ActionChick: Most dangerous vampire?
Friends on Facebook and Twitter offered many great candidates and some tongue-in-cheek. Certain names popped up most frequently (e.g., Angelus), but the winner comes from the classics. More people named the grandaddy of all the best known vampires, Dracula himself.
Answers on Twitter:
aaronhowe78 Aaron Howe: Drusilla
AcrossNowhere: most dangerous vampire? What about Angelus? He was pretty bad.
Agtheo Matt Oakley: Depends on media I guess. Alucard from Hellsing is up there. If you include tabletop RP then Caine from Vampire:The Masquerade.
Akasha perhapse, but she died far too easily. Kit in The Forsaken was pretty dangerous. RT @ActionChick: Most dangerous vampire?
AlanReacher Alan Parle: – Angelus
AlexJCarrion Alex Carrion: Blackula?
AlexJCarrion Alex Carrion: D. hands down is most dangerous
Amy_said Amy: The most dangerous vampire is Edward Cullen since he’s completely destroyed what vampires are supposed to be. Make it stop.
AnthonyZens Anthony Zens: now if they would just make an Osiris and Isis movie #Egypt #first Vampires
AnthonyZens: what about David Arquette on Buffy?
ASPSmith Amy Smith: What about George Hamilton in Love at First Bite?
BadWolfLil: I’d say the leader of the vamps in 30 Days of night. Oh and Klaus on The Vampire Diaries-He can’t be killed.
BassGJJRay RayAnthony Robles: The one that’s trying to kill you “@ActionChick: Most dangerous vampire?”
BeyondRipley BeyondRipley: Obviously, Count Chocula is the most irresistable.
BKLYNPaula Paula M Carlson: Armand in “Interview” seemed to be quite powerful …(and who didn’t love Antonio as a vampire!)
blik_sim james freeman: Better still, the one from Bram Stoker’s Dracula, the one with the weird hair. Had the classic evil style.
blik_sim james freeman: Dangerous vampires. Perhaps Le Stadt( hope its spelled right) from Interview with a vampire, he was a bit unstable.
BloodBoneChina Blood and Bone China: Victoria from Blood and Bone China gets my vote
bmanning47 Brian Manning: Lestat de Lioncourt
BobCoupee Robert Coupée: Surely it’s got to be the original Dracula…since nobody knew the rules of vampiredom when he started out?
bookoisseur Rachael Berkey: Be honest, Stephanie Meyers won, right?
bookoisseur Rachael Berkey: Stephanie Mayer?
BrianBooch: @Summerbellies Chris Sarandon… The original Fright Night?
BurnettRM Robert Meyer Burnett: Miryam Blaylock.
CandiedWalnuts: I’m surprised there wasn’t more for chocula and duckula.
castlemischief Matt Crawford: …is the one you never saw.
ChadColvin Chad Colvin: Count Chocula
CillTalmon Cill Talmon: The poodle ones!!! From Blade series
CJArndt Chris Arndt: Dracula as written by Marv Wolfman. He could shapeshift, turn to mist, control weather, control minds, command other vampires
clee247365 clee: thought it was Edward with the double threat of blood sucking vampire and heart breaking pretty boy. ooops.
collectionstash Collection Stash: Spike
CornelSouth PREACHER of the NITE: Most dangerous vampire? Madoff?
CrashDisaster Crash: the ones from 30 Days of Night.
ctizz36 Craig Treichel: Dracula!
cybeam1 Christian Koch: For blondes: @crookedfang !“RT: Most dangerous vampire?”
danaesinclair Danae Sinclair: I consider it a measure of my nerdiness that I know all of those vampires
danperezfilms: Christopher Walken in “The Addiction”?
DAREALGUMMY: We all know Alex Winter was the more badass vampire. They were just lucky they caught him sleeping.
daytonward Dayton Ward: Blade?
DCUU DCUniverseUnlimited: The Count! He got all of us as kids!! RT @ActionChick Most dangerous vampire?
deepdarkred Daniela: if Vampires were to exist, probably Lady Gaga after being turned. But, from the past…Dracula (V… (cont)
DerelictChaos Michael Farmer: The one that was a rapist before he died… #MostDangerousVampire
Desautomatas Juan Cardenas: Blade
Dirk2112 Dirk Lester: Dracula. Clearly. Can transform into things including mist and control the frikkin’ weather.
