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Category Archives: 0.5 kabooms
Troll 2 (1990): More Reasons Not to Eat Green Eggs and Ham

Dr. Seuss has been trying to convince people to eat green eggs and ham since 1960!
Decades later, I’m on a mission to undo all of his hard work because I know the terrible truth… Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 0.5 kabooms, horror, movie
Tagged Best Worst Movie, Black Emanuelle, Christina Reynolds, Claudio Fragasso, Connie Young, Darren Ewin, David McConnell, Deborah Reed, Don Packard, Dr. Seuss, Emanuelle, Farmer Waits, Filmirage, Gary Carlson, George Hardy, Glenn Gerner, Go Green, goblin, Goblins, Green Eggs and Ham, Jason Wright, Lance C. Williams, Laura Gemser, Margo Prey, Michael Stephenson, Michele Abrams, Michelle Abrams, milk, molotov cocktail, Naked Gun, Nilbog, OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD, PG-13, Robert Ormsby, Rossella Drudi, Sam-I-Am, Troll, Troll 2, Wood Tales Girl, Worst movie lines, Worst movie lines ever, Worst movie scenes ever
Home Alone (1990)

It is fun to just go back to your childhood sometimes where every older sibling is a mortal enemy and a hero, and where you have at least one neighbor who is the friendly neighborhood sidewalk salter and for sure the friendly neighborhood mass murderer. Good times. Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 0.5 kabooms, Christmas, comedy, family, movie, PG-rated
Tagged Christmas, Daniel Stern, Home Alone, Joe Pesci, Macauly Culkin
Fit to Kill (1993) Review: Not Fit to Watch

I thought I had a great idea when I decided to watch another Triple B Collection movie by Andy Sidaris. It turns out I was horribly wrong. Hard Ticket to Hawaii was so awesomely awful that I thought maybe Fit to Kill would follow in its steps, but I was wrong wrong wrong wrong. Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 0.5 kabooms, action, movie, R-rated
Tagged action, Andy Sidaris, babes, bombs, boobs, breast, Bruce Penhall, Bullets Bombs and Babes, Dona Speir, Fit to Kill, Geoffrey Moore, Julie Strain, nude, Nudity, Penthouse, Penthouse Pet of the Year, R-rated, Roberta Vasquez, Sex Scene, softcore, softcore porn, spoiler, The Triple B Collection, The Triple B Collection: Fit to Kill, Triple B Collection, violence
Pale Rider (1985) with old timey manspeak translations

“3 hots and a cot is the least I owe you.”
Pale Rider (1985), starring Clint Eastwood, comes chock full of old-timey sayings like the one above. The old-timey manspeak is so thick, in fact, you might want to bring a dictionary, or settle in and be ready for the ear puzzle of trying to translate what the hell these old-timey prospectors and gunslingers are talking about. Continue reading
Fight of Fury (2020): All Right, All Right, All Right
Review: Devil’s Due- Due Not See This Movie

Being pregnant seems like it sucks… doubly so if your baby is the antichrist. With Devil’s Due, we have another “horror” film using a mixture of hand held footage and stationary surveillance footage so that at least the film doesn’t make you … Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 0.5 kabooms, horror, movie
Tagged Action Flick Chick, Devil's Due, horror, movie
Dylan Dog: Dead of Night (2011) – Dead on Arrival?

I would like to clarify something: Dylan Dog: Dead of Night sucks as an action film! Don’t get confused by its label of ‘action comedy horror’ film, because it ain’t action, and it’s not all that much of a comedy … Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 0.5 kabooms, action, comedy, horror, Independent, movie, PG-13
Tagged action, Action Flick Chick, Anita Briem, Brandon Routh, comedy, Dylan Dog, Dylan Dog: Dead of Night, horror, Sam Huntington