Instant Gratification: Good Flicks You Can Find Instantly


Not to sound like a total ad, but when I feel like staying in and having a movie night, I turn on some Netflix and let the waves of their instant movies wash over me. Here are a couple of instant gems that you may not know about, and once you put them on, it’ll make your decision to stay in totally worth it.

1. Singham

Singham is a Bollywood treat, featuring insane action scenes mixed with a romantic comedy. Yep, it swings from one extreme to the other- it’s an action orgy one second, and the next will be about  Officer Singham going on a date and singing a love song. The film has a rapid pace and energetic enthusiasm that keeps it feeling lively even when things are a little slower.  Plus, the film’s action scenes feature some of the most exaggerated, over-the-top, and fun action I’ve seen in a while. If the trailer below doesn’t sell this weird gem to you, I don’t know what will.


2. Tomorrow, When the War Began

If you’re looking for a less serious, not as dark version of Red Dawn, look no further than Tomorrow, When the War Began. Set in Australia and based off of the book series with the same name, this film has a strong cast of likable characters and some surprisingly strong action sequences. Read my review for more details. In the review I mentioned a sequel would be out this year, but it seems to be up in the air as to if that will happen. I, for one, really enjoyed this Aussie YA flick, and would love to see a sequel .

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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Coming Attraction: Carrie (2013)!

In March, another remake will hit theaters, and it’ll be wearing the skin of the 1976 Carrie. Chloe Grace Moretz stars as the infamous Carrie, a girl with telekinetic powers who’s pushed into going supernova by her bullying peers. Julianne Moore will be Carrie’s crazy mother who doesn’t exactly help her daughter’s situation any more. Moretz and Moore have amazing talent but will the story just be a mirror image of the original? Color me skeptical, but I’ll try to keep keep an open mind because I do love this tale. Carrie fires into theaters March 15, 2013.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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TV Recap Recap!

Get caught up on what you’ve missed this week!


Arcade Sushi iOS Reviews:

Team Awesome

It’s an indisputable fact that superheroes are awesome, and the Edis Brothers recognized that fact and decided to create a team of superheroes to star in their game, Team Awesome.

Super Snack Time

If you’re looking for something light on calories but loaded with flavor, Super Snack Time is the game for you. Little Guy Games have come up with a winner with this adorable, colorful, and all-round enjoyable game for the iPad, iPod touch, and iPhone.

Fanhattan Posts:

Dexter 7-10: Dexter’s Daddy Dilemma

Ding ding ding! There’s a light bulb going off in Dexter’s head in this week’s episode of Dexter, “The Dark…Whatever.”

Arrow 1-8: Shot Through the Heart, and You’re to Blame

CW’s Arrow is twice as yummy thanks to the arrival of the Huntress. After all, one masked vigilante running around is interesting, but having a second one who’s more Riggs than Murtaugh just throws fuel on the fire.

The Walking Dead 3-8: Bad Decision, Thy Name is Andrea

I cannot express enough how much I’ve loved season three of AMC’s The Walking Dead so far. This first half has been fast paced, brutal, interesting, with an off-the-charts ratio of zombies-to-people!

TV Top Three 12/8: Three Totally Sweet TV Moments by Alex Langley

A lot can happen in a week’s worth of TV. If you don’t stop to look around once in a while, you might miss it.

Elementary 1-9: Ah-choo, My Dear Watson by Alex Langley

Holmes has the sniffles this week on Elementary. If you’re worried whether his illness will impede his ability to solve crime, don’t.

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Star Trek Into Darkness Teaser Trailer!

Star Trek (2009) was awesome!! It started with action and it hardly stopped, and yet the sequel looks ready to outgun it. The Japanese version of the trailer (at bottom) has just enough extra footage to punch fans of the old movies right in the gut. Enjoy!

But…is it still really Star Trek? Has J. J. Abrams soared Trek to new heights or scuttled the franchise?

Posted in announcement, movie, science fiction, YouTube | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Coming Attraction: December 2012 Preview!

Super Pumped to See:

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey- December 14

Kind of Pumped to See:

Jack Reacher– December 21

Django Unchained– December 28

Neither Pumped Nor Pissed:

This is 40– December 21

Zero Dark-Thirty- December 21

The Guilt Trip– December 21

Les Miserables– December 28

No Thank You:

Save the Date– December 21

On the Road– December 21

Amour– December 21

Promised Land- December 28

Parental Guidance– December 28


This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!


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The Walking Dead 3-8: Bad Decision, Thy Name Is Andrea

I cannot express enough how much I’ve loved season three of AMC’s The Walking Dead so far. This first half has been fast paced, brutal, interesting, with an off-the-charts ratio of zombies-to-people! This week’s episode, “Made to Suffer” was the mid-season finale, and was just plain amazing. New characters are introduced, old characters are reunited, and more than a few bodies stack up. It’s going to be torture waiting until February to see what happens next.