DLA_91 destry arender: Most Dangerous Vampires : Dracula, 30 Days of Night vamps, The vampires in my own graphic novel script, and “Trueblood” vamps:)
DLA_91 destry arender: Well actually ALL vampires SHOULD be dangerous lol xD
DLA_91: I can’t believe I neglected “The Lost Boys” :O One of my fav films! It always has my vote for one of the best vampire films
dramaqueen327 Kristin Hackett: the one on Are you afraid of the dark that gave me nightmares throughout my childhood
DSB_IV Jose H. Sanchez Jr.: I’d say Salma Hayek in From Dusk Til Dawn…She’s hot and pure evil
eddiesooner: Vampirella
edibleeats Ron Raynaldo: Lestat
EKComics Emerald Knights: Blade!
elliesoderstrom Ellie Soderstrom: um…40 Days of Night I think.
emisep32 Emili Wallace: – if you consider the villian in Blade 2 a vampire…then him…or like, obama?
EternalKhaos Kimberly Grosser: Dracula. Not just any Dracula… Gary Oldman! *,..,*
FTKL FTKL Images: Good choices. I’ll bet NO ONE named that punk Edward! #suckitTwilight
FTKL: @Mathieas Not buying it. Those girls were ALREADY blithering idiots.
g3raldcoleman Gerald Coleman: Selene from Underworld, hands down …
GlennJSmith Glenn J. Smith: my man ANGELUS gettin’ the props he deserve; haw! #WhedonHelpedMeHoldTheLine I AIN’T SHITTIN’
groo_fan Mark McFarling: the gang from #NearDark are by far most viscous Vampires
GusCespedes Gus Cespedes: eaaaasyyyyyy: Dracula
Harmony77uk Angie Trafford: Lestat is one seductive and get his own way vampire… no crossing him
Heartless_58 **58: Dracula
HockeySavants Octavio Guzman
homestar278 Addie Deibel: Angelus
idcs =Ivan=: Duckula.
InstantKarmal: Most dangerous vamp depends; If you’re a vamp, Blade. If you’re human, ALL of them! Or, just Akasha if I must choose.
jade_kadir Jessie M.: Most of the really dangerous vampires I’ve encountered are in books, not TV or films.
jakebozek Jake Bozek: Lestat
jasonbenefield Jason Benefield: if anybody answers that question with “Edward” can you punch them in the throat for me?
JavTheGhost JavS: Blade
Jaxlerod: What about anyone from Near Dark?
JediiRaccoon Jedii Raccoon: Selene when she’s angry
Jertown Jertown: I would have to argue that Alucard (Helsing) be on that list.
jillypeppr Jill Klekas: Bella?! just kidding…I just saw Breaking Dawn yesterday…I have cheesey vampires on my mind.
JJisBroBeard JJ Amidei: The sparkly one, because he induces massive vomiting into any non tween.
jmridenhour Jamieson Ridenhour: The one behind you.
jomurphy87 Jo Murphy: Hmmm…maybe Lestat? He kills recklessly and turns people without a thought for how it will destroy them internally.
jones_kaleigh Kaleigh Jones: Lestat from Interview With a vampire
jtcawston Josh Cawston: Nosferatu. The grandaddy of them aII.
justamom21 Heather Stoner: most dangerous vampire… Blade… that man is lethal plus Dracula nothing wrong with a classic either.
KeddieSue: All great ones that I love but goin with Lestat cause he would seduce you then kill you! Not a great first dateDracula too
kennhoekstra Kenn HoekstraMr. Barlow from Salem’s Lot. RT @ActionChick Most dangerous vampire?
kennymartiatu22 kenny martiatuThe one that kills u…but seriously blade kicked ass @ActionChick: Most dangerous vampire?
KevinConn: Speaking of Lost Boys, look who i met last night
kieranpv: in the tv universe it’s gotta be angel or spike, in the literary universe I’m going with ol’ count Dracula
kingt2008 Terrell Walters: blade
KrisLigman Kris Ligman: No D? He has a carnivorous, talking HAND.
kristenmchugh22: my *best* vampires are @ChristophGolden’s Shadows. measured by all relevant metrics. :))
LiamFountain Liam Fountain: Dracula! He’s the one that started this gangsta Sh@#t and this the M@#tha F@#ckn thanks he get?
LiamFountain Liam Fountain: Edward Cullen…. Oh wait most dangerous? I thought you meant worst.
LordComet Lord Comet: how about Blade? I know he’s a damphir but still
Luigi2197: blade! Vampire killer /;)
madeleine334 Madeleine Harred: most dangerous: Spike from Buffy. Or is that the most awesome? Him or Lestat.
madmanxxl Chucky Santiago: Dracula of course … Then there’s the vamp on Fright Night
Mathieas: Edward, he turned a million girls into blithering idiots.
MichaelFourEyes Michael Doyle: Lestat was awesome! Dangerous Vampire. For sure
MiddleAgedKid: (re: vampires) Oh, and little Abby from “Let Me In”. Help me find my kitty mister? and then she eats you…
MoviesHateUToo Movies Hate You Too: Blade?
