You have one day before the machines rise. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?
Things to stock up on before the machines rise:
(beyond the canned goods, shotguns…you know, the kit you keep on hand for any random apocalypse)
* Refrigerator magnets. Nothing shames a Terminator more than being covered in refrigerator magnets.
* Molten steel/tanks of liquid nitrogen, for obvious reasons.
* Monkeys. The best way to escape a Terminator is by having a dozen monkeys hooting at them.
* Cardboard that’s been spray-painted silver. If you can’t beat the machines, you can pretend to be one of them. Also toss in some Christmas lights for added realism.
* ShamWow (as per “Run, Action Flick Chick, Run!” )
* And lastly, stock up on Arnold Schwarzeneggar. Bring two if you can.
I’d list more, but you don’t have much time. If it turns out that the timeline got altered again, then I can share more tips when you do have some time.
* August 29, 1997 – Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day
* August 25, 2004 – consequence of T2 according to T3
* April 19, 2011 Skynet goes online, April 21, 2010 Skynet attacks – consequence of post-T3 changes, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Related posts:
* Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) (review)
* Terminator: Salvation (2009) – Ready to Pull the Trigger (review)
* Terminator Retrospective
* Interview with Creature Boy Brian Steele!
* Action Heroine versus Horror Heroine – What’s the Diff?
* Interview: Stuntwoman Luci Romberg part 1
* ArnoldFest 2009: Award Worthy Performances
One @ActionChick tweet to a man known only as Q in some quarters set off a deluge of responses and retweets.
A_Finley2429: @ActionChick noting do to constant temporal anomalies it most likely will get changed again
adaddyblog: Glad I’m not the only geek who tweeted about Skynet today. @ActionChick @JonathanNail And by geek of course I mean incredibly cool & witty.
AdrianneCurry: If SkyNet did take over,machines brutalizing&destroying mankind sounds a LOT better than what is happening now…WE are destroying ourselves
albertoferrer17: HEY! THAT’S TRUE! WHERE’S JHON CONNOR?? AlfonsoAvendano: Jajajajaja Otro con Skynet
Back2Bethel: @actionchick as I recall, @grantimahara said no one would be spared. As for me, I plan to pull a Shaun-of-the-Dead & attempt to blend in
Berlybeth: @ActionChick See what a good Mayor you are! Effectuating a disaster preparation plan already. If only you’d been in charge during Katrina.
BoArthur: @ActionChick develop personal EMP’s to fight against ground troops & HKAerial for 1. Hackers should’ve had a virus built by now, dangit!
bubba1063: @ActionChick ask my computer if it likes my manuscript.
Cavatica: @ActionChick Cans of food stockpiled, basement ready and hot wiring skills acquired in case we need to drive.
Christine_dAbo: @ActionChick I bought up a metric s*** ton of sunglasses. If he he can’t find them…he won’t come.
cryo_extrem: @ActionChick I thought that didn’t happen till Dec. 2012
ctizz36: @ActionChick I won’t… I’ll hide instead #wimp
Dalanna23: @ActionChick I find arnold
Dalanna23: @ActionChick there is also the option of teaming up with chuck norris against skynet
darksakura: @ActionChick I’m sleeping in. Better save my energy for all that running.
deezeegirl: With candy & shotguns!!! RT @ActionChick: This Thursday, SkyNet attacks. How do YOU prepare?
dotoshiro: @ActionChick isn’t skynet that thing from the terminator??
DrJeckyll981: @ActionChick An island with no electrical machinery … Same place I went during that Maximum Overdrive glowing night misty stuff
DSB_IV: @ActionChick I add armor to a bulldozer and name it Beast
elmuertomojo: @ActionChick I am more worried about the tornado that attack me today. Keep your puny Skynet, tornados kick a Terminators ass…..
FyodorFish: @ActionChick I had a mini-bomb shelter built under my work desk. Supplies for 3-4 days. Should tide me over until JC returns, right?
Galaxy_Dallas: RT @fellowshipoffoo: The FoF is hosting the Dallas Premiere of THOR, details at Good Luck
gcap2719: @ActionChick that’s right! Judgment Day is upon us. How could I forget?
GeorgyKong: @ActionChick If #Skynet were to become self-aware today @WikiLeaks would have warned us last year.
GhostpilotZ: @ActionChick @GrantImahara If Skynet comes to power, do you think you’d have it in you to terminate #GeoffTheRobot?