Before we get to the recap, let’s check in with Dale.

Well, Action Chick, this is the final, and I mean final straw with that dang raccoon. I spent all day filling up an abandoned limousine with water so I could use it as a makeshift pool to float in and watch Storage Wars, but the second my back was turned that danged beast opened the doors and let all my hard work come flooding out.

(unintelligible raccoon noises)

What’s this? Some fruit? You… you brought me a peace offering?

Well, don’t mind if I do-HEY WHERE’S MY HAT!?

(unintelligible raccoon noises)


Thanks for the update, Dale. Now, onward, to the recap!

Here’s what happened:

The show opens with a group of people running through the woods killing walkers. They decide to seek shelter in a building they’ve just come across, bringing along their bitten member. As they enter, we see that this building is the back of the prison. Dum dum dum!

At the prison:
Axel talks with Beth about how old she is and, in the process, loses about 99% of the cool points he’d accumulated with the gang (and the audience). Carol promptly tells him to buzz off, which he interprets as flirting. Carl, Beth, and Hershel hear screaming coming from inside the prison so Carl goes to check it out. He finds the new group, helps them fend off the walkers, and leads them to safety. We learn one of the newcomers is Tyreese, a well-loved character from the Walking Dead Comics, and his ladyfriend is Sasha. The bitten one in their group starts to die, and Tyreese is just about to take care of her when they hear a gate shut and a lock. Carl locked them in a small area so that they can’t go anywhere, protecting his group. Sasha freaks out on them, but Tyreese proves that he’s a decent guy (so far) by agreeing to Carl’s room-renting conditions. Yes, Tyreese, this tactfulness is great and all, but maybe double-tap that dead person before she rises up and eats your face off.

In Woodbury:
After Andrea leaves The Governor’s place, he slides on his crazypants and gets out his zombified daughter for some father/daughter bonding time. When she doesn’t cooperate, he flips his lid and locks her back up. Dude, you need some help.

In holding, Glenn rips off the arm of the walker he killed and pulls out the bones to use as weapons, which basically makes him the MacGyver of the zombie apocalypse. When Merle and his lackey return to take the happy couple to get executed, Maggie uses the MacGyver knife to stab the lackey in the throat. Unfortunately, more lackeys come swarming in and Team Glaggie gets dragged off to be killed, anyway.

Fortunately, The Rescuers (Rick, Oscar, Daryl, and Michonne) sneak inside Woodbury and find Team Glaggie just in time. They toss a few smoke grenades, extract Team Glaggie, and slip out with no-one being the wiser. Everyone makes it to the wall and gets ready to run… everyone, however, except Michonne, who gets that look in her eye and sneaks off to break into The Governor’s apartment. She sets down a chair in front of the door, gets out her sword, and channels pure Batman as she waits for the Governor.

The Governor, however, is busy dealing with the rest of The Rescuers, and sends out every soldier he’s got, except Andrea, who he gives progressively more half-assed excuses to keep her away from her old friends. The Rescuers, now including Team Glaggie, start heading over Woodbury’s wall and into freedom, and Daryl stays behind to provide cover fire, saying, “I’ll be right behind you.” Nooooo! That’s never a good thing to say. During the fight, Rick’s being his usual badass self until mother-freaking pumpkin-chunking Shane shows up, with a beard and a full head of hair, Rick hesitates, giving Shane the chance to kill Oscar, which he takes. Rick slays Shane, again, and then realizes that it was actually just a nameless henchman he’d hallucinated was Shane. It looks like the Governor’s not the only one trying on the crazy pants. Anyway, the surviving Rescuers make it over the wall and wait for Daryl… who never shows up.

Back at the Governor’s place, Michonne hears some noise and investigates, finding his wall o’ zombie heads and his undead daughter. The Governor arrives just in time to plead for his dead daughter’s unlife, but Michonne stabs the zombie chillin’ in the brain and throws down with The Governor in a knock-down, drag-out brawl that wrecks his entire zombie rumpus room. Eventually, Samurai Chonne gets the upper hand and stabs Gov in the eye with a shard of glass. Just as she’s about to finish him off Andrea, Miss I Make All the Wrong Decisions, comes in and saves him, pulling a gun on Michonne. Michonne leaves giving Andrea a chance to look around and assess the situation, seeing the zombie heads and The Governor cradling zombie daughter, and, when Andrea invariably comes to the wrong conclusion again, she gets the heck outta dodge. Later at the medical unit, Andrea questions The Governor about his crazy room, and he spins that silver tongue of his to keep her on his side. Gaahh! Andrea, what are you doing?