Mr_Sahue Leshen Sahue: Blade? RT @ActionChick: Most dangerous vampire?
musicconsumes: Selene, Viktor, or Kraven!
nenskei Shira: Damon Salvatore!
nicknotfound Nicholas Halley: Edward Cullen… He has tricked almost an entire generation of teens into thinking he is what a vampire is!
NickysFriend Pru: Angelus!!!!!!
NihilistZealot Julián A. W.: VLAD THE IMPALER!
nihlus Bryan Arciniega: Blade. He’ll kick your ass.
Nosferatu the true Vampyre RT @ActionChick: Most dangerous vampire?
OnyxPrimal Ralph Harless: Blade, but he’s only 1/2 vampire. Does he count? On the plus side he can drop that line about iceskatin’ uphill.
petebuser SpongeTomCruisePants: – Near Dark is the best vampire movie of the last 30 years.
pzomb paul metcalf: What about Darla and Drusilla? in the Buffy universe they were pretty damn dangerous.
RaisingUnicorns Raising Unicorns: Most dangerous vampire: Count Unicorn = 2 fangs + 1 very sharp horn!
Random_Vortex Adam Bevington: Raw power Akasha out of Queen of the Damned. Best to hope your beneath her notice.
Ratenef: How about Claudia from The Vampire Lestat. A mean nasty cold blooded killer in the visage of a six year old ‘darling’ girl!?
rememberthe1: what about Victor from #Underworld?
Rick_Bane: Most dangerous vampire(s) are the ones from “30 Days of Night” imo
RMartian: @ActionChick Two half-assed vampire movies don’t make one good one. Besides, Blade chases vampires not vapid emo kids.
rosemarysbaby13: count orlok or maybe carmilla both are classics & both get overlooked which i believe makes them even more dangerous
s_easson_art: Michael Sheen? King of the werewolves AND the king of the vampires and he’s British – scary!
SaviorMachine Kalek Liontres
SaviorMachine: @Summerbellies It would have been a damned shame if he did.
sidney_huffman Sidney Huffman: Radu from Subspecies.
Sinicus_Maquive Sinicus Maquiavello: . That would be our Politicians bleeding Us dry
sirlarryfleming Larry Fleming: : The one behind you. (Most dangerous vampire?)
Soul_Chaser88 Oscar Calito: count chocula. He causes diabetes at an early age. Lol
spikevalentined: @Rick_Bane @ActionChick I beg to differ, the Nosferatus from Buffy season 7 are my pick.
StrictlyJayGee: RT @ActionChick: Most dangerous vampire?< nklaus or Eric northman
SulitiLord: About Dracul..when i was a teen he was the in my 20’s i see him as a perverted fantasy^^;
SulitiLord: Carmilla from self titled Novella is the best IMHO <3..Then there is Anne Rice Vamps <3
Summerbellies: how about Dangerously Handsome??? #dangerous #vampire #KeiferSutherland
Summerbellies: what about Keifer Sutherland’s vamp from #TheLostBoys? That get any votes?
syddelz Die Syd: Russell Edgington, no doubt about that
tdev Adrian Farley: Blade isn’t a vampire, only half vampire. Spike looses points on being dangerous because he became whimpy with a soul.
tdev: Almost forgot one of the most dangerous vampires of all time Leslie Nielsen as Dracula in Dracula: Dead and Loving It.
tdev: Kirsten Dunst as Claudia in Interview With The Vampire is deadlier than Edward from Twilight.
terrydjohnson Terry D. Johnson: I’ve got to go with Mathilda May’s unnamed alien vampire from Lifeforce – she’s snacked upon worlds.
thatalexyarde: @summerbellies #1 Vamp? Gotta be Vlad Tepes. Dracula Christopher Lee Hammer Films Dracula. He came back for eight pictures!
TheArcaine Deacon Frost: I don’t care how great people may think twilight is. I still refuse to watch it unless Blade makes a cameo.
thebl4ckd0g Chris Cardwell: Blade.
TheBlaque Ray Carey: Blade
TheDancingGamer: I can appreciate all of those choices! Selene from Underworld is pretty bad ass too.
TheFFGirl Liz Loza: The dashingly handsome, but super controlling & creepy kind. You know the “watch u while you sleep cuz I luv u so much” type.
THEmikeMoonan Michael Moonan: No Count Chocula?
thesquishyfishy Amanda Jade: What about Drusilla?#mygirl
TLanceB T Lance B: Vincente – 30 days of night
TommyECash: Isn’t Count Chocula really the most dangerous since the others are fiction? #Diabetes
TrekJen Jennifer Connelly: Blade!
twitchykun Francis Bautista: Blade. Specifically the Wesley Snipes blade.
