For Zombie Week 2009, we interviewed Kim Poirier of Dawn of the Dead, that movie the Action Flick Chick loves so much she “gladly marry it and have its zombie babies.”
Kim Poirier is just as interesting and funny as she is gorgeous. She is multi-talented and always interested in finding the deeper side to the characters she plays.
Examples of Kim’s work:
Movies: Decoys (2004), Dawn of the Dead (2004), Decoys 2: Alien Seduction (2007), Foodland (post-production), Silent But Deadly (post-production).
TV series: Paradise Falls (2001-2008), HypaSpace (2002-2008). She’s appearing in an upcoming episode of the Sci-Fi Channel original series Eureka. While we didn’t forget to ask for Eureka spoilers, we also didn’t see a logical point at which to interrupt the flow of discussion to ask for any.
Much as we enjoy podcasts, you can only listen to so many of those a day. We decided to let you read this particular discussion. Invited guests hanging out with us in the chatroom were LostZombies (, Nick Langley (, and Dead Daisy (watch for her website announcement).
Here’s the edited transcript. Click more under the photo for the complete discussion or just go straight to it by clicking here.
<kim> This is my first time doing a chat room thingy.
<kim> cherry popped lol
<LostZombies> lol
<ActionFlickChick> It is actually mine too so we’ll see how it goes.
<kim> this could be a bloody mess
<kim> pun intended
<deaddaisy> Are we supposed to shut up while the Chick does the talking or what?
<kim> Not sure?
<ActionFlickChick> No, it’s all right to talk.
<kim> blah blah blah
<ActionFlickChick> Now I will just fire away with some questions.
<kim> lol ok
<ActionFlickChick> Kim: What kind of movies do you like to watch?
<kim> uummm all kinds
<kim> love love a good comedy
<kim> an awesome tragic drama
<kim> a lil bit of romance that makes me weep
<kim> a good horror that makes me scream
<kim> or one that makes me shout at the screen with anticipation–a thriller of sorts
<kim> some oldies but goodies are great too
<ActionFlickChick> Any ones in particular? Any titles come to mind?
<kim> in no particular order….
<kim> the labyrinth {david bowie}
<deaddaisy> Labyrinth – yay!
<kim> Natural born killers
<kim> the notebook
<kim> life as a house
<kim> kill bill
<kim> usual suspects
<kim> the grudge and the ring
<kim> old school
<kim> actually anthing will ferrell or jim carrey
<kim> eternal spotless mind
<kim> breakfast at tiffany’s
<ActionFlickChick> That is quite a menagerie. And I agree with Will Ferell or Jim Carrey.
<ActionFlickChick> What kind of roles do you like performing in as an actress?
<kim> I love a good challenge. So characters with depth and layers always interest me
<kim> also I would really like to do some action oriented physical stuff
<kim> being someone who is athletic with a daily routine, I’d love to do some fighting sequences and such
<ActionFlickChick> That’s cool. Is being fit a high priority?
<kim> For sure! Along with having fun of course lol But yes, staying active is something that really grounds me, uplifts me, and energizes me all at once.
<kim> I do a lot of yoga and that helps me connect in a different way
<kim> I was a trained dancer growing up and did a lot of skiing so I guess being active always stuck with me
<ActionFlickChick> I feel the same way. Aren’t you professionally trained in yoga as well?
<kim> yup! I did some teacher training in Ashanga, and Kundalini
<ActionFlickChick> Wow!
<kim> while at school, I studied a little bit of numerology, healing and nutrition as well.
<kim> The school I was at for Kundalini offered many programs..
<kim> I just dig it! I’m someone who is always learning something new
<ActionFlickChick> Forgive me but what is numerology exactly?
<kim> You take your birthday and year and create a chart from that and you can look at different trends, patterns, and lessons that you may go through. Also you can look at your yearly cycle and how that may effect you.
<deaddaisy> it lets her count the zombies
<kim> yes!
<kim> I can measure the trends in how they will attack
<ActionFlickChick> I want to be with you when they attack then.
<kim> I’ve got your back no worries!