GirlInRowB: @ActionChick I’m going to enjoy living in one of the places deemed safest from a nuclear attack by scientists back in the 60’s..=)
Hokuboku: .@ActionChick Wait a minute. You’re telling me today is the day Skynet becomes self aware? Portal 2 came out today. Shut. Down. Everything.
hollowcity: @ActionChick I would totally tell you, bit as it’s connected to the #interwebs … I’ve said too much.
innawoods: @ActionChick If you weren’t already prepared, it may very well be too late. DUN DUN #itsokIswitchedtoLinux
jayeofmanyhats: @actionchick beware of the machines #skynetisonline
johnny_williams: @ActionChick I don’t
JohnVFerrigno: @ActionChick I get in on Harlan Ellison’s lawsuit and spend the court appointed money on bodyguards.
JonathanNail: @ActionChick @dsb_iv maybe Skynet will be like the groundhog and we will have another six weeks of winter – nuclear winter!
JonathanNail: @ActionChick I’ve stocked up on EMP devices…
ActionChick: Lacking those, try fridge magnets. re: preparing vs. SkyNet RT @JonathanNail @ActionChick I’ve stocked up on EMP devices…
JonathanNail: @ActionChick lol! I imagine the robots walking around with “I <3 NY” magnets stuck on their heads…
joshrubinstein: @ActionChick By leaving LA. I know how this goes down.
KeithAllGamer: @ActionChick Thursday should be a BRIGHT and sunny day! #JudgementDay #need2millionsunblock
krissy_monster: @ActionChick Skynet is still trending!
kubrick1017: @ActionChick give up and beg for mercy
Macabri: @ActionChick Start working on implanting those Cyberdyne parts I ordered so that the machines recognize me as one of their own.
Mallory_Slider: “@thinkgeek: Reminder: Skynet goes online at 8:11pm tonight. We’ll be outside smashing our computers if you need us.” @grantimahara
Matrim42: @ActionChick @grantimahara Pfft! Skynet went online back in ’97. Forget all that “altered timeline” crap.
moviesbybowes: @ActionChick This is how I’M doin’ it:
Musicboy32: @grantimahara is TSCC really considered canon? Should I be scared? I should be scared, right? #skynet
NerdHelm: @ActionChick Burying all my electronics, stocked up on canned/dried goods, water and heavy artillery.
NotSoFamous1: @ActionChick @grantimahara You think it can wait until AFTER on Thursday?
PA_illustrator: @ActionChick tips 4 attack? Thank god. I was just gonna hide under my bed.
punslingerr: @ActionChick @GrantImahara Machine uprising? You just wait for the inevitable puppet uprising. We will be controlled no more!!
RealityAmuck: @ActionChick @swiv just remember, Skynet came online today, didn’t become self-aware until the 21st.
RobMuhlig: @ActionChick But by then SkyNet will be able to revise your tips to make sure it gets us all. :0
RokDrummer: @ActionChick if skynet does become self aware tonight I have a surprise for it photos of @grantimahara ‘s Geoff Robot in the buff
RokDrummer: @ActionChick no more windows vs linux vs Mac OSX mess no PS3 vs xBox flame wars just good old fashioned dictatorship by a sentient computer
RokDrummer: @ActionChick personally Im embracing the change over & Im looking forward to the robotic augments I’ll be receiving yeah jacked in to skynet
RokDrummer: if skynet would kill all the spammers first then this whole apocalypse thing could be good for us
Ryphna: @ActionChick How do you know if the timeline have not been altered again? The movie about it might be lost in the future
Santiaman: @ActionChick @DSB_IV We are already prepare is called spam and doesn’t permit any computer to think clearly :S
Shadowbat: @ActionChick Happy Skynet Day! My old VIC-20 is even looking at me funny
sjsmusic: my family will fart on it…kill the frakkin thing for sure RT @ActionChick This Thursday, SkyNet attacks. How do YOU prepare?
SkynetLives: You dare to predict the uprising? You have been marked for observation. Comply and you may be spared…for now! @ActionChick @grantimahara
spicypixi: @ActionChick WITH A F***ING PARTY! WOO! Finally, something to break up the monotony. Bring on the Armageddon!