TylerAlchermes Tyler Alchermes: guess it’d be Cain since he’s the first in some legends
Unchainedfoodie Kevin: Dangerous vamps ranked – Akasha, Lee’s Dracula, Angelus, Sarandon’s Dandridge, Deacon Frost.
urabore scott jeffries: : Count Vladimir Dracula (George Hamilton) was the scariest vampire because he was Jewish. Who carries a Star of David?
Vikingfist Christopher Bohne: Bram Stoker’s… The OG was uber-powerful… ancient evil!!
Voleki Jeff Miller: the Twilight series. Making people think vampires are all emo & sparkling while falling in love with their food.
whiskeypants Terminally Snarky: I would go with evil Angel over Spike. Evil Angel is much more creative and therefore way more dangerous.
whysospurious Steve Marsh: Any of the twonklights, they make me want to self harm.
WillTurc William L. Turcan: Angelus!
Writing_Rambler larry gallagher: The Count from Sesame Street…. he was invited into everyone’s home as a child
Wyldride: Forever Knight. It was a slippery slope from there to Angel to Edward Cullen.
Answers on Facebook:
A Quinn: blade or angelus
A Quinn: dracula
Bayou Savage: Barnabas, from Dark Shadows
Bebarce El-Tayib: The Government
Brian Knox: I wanted to say Spike from BtVS, and then considered the facts: Sure, he killed two Slayers, but Buffy thwarted him nearly every time. Even when Spike had good plans, he ended up being ruined by his passions. Then he fell in love with Buffy, got ensouled, and sacrificed himself to stop the First. Not even going to go into his time in the “Angel” series. Actually, if you look at Spike’s entire arc, he was dangerous, only to have his dangerousness taken away, as when he was chipped by the Initiative.
Christopher Flocco: Kain
David LeVack Skorpijon: I think thats because they aren’t vampires. Do the twilight people even drink blood?
David LeVack: Edward. He stands to ruin it for everybody
David ‘Liv’ Tyler: Blade
Dick Ding-Bling Diamond: Ninja vampires.
Ed-e Uribe: The Count
Edgar Gonzalez: count dracula
Eric Chan: if you played a vampire?
Eric Chan: seriously though maybe Selene from Underworld or Vampire Hunter D. As they have to fight powerful monsters
Erik Smith: The Marvel Comics version of Dracula, after the Darkholders eliminated all of his vulnerabilities except for the Montesi Formula.
Frank C. IV: my ex-wife
Harold Burman: Nosferatu
Harold Burman: Queen Akasha played by Aaliyah in “Queen of the Damned”
Jacinta Brown Baca: Bella, lol.
Jay Johnson: Count Chocula
Joseph Williams: the ones in the Strain books are pretty dangerous… and I am Legend since they pretty much took over the whole world.
Josh Brown Angelus:
Julian Owens:
Kristen McHugh: Much as I totally hate to admit it, I think the Twilight Vamps might actually be the most dangerous. *IF* the books were from the point of view of anyone except Bella Swan and the Cullens. The Cullens are not dangerous to humans, the Volturi and other groups are.
Kurt Marquart Didn’t even see that David already said it better.
Kurt Marquart Edward. Hands down the most dangerous vampire. Dangerous to the genre.
Lawrence Fleming: The one behind you…
Luigi Garofalo: The original real life vampire,Vlad The Impaler.
Luigi Garofalo: To be fair I don’t think the underworld vampires have those weakessess either though could be wrong.
Mark Tickler: My girlfriend, when she wakes up just before sunup and there’s no coffee….. but outside of her, the venerable Count.20 hours ago •
Matthew DeMuth: Mosquito.
Mike Sullivan: David… The Lost Boys
Mitchell Ivey Genevieve Deudonne: If you have to ask, you don’t read enough.
Peter Whitney: Ummm, whichever one survives the story
Robert Hall: To hades with Team Edward, Team Spike!
Shane Benavides: I’d have to second Marmee Noir. ‘She was why humans feared the dark, just the darkness, not what lies in the dark, not what hides there, but why we fear the darkness itself.’ A great line to describe her.
Škorpijon Luna: Honestly I would think Twilight vampires ARE the toughest, they don’t have glaring weaknesses like sunshine or toothpicks and would be much harder to kill.
So Spike was basically dangerous as a wild card. Still, I will contend that he is the most compelling vampire in recent pop culture, and Spike could still beat the entire Cullen family’s sparkly asses!
Stephen Summerlin: Tom Cruise… lmao22 hours ago •
Sue-Ann Cooper Marmee: Noir, from the Anita Blake universe. Evil and power personified.
Victor Vendrell: claudia from interview with the vampire
Good morning, AFC, I’d like to submit Batman as a vampire, the relevant reference is in a book I bought and read, and archived who’s title I cannot recall.