<LlamaMama> Of course, the Chick has noted that you’re the only woman who didn’t get to shoot a zombie or turn into one.
<kim> I know!
<LlamaMama> Did you feel left out?
<kim> I did get to shoot a gun out of that truck with the little spaces, but not a full on shot to the head….bummer
<LlamaMama> lol
<kim> I did get chained sawed in half tho, that’s pretty cool
<Nick> I remember that. Probably the most gruesome death in the whole film.
<LlamaMama> out-chainsawed the Texas Massacre for gruesome
<kim> awww thanks. Glad i could make you squermmmmm
<ActionFlickChick> So, do you like to watch yourself onscreen?
<kim> Depends what I am watching, I find it takes a while before I can actually watch it with suspended disbelief….otherwise I am still caught up in seeing how I could have improved, or knowing what was going on at the time…..
<kim> After a while, I can watch without attachment and enjoy it more
<ActionFlickChick> How did you end up with the role of Monica in Dawn of the Dead?
<kim> How I got Monica: I auditioned for it once and booked it. Kinda cool! Zack was there and I knew walking in *and* walking out, that that part was mine.
<kim> I just connected to the material and had a lot of fun doing it
<ActionFlickChick> Was Monica your first choice of character?
<deaddaisy> well, she’s too pretty for Norma
<kim> I didn’t have the opportunity to read the whole script prior to the audition, but yes, it still would have been the funnest coolest part to play lol
<LlamaMama> You bring some depth to a character that could have been a bimbo.
<kim> I like finding the juice and what makes people/characters tic….take away the judgement of it all, and I think there are always layers there to find
<ActionFlickChick> Did you have to do much physical preparation for Dawn of the Dead?
<kim> no physical prep stuff. Just prosthetics and sewing me up afterwards
<LostZombies> Was that your favorite role in your career so far?
<kim> I have a movie coming out called Silent But Deadly with Jason Mewes and William Sadler that I loved to play! Also another one in Foodland {also coming out this year}
<kim> both strong indepandant sharp witty character
<ActionFlickChick> I will definitely have to see those movies.
<kim> In Foodland, it is very much a Femme Fatale archetype and I got to sing in that one too so that was a blast!!
<deaddaisy> Decoys?
<kim> Decoys was a lot of fun, LOVED playing Constance! She just went for whatever she wanted…yet she had a lot of heart backing her up too….
<deaddaisy> Decoys: You walk around dressed lightly eating ice cream when the place is packed with snow. Was that unpleasant? (maybe that’s a lame question but I saw it again the other night and felt cold watching it)
<kim> dressed lighty lol! I was scantily dressed in -35 weather. It was brutal
<kim> Total mind over matter
<kim> That’s where the real acting came in lol
<ActionFlickChick> I saw an interview with Denise Richards talking about her kiss with Neve Campbell in Wild Things. She said that they had to get a little liquored up before that scene. Did you need any prep work like that?
<kim> Nope
<LlamaMama> How about when you kissed the girl in Decoys yourself?
<kim> We giggled
<ActionFlickChick> lol
<kim> Plus I had all that vodka pouring down the shoot <kim> kidding!
<kim> It was sadly water and not Bombay Sapphire gin
<ActionFlickChick> Back to Dawn of Dead, was there ever a point where you were so in character that the people in zombie makeup started to freak you out?
<kim> The guy with no legs was kinda freaky….his death was cut out, but they had something slam down on him and he was pulled out. But all the ligaments, bones, veins, muscles were all meticulously placed….it made my stomach fill a bit
<kim> flip
<ActionFlickChick> Does seeing your chainsaw-severed corpse give you nightmares?
<kim> No. It made me laugh actually
<LlamaMama> Behind the scene footage showed you laughing as it came at you.
<kim> The biggest challenge was keeping my eyes open {as per Zack’s request} when the blood was splashing at me.
<kim> Plus after we did it once, the clean up took a long time cause they had to get the blood
<kim> out of my hair right away, {the red really likes to stain the blond}
<ActionFlickChick> How many takes did it require overall?
