Comikaze Expo & Dumbest Movie Deaths!

I’m still recovering from the craziness that was this year’s Comikaze Expo, so my weekly The Walking Dead recap will be delayed a little while. In the meantime, please enjoy this blast from the past: dumbest movie deaths!


Kids? What kids?

On Facebook and twitter, the Action Flick Chick raised a simple topic, “Dumbest Movie Death?” Two answers quickly emerged above all others.

SPOILERS ABOUND! Consider yourself warned.

Arturo R. Garcia: Cheap ticket prices?
David Frederick: Wash, in “Serenity”.
Tanner Gibson: The mechanic’s death in The Final Destination. Did they guy not have a rib cage?!
Greg Lemons: Every death in Commando.
Lydia Ratliff: “You just got killed by a Daewoo Lanos, bitch” Pineapple Express. Funny but dumb.
Scott Dorian Dancer: almost every one in legion.
ΠΟΘΗΤΟΣ Μ.: Joker in Tim Burton’s version of Batman that was not only illogical, but uncalled for.
as for the film that most insulted my senses and dishonored a great comic book character “Catwoman” ; and also her death and resurection in that film was stupid. Like flushing a goldfish down the toilet. Why the hell didn’t they do a film with Michelle Pfeifer… See More?!?! did anyone NOT notice how hot she was in “Stardust”?! grrrr….
and last time I checked, THIS particular catwoman wasn’t an african half-caste. This was more of a character from Wakanda, than a Gotham character.
Gil Paulsen: Cyclops in X3 What the hell was that , i mean it was so f***ing lame !
ΠΟΘΗΤΟΣ Μ.: @Gil: remember there was a teaser after the credits. And Cyclops didn’ t remain dead in the comics.
Russell Allen Pinkston: Val Kilmer in MacGruber…so over the top and stupid!
Carter Friend: CRANK AND CRANK 2
ΠΟΘΗΤΟΣ Μ.: @Carter: crank is as it is. The deaths are secondary to the plot. The movie is just done for some wierd fun.
Freddy Fingers: Freddys Cockroach death in part 5
Lucas Scott Worley: nothing from NBK

Wendy NerdRage Vermeers: “She’s lost the will to live.” WTF????? Any guesses?
ΠΟΘΗΤΟΣ Μ.: actully Padme’s death isn’t that dumb…. people CAN lose the will to live. It is logical.
Gil Paulsen: I dont know , she just had 2 kids , if thats not enough to want to live she is kind of a B***H. lol
ΠΟΘΗΤΟΣ Μ.: let’s not forget the really shocking news she recieved. On the other hand “losing the will to live” could just be another way to describe an unknown complication; ‘dying at child birth’.
Kanu Digit: IF the stress of being force choked was enough to cause stress that forced labor, something internal could have been ruptured. The med-bot was able to safety deliver the babies and possibly repair any damage but if she had lost enough blood and was very weak she just might not have the will to live. She had just been betrayed by the man she loved…
Than again, maybe Yoda force killed her when no one was looking because if she stayed alive Vader would feel it and never stop looking for her. A Jedi do the wrong thing for the right reason or the greater good and not be on the dark side, can’t they?
TMOverbeck: My only guess for a reason is “they didn’t want to shock any kids”. (And an implied massacre of Jedi children wouldn’t?)
actionchick: Over on FB, someone just suggested that Padme’s death wasn’t dumb after all.
ChrisLejarzar: losing the will to live when she just delivered twins? it was dumb. and I LIKE that movie lol

Kanu Digit: Wash dying in Serenity just pissed me off and it still does.
Gil Paulsen: wash dying did suck……
Marq Piocos: Gotta go Pee Wee in the original Buffy movie
Cristina Bogdan: every possible death in freddy vs jason….every single one.
stevapalooza: definitely Boba Fett.
Slickriptide: That’s hard to put an all-time “dumbest” on… But let’s rile up some controvery and say “Darth Vader”.
RavinMdMn: Cyclops X-3 ………..what the hell was that??? He was Cyclops for F***s Sake !!!
Paulie_R: Darth Maul, because he was the best character in the prequels. He could have helped Episodes II & III!
Slickriptide: That’s pretty funny! Darth Maul was a case of Super Villain Syndrome, so more his own fault for acting dumb…
Slickriptide: X-3 was a dumb movie – every death in it was dumb…
swiv: I don’t believe Boba Fett is dead – we never see him really see him die.
swiv: besides – worst movie death has to be Pee-wee in Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie
VivaDorkmaster2: cyclops in X3

Step away from the redhead.

Step away from the redhead.

Coriantura: X-Men 3 was just an all-around bad film. However, I loved the first 2.
TeeMonster: I would say Cpl. Hicks and Newt in the opening credits of Alien 3.
Vertigo_X: That really doesn’t surprise me… He was a bit of an ass anyhow… Can you say similar to Hayden Christensen?
skynyrdnation: dumbest movie death? The bad guy in kiss meets phantom of the park. Great group dumb movie
gqgabe: Dumbest movie death? People already made many suggestons on FB. Top answer: Cyclops in X-Men 3.
PecanCtMichael: He got a horrible death. This is actually the best-ever commentary on the treatment of Cyclops in X-Men 3:
nerdrage42: #DumbestMovieDeath “She’s lost the will to live.” WTF?!?!?!
Prof_Pinch: Wouldn’t call it dumbest, but definitely poorly written/thought out. They only had 30 yrs to come up with it.
skynyrdnation: coolest movie death was johnny depp in elm street 1
TMOverbeck: That’s what I thought… I was like, “They couldn’t do blunt force trauma? Or at least an aneurysm?”
aboynamedart: Or, like the rest of us who watched that flick, out of pure boredom?
TanManG: I feel like my pick was a pretty dumb death.
TMOverbeck: For dumbest movie deaths, I would’ve suggested Jean Grey in X2, until I found out the basis of the story.
TMOverbeck: Actually, for dumbest movie deaths – the kid in the wheelchair in X2. They couldn’t get HIM out of there, of all people???
PopCulLibrn: ep 3 had a gazillion probs w it, the least of which was Padme’s death.
Apocalypse2001: yes. Me. 😉
OSOSANTOS: padme&boba fett very stupid
Apocalypse2001: actionchick
MonicaOn949: There was soooo much wrong with Wolverine’s own movie. It was BA
RavinMdMn: I already gave cyclops. Of course you could always go with anything from shoot em up. Awesome movie and plenty o dumb deaths
wyldride: actionchick In Pitch Black, Caroline Fry’s death, in that she did and Riddick’s, in that he didn’t. