Lost Boys: The Thirst is the third film of The Lost Boys series. Corey Feldman reprises his role as Edgar Frog and commences the vampire killing. Some of you might be wondering why they would make a third film. I was able to sit down to a roundtable interview with Corey Feldman at New York Comic Con and get some answers.
Feldman started off by bluntly saying that making the reason he was in a third Lost Boys film is that it was better than “bagging groceries at Ralph’s.” Now that’s the kind of honest answer I can respect. He then went on to explain that everyone who was part of the films felt like they had to do another film that would serve as an actual sequel to The Lost Boys due to the fans’ dislike of The Tribe. “This movie is an honest sequel,” Feldman stated while also recognizing that the second film was fun and entertaining, “but it wasn’t a Lost Boys movie.”
Also fueling the need for a third film according to Feldman is the vampire craze that has been going on the last several years. However, some of the other vampires are being depicted as softer, more sensitive vampires instead of the real, vicious, blood thirsty, killing machine vampires. “At the end of the day, the vampire craze is good for us because it keeps us in business and creates the drive and necessity for a real vampire movie,” Feldman said. He said that some want heroes you can get behind and want more thrills and gore.
I myself am ready for a vampire film that does all of this. I want to see a film where vampires are the baddies and people go on a journey to obliterate them. So I asked, “Is there a lot more action and vampire killing in this one?” He responded with a definite yes!
“We upped the ante in this so much. It’s like if Rambo was a vampire movie. That’s kind of what it is. There’s this great array of weaponry that the Frog brothers ascertain in this film. And they are used quite efficiently I would say. As opposed to the first time around 25 years ago when we met the Frog brothers…they were scared kids who got their knowledge out of comic books and they were kind of playing the role. Now we find them 25 years later and they’ve been through hell. They’ve lost things that are dear to them, so we get to see these war torn heroes and what they’ve been through and how they’ve evolved to the point of where they are today. Let’s face it, Edgar Frog is pretty badass at this point because he’s been confronted with life and death many times over. He’s not playing child games any more. He’s playing for keeps.”
Yes! That’s what I like to hear! Great array of weaponry, check, Frog being a bad ass, check, and playing for keeps, double check!
The soundtrack for The Thirst is being performed by Feldman’s band, Truth Movement. They are going on a four city tour starting October 21 where they are showing The Lost Boys, clips of The Thirst, and are performing a song from the soundtrack. You can purchase tickets at livenation.com.
One other tidbit of information Feldman gave us is that he has heard that there might be a fourth Lost Boys film in the making. So just in case there is, don’t miss out on The Thirst, which just came out on DVD.
This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!
Lost Boys posts:
* The Lost Boys (1987)
* Lost Boys 2: The Tribe (2008) – Now with Boobs!
* Lost Boys: The Thirst (2010) Is Here!
* NYCC – Corey Feldman Talks Lost Boys: The Thirst
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I just saw Lost Boys 3 last night. It was freaking AWESOME!!!! This movie is not for your average movie go-er however. It’s for the fans and people who like to have some fun with their movies. Bought the bluray today. It completely made up for the horrible second film (which I don’t even count). Bottom line – I loved the movie and can’t wait for another!
shortened url = http://3.ly/THIRST
Wow, this is cool! I have a friend who is a Lost Boys fan. And, I guess it’s kind of weird because I’ve never seen the original movie. A lot of people tell me I have to see it. Maybe I will soon. Great post, thanks for sharing!
I was advised by EVERYONE to avoid the tribe, but it sounds like thirst IS going to kick ass! Great interview AFC