<kim> then dry it and then come back. We did it twice lol I wasn’t gonna screw around the second time…not that I was the first time, but my focus was more intense
<deaddaisy> In the director commentary he says your character’s really in love with Steve. How did you see that relationship? You’re Steve’s girlfriend but you two never talk. The only time either one of you says a word to each other is when Steve’s videotaping and you tell him to, you know, perform harder.
<deaddaisy> (at sex)
<kim> lol Have you not loved someone who ignored you?
<kim> kidding
<kim> you have no idea what went on behind the scenes
<kim> We thought to ourselves, how would these two people interact, that the jewlerry scene was the best reflection of that.
<kim> We all had a blast!
<kim> It was actually more violent the sex scene but they tamed it
<kim> Then Ty Burrell bought me flowers the next day. It was really sweet. I had bruises from that scene lol
<ActionFlickChick> Wow! Sounds like a lot of fun lol. Was Zack Snyder fun to work with?
<kim> He was so great!
<kim> Loved working with!
<kim> He just radiates this positive upbeat energy that’s infectious. Super funny fun dude
<ActionFlickChick> In any of your professions, is there anyone you dream about getting to work with?
<kim> Meryl Streep
<kim> Jonny Depp
<ActionFlickChick> Any particular reasons?
<kim> I just love their acting. There are many more, shall i keep naming? lol
<kim> They are a source of inspiration to me and move me and I would love to learn from them
<kim> Will Ferrell looks like he’d be a lot of fun too!
<ActionFlickChick> They are quite good.
<LlamaMama> ever been starstruck by your own co-stars?
<kim> That hasn’t happened yet
<kim> I am on set working so the mentality is different
<kim> Even when I did interviews at the Space Channel { i was their on air host for 4 years} I am doing my job, not being a fan
<ActionFlickChick> Out of all your many talents and occupations: actress, singer, dancer, model, yoga teacher, film producer, is there any particular occupation that is your favorite?
<kim> I think they all feed me differently at different times in my life. They are all sources of creative energy, artistic expression and juice. So it’s neither one or the other. I love them all in different ways at different times…sometimes there is overlap too and that makes it more exciting.
<ActionFlickChick> I would like to open the floor for any questions from everyone else.
<LostZombies> What is your fav all-time zombie film?
<kim> I think the original Dawn of the Dead
<deaddaisy> I have a one-track mind and still wanna ask: Nudity – is getting naked (pardon me) on film fun, no biggie, or a necessary evil?
<kim> When its pertinent to the story or character, it can be very liberating and fun to do lol
<LlamaMama> You’re in the remake but the original is your favorite? So where do you fall on the fast zombies vs. slow zombies debate?
<kim> As I said, I do like some old goodies, and I love old horror flicks as well {Hitchcock, The Shining…}
<kim> The faster ones are more of a threat lol
<ActionFlickChick> Lol. Yes, and a lot more scary.
<ActionFlickChick> Well, thanks so much for your time and agreeing to do the chat room!
<kim> My pleasure!!!
<ActionFlickChick> We wish you luck on your future projects and look forward to seeing what all else you come out with!
<LlamaMama> Thank you so much!
<kim> Thank you so much
<LostZombies> Thanks
<Nick> thanks
<deaddaisy> yay Kim!
<kim> Good bye and have a great night! I’m off to Jam with the band.
<ActionFlickChick> YAY! Have fun!
<kim> Will do
I got invited to participate in this interview too, but it was my birthday and I was gorging myself in my favorite German Restaurant at the time of this interview, accordion music – yes, zombies – no.
Oddly enough, I am a bit of a numerology nut myself, I wonder if my birth number and the interview day number coincided? Let’s see: 4/9/1974 = 7 vs. 4/9/2009 = 6, missed it by that much!
Ah well, I want to make sure I am in for the next one a.f.c.
loved that sex scene in the unrated version of dawn of the dead. do everything u can before u die in a zombie apocolypse…including a porno
Are you sure about that? I don’t recall it being so different from the rated version.
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I have to admit, that 'Decoys' clip was hot. I may have to hunt that movie down.
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