Merle reports that the Rescuers made it over the wall, and he’ll go after them in the morning, but The Governor has other plans. He gathers everyone up and makes a speech to Woodbury about how he’s afraid of the terrorists who want what they have. Then he decides to throw Merle under the friggin’ bus and blames him for the whole ordeal, citing his connection to their captive, his brother Daryl. Andrea finally sees one of her group and just stares at him, shocked, while the crowd chants to kill them both. Hoo boy, Woodbury’s in trouble now! They’ve got to face the combined might of the DIXON BROS!

• Maggie stabs a dude in the throat with a zombie bone!
• Michonne sitting down and waiting for The Governor.
• Michonne taking out The Governor’s eye.
• Carl being nice enough to save the newcomers, but smart enough to lock them up until they know more about them.
• Andrea finally seeing one of her own people, Daryl. Maybe it will knock some sense into her. (Or, knowing her, maybe not.)
• Maggie finishing off the mortally-wounded Oscar so he doesn’t turn or get left to the people of Woodbury. Quite gentlemanly of her.

• The show seems to have an African-American dude limit of one. We lose T-Dog (we miss you, buddy!), gain Oscar. Lose Oscar, gain Tyreese. The moment a fourth black guy shows up is the moment we should worry for Tyreese’s safety.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

Posted in action, Recap, The Walking Dead, TV | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Fanhattan Recap Recap 12-1-12!

It’s been a busy week over at Fanhattan, and Alex (@rocketllama) and I have recaps on all the awesome-tasticalest shows. Check them out!

Dexter (Michael C. Hall)

 Dexter 7-9: Conversations with Mob People

After last week’s episode of Dexter, I thought this week’s “Helter Skelter” would be a tense ball of excitement as the major killers all came face to face. I think my expectations were a little too high, because while the episode was fine, it didn’t incite any feelings of excitement. While some potentially bad things happened to certain characters, the episode was a calm one, doubly so thanks to Dexter’s signature monotone narrative. Also, Dexter’s gotten a little too competent for his own good. I’m never worried that he’ll miss his mark!

(continue reading)


Revolution 1-10: Reunited and It Feels So Good

NBC’s Revolution reached its mid-season finale last night with “Nobody’s Fault But Mine” and won’t return until January 7, 2013, leaving fans anxiously awaiting the resolution to Revolution’s (see what I did there?) cliffhanger. While the first half of this episode moved rather slowly, the last half kicked a lot of ass. Reunions, some happy, some surprising, and some bitter, were happening everywhere thanks to Miles and the group finally reaching Philadelphia to save Danny.

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Green Arrow (Stephen Amell)

Arrow 1-7: Who Hunts the Huntress?

While this week’s Arrow was bereft of the show’s usual island flashback goodness, we got a tasty consolation prize- another superhero! Though, like the show’s hero, we never get to hear this hero’s real name, comic book fans will know who it is. (Spoilers: in case you can’t tell from the title, it’s the Huntress).

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Holmes (Jonny Lee Miller) smells a mystery; Watson (Lucy Liu) smells New York Apartment, a scent so odoriferous it must be experienced to be believed.

Elementary 1-8: Alfredo, Hookers, and SpongeBob!
This week’s Elementary, while not bad, certainly doesn’t live up to the outings of the last two weeks, with the murderous Pillowhead and the mention of Irene Adler, Holmes’ longtime lover/rival. We don’t get anything as tasty as that, though we do get Alfredo the ex-car thief, who is as gentle-voiced and zen as he is hat-wearing.
(continue reading)

Blockbuster Summer of ’95

Summer Blockbusters: films released in the summer, often massive in scope and budget, whose intent is to entertain as many people as possible. The grand tradition of these mega-movies stretches back to the original Star Wars, which is often attributed as being the film that helped foster the idea of Summer Blockbusters. These days, we tend to see lots of superhero movies and YA novels adapted to the big screen as summer flicks, but there are many summer films of yesteryear that broke the mold, so to speak, and took a different route. Come with me, if you will, into the past, 1995, to look at some of the big budget bohunks that delighted the audiences of yesteryear.

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Parks and Rec is serious business, son.

Parks and Recreation 5-8: The Life and Death of Burt Macklin

Things are moving forward on Parks and Recreation— Leslie and the parks crew are one step closer to getting the pit across from Anne’s house filled in. You know, the pit Anne’s been trying to get filled since the first episode. This may be the show’s final season, and if it is, the Parks crew defeating that god-awful pit will be a nice way to bookend the series.

(continue reading)




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Coming Attraction: Snitch (2013)!

Dwayne Johnson headlines Snitch, a new action film about a father going to great lengths to get his innocent son out of jail. Johnson goes undercover for the DEA to bust some big-wig drug dealers in order to free his framed son of all drug charges, and along the way he cracks some skulls and kicks some asses. The Walking Dead fans can get excited because Jon Bernthal (Shane) co-stars in the film. Snitch tattles its way into theaters February 22, 2013.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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