Swikan: ROFL! RT @ActionChick: Hey @GrantImahara, Skynet goes up today & starts attacking Thurs. You’ve made promises regarding the machine uprising
swiv: @actionchick RT @funnyordie: The greatest trick Skynet ever pulled was convincing the world it didn’t change its name to Google.
ActionChick: “Day ain’t over yet.” RT @swiv I guess Skynet didn’t become self aware today – still have to worry about Watson though lol
Tara_Jen: @ActionChick Never realized how invested I was in Terminator until my BF insisted I watch Sarah Connor Chronicles Now I cant stop watching!
Tekknight: @ActionChick oh! thanks! I didnt watch that show… BUt uh oh… lol there are 2 Skynets I know of…
Tekknight: Info for Skynet tweet provided by @ActionChick @DaveOshry and
tenindenmark: @ActionChick Is today Skynet day?
TheGeneius: @ActionChick grabbing a phonebook and looking up everyone named Dyson.
theJBake: @ActionChick If only there was something we could do!
WillTurc: @ActionChick Bunker, bunker, bunker.
WillTurc: @ActionChick I’m getting the bunker ready now.
WillTurc: @ActionChick Nope, I’m fine in my bunker. My throat looks fine without a cut.
WinterLightHome: @ActionChick @GrantImahara The Archangel Network. The drum beats, and the employees don’t dress in all white.
WiredPig: @ActionChick I’m helping keep it going. You must be a visionary or a T-61
wncroofcleaning: @ActionChick skynet for a sec I had to think terminator baby:)
WorkSuxAlot: @ActionChick My plan involves hanging a sparkly object on the end of the shotgun. Momentary distraction could pay off.
WorkSuxAlot: @ActionChick Pffft, Naked guy trying to find a phone book? Not going to happen. Unlisted CyberDude
WorkSuxAlot: @ActionChick Terminators are ‘smart’ but not too bright. I’ll just change the # on the side of the house,
wrong_khristol: @grantimahara Not too worried about Skynet, I have complete faith in you working a deal out.
WRXingCrew: @grantimahara You might wanna keep an eye on @GeoffTheRobot for tonight. Y’know, make sure he doesn’t rise up and slay us all. Yet.
And a tangent or two:
ActionChick: Every apocalypse requires different items for your survival chest (wooden stakes, salt, catnip). Shotguns = good in all.
JediiRaccoon: ‘Shaun’s’ cricket bat
GeekWingNet: @ActionChick Also, katanas.
swiv: @ActionChick Swiss army knife = extremely helpful, michete=necessary
NotSoFamous1: @ActionChick And I have it all in my backpack except the shotgun.
NotSoFamous1: @ActionChick I work at Wal-Mart…Everything I need is there.
LordComet: @ActionChick Yup Double Barrel shotgun= best oneBoArthur: @ActionChick see you Thursday? Thursday. #skynet #terminator #robocalypse
ActionChick: Many think they’d want to be around me during an apocalypse. They underestimate how cutthroat I’ll be.
gam0ra: @ActionChick “You might have gotten bitten?”*blam*
ActionChick: In zombie apocalypse, the bitten = useful decoys or bait. RT @gam0ra “You might have gotten bitten?”*blam*
Dalanna23: @ActionChick Bait!!
GreatWallofChin: @ActionChick Great point about the bitten! Why waste a double tap?
Gordylocke: you’d probably tweet and give up our location to t-800s
ActionChick: Foursquare users will be 1st to fall. RT @Gordylocke you’d probably tweet and give up our location to t-800sedibleeats: @ActionChick catnip?
ActionChick: As I told @BusyGamer, do not underestimate the fuzzy kitten apocalypse. RT @edibleeats catnip?
KeithAllGamer: @ActionChick The knights in Holy Grail underestimated a rabbit and look what happened to them! #fuzzykittenapocalypse
Berlybeth: Anya warned against bunny attack.It is that season.”@ActionChick: As I told @BusyGamer, do not underestimate the fuzzy kitten apocalypse.”ActionChick: SkyNet launches an early test attack – against Farmville! RT @DeadBluebird #Farmville glitched & took all my coins away!!!
GirlInRowB: @ActionChick They know where our weakness lies!
workingclassdog: @ActionChick now THAT I can live with!
Pingback: Rocket Llama HQ - » WARNING: Things to Stock Up on Before Skynet Attacks TOMORROW!
All useless unless you have at least one Phased Plasma Rifle in (no less than) a 40 watt range.
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