode, Malcolm McDowell, Mark Christopher Lawrence, Michael Myers, nude, Nudity, R-rated, Rick Rosenthal, Rob Zombie, Samuel Loomis, Scout Taylor-Compton, sex, sex scenes, Sheri Moon Zombie, spoiler, Spoilers, The Devil’s Rejects, Tyler Mane, virgin, We had it in House of 1000 Corpses, Web Soup