Sean (on the right) answers a question regarding the making of Boondock Saints 2.
Saturday at Dallas Comic-Con, after DC Comics’ Vice President of Sales Bob Wayne talked to our audience about what’s coming up at DC, Devin Pike and I took a look at upcoming films that might excite the DCC crowd in 2010. When I’d asked you about that on twitter earlier, those of you who responded said Iron Man 2 by a landslide. Others with multiple mentions included Kick-Ass, Scott Pilgrim versus the World, The Losers, Tron Legacy, Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (part 1 of part 7), The Wolfman, Clash of the Titans; with single mentions of Jonah Hex, Paul, Burke and Hare, A-Team, How to Train Your Dragon, Toy Story 3, Daft Punk, Bioshock, Cop Out (originally titled A Couple of Dicks).
Saturday 12:00pm – The Year In Geek: Devin Pike of RedCarpetCrash.com joins Katrina Hill (actionflickchick.com), Mark Walters (Bigfanboy.com), and others (including a special appearance by Bob Wayne/VP Sales DC Comics) for a special presentation about the films “geeks” will love in 2010. We’ll have clips of upcoming films, and more. Don’t miss it!
Regarding the last movie we talked about, Tron Legacy, I just had to correct the misconception that actress Cindy Morgan hadn’t been availablewhile Tron‘s lead actors Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner have returned. Oh, no, no. There’s an ongoing campaign to get Cindy into that movie. She told us herself that her phone is working just fine if they want to call her back for Tron Legacy (“Caddyshack and Tron – But What About Tron Legacy? Interview: Actress Morgan”). I’ve stayed in touch in Cindy, and that’s just as true now as it was then.
Now what? From the DCC schedule:
11:30am – Will Call Ticket Pickup: Pre-ordered tickets can be collected in person before the show opens.
11:30am – Tickets on Sale: Both General Admission and Celebrity Access Pass tickets can be purchased. Only Priority Access Pass and Celebrity Access Pass holders will have access to our Media Guests.
12:00pm – Convention opens to all ticket holders.
12:00am – Autograph Room opens to Priority Pass holders, then Celebrity pass holders. All guests signing all day. For their autograph fees check here.
1:00pm – Freebie room opens to Priority, and Celebrity Access ticket holders. Look for free movie posters, buttons, shirts, and more – all free from your favorite movie studios.
2:00pm – Sean Patrick Flanery Q&A: The star of YOUNG INDIANA JONES and THE BOONDOCK SAINTS I and II opens up about his impressive film and TV career. This is a rare opportunity to chat with the diversified actor, who is making his very first convention appearance! (30 mins)
2:30pm – Photo Op (ticket required from Froggy’s photos) with Adam West
4:00pm – The Dallas Comic Con is officially closed. Thanks for coming!
Between the audience, RedCarpetCrash.com‘s Devin Pike, and myself, we’ll have no trouble coming up with enough questions for Boondock Saints I and II star Sean Patrick Flanery, but I love sharing opportunities with you. GIVE ME SOME QUESTIONS FOR SEAN AND I’LL SEE HOW MANY I CAN SQUEEZE IN. Tell me here or on twitter. Maybe I can do a speed round.
Boondock Saints II prop/poster giveaway
* Entry information: The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day PROPS AND POSTERS
* Prop information: Boondocks Saints II Prop Giveaway – A MacManus Brother Judges You!
* Early winners: The Saints Come Marching Ink: The Boondock Saints Tattoos Plus Posters and Film Prop Prizes
* The Boondock Saints’ 10th Anniversary – Boondock Saints Prop Giveaway Deadline!
Other related posts
* The Boondock Saints (1999) review – this site’s most downloaded article
* Coming Attraction: Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day (2009)
* The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day Trailer
* The Boondock Saints II Premiere
* The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day (2009) review
Tweeps who contributed their thoughts on Geek Film Picks 2010: @shaneandrew82 @mr_popcorn @Avenger9000 @sullen_penguin @RiverCityOtter @amberlily @cybeam1 @solshine7 @finnstrip @aboynamedart @mentalstrike @gidgetwidget @Approximation @CLNFRQHR @RegularRon @FyrGurl @trekladykim @carlwatkins
Original title: “What Do YOU Want Me to Ask Boondock Saints II star Sean Patrick Flanery TODAY?”
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