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Tag Archives: Amber Heard
Drive Angry 3-D (2011) Review: Never Disrobe Before Gunplay!

After watching Drive Angry 3D, I’ve come to realize that Nicolas Cage’s character, Milton, is really a metaphor for Nicolas Cage. It doesn’t matter what you do to kill Milton, he just keeps coming. It doesn’t matter how hard his film bombs or what critics say about it, Cage will keep making funny and ridiculous, sometimes horrible, films, and by golly, I just can’t get enough. Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 3-D, 4 kabooms, action, movie, R-rated, Valentine's Day
Tagged action, Action Flick Chick, Amber Heard, Billy Burke, Chicks Who Don't Want Flowers for Valentine's Day!, cult, Drive Angry, Drive Angry 3-D, explosion, gun fight, hell, Jonah King, Machete, Milton, Nicolas Cage, Piper, Sex Scene, The Accountant, Valentine's Day, William Fichtner
Coming Attraction: Drive Angry (2011)

Nicolas Cage is being chased by the Devil’s right hand man! Again! No, it’s not a Ghost Rider sequel, it’s Drive Angry. Milton (Cage) busts out of Hell in order to save his baby granddaughter from a cult that has … Continue reading
Posted in 3-D, action, Coming Attractions, trailers, YouTube
Tagged 3D, action, Action Flick Chick, Amber Heard, Devil, Drive Angry, Ghost Rider, hell, Nicolas Cage, Patrick Lussier, Satan, sci-fi, science fiction, Todd Farmer, William Fichtner
The Stepfather (2009) Spoiler! (Movie Chicks on Horror Flicks)

Just to make this clear to everyone: I did not watch The Stepfather. I didn’t watch the movie mainly because I saw the trailer. It just seemed like the trailer told me the whole story and the rest was very predictable so why watch the movie? Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, movie, trailers, YouTube
Tagged Amber Heard, brief sensuality, disturbing images, Dylan Walsh, family violence, J.S. Cardone, Jon Tenney, mature thematic material, moviepooper, Nelson McCormick, Paige Turco, Penn Badgley, PG-13, Screen Gems, Sela Ward, Sherry Stringfield, Sony, spoiler, Spoilers, The Stepfather, trailer, violence, YouTube
Zombieland: Time to Nut Up or Shut Up (Movie Chicks on Horror Flicks)

Check out a spoileriffic “making of” Zombieland roll at YouTube. News report on the increase in zombie activity. “50 years I’ve lived in this city. Not one zombie. Today I’ve seen three.” This scene from late in the movie is … Continue reading
Posted in comedy, horror, YouTube
Tagged Abigail Breslin, action, Amber Heard, amusement park, banjo, behind the scenes, Bill Murray, California, cameo, clown, clown zombie, Columbia Pictures, Columbus, comedy, con artist, Dalton Cole, Deliverance, Derek Graf, Emma Stone, gore, horror Cast, Hostess Snowballs, Hostess Twinkies, Jesse Eisenberg, Jesse Eisenburg, language, Lisa Hoyle, Little Rock, Luci Romberg, mad cow disease, Movie Chicks, Paul Wernick, R-rated, reviews, Rhett Reese, Ruben Fleischer, scam, snowballs, Sony, spoiler, survival horror, Tallahasseee, Texas, trailer, Twinkies, undead, violence, Wichita, Woody Harrelson, zombie, zombie apocalypse, Zombie Kill of the Week, Zombieland, zombies, zomcom
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Zombieland (2009)

Zombieland kicks some serious zombie butt! And made me want to eat some Twinkies to boot. I’ve been pumped about this movie since the first day I heard about it, and it was everything I’d hoped and dreamed for. Finally, we get a movie that isn’t a remake or a sequel! Zombieland is fresh and original, and for a movie about walking, rotting corpses that says a lot!
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 3.5 kabooms, action, comedy, horror, movie, R-rated
Tagged Abigail Breslin, action, Amber Heard, amusement park, banjo, California, cameo, clown, clown zombie, Columbus, comedy, con artist, Dalton Cole, Deliverance, Derek Graf, Emma Stone, Hostess Snowballs, Hostess Twinkies, Jesse Eisenburg, Lisa Hoyle, Little Rock, Luci Romberg, mad cow disease, Paul Wernick, Rhett Reese, Ruben Fleischer, scam, snowballs, spoiler, survival horror, Tallahasseee, Texas, Twinkies, undead, Wichita, Woody Harrelson, zombie, zombie apocalypse, Zombie Kill of the Week, Zombieland, zombies, zomcom
Coming Attraction: Zombieland (2009)

Hell yeah! Zombieland! I am super excited about the coming attraction Zombieland, and we don’t have much longer to wait. It is set to be released October 9, 2009 and stars Woody Harrelson, Abigail Breslin, Emma Stone, Jesse Eisenberg, and … Continue reading
Posted in Coming Attractions
Tagged Abigail Breslin, Amber Heard, Apocalypse, Bill Murray, coming attractions, Emma Stone, Jesse Eisenberg, Paparazzi, Paul Wernick, R-rated, Rhett Reese, Ruben Fleischer, Shaun of The Dead, Sony Pictures, undead, Woody Harrelson, zombie, zombie apocalypse, Zombieland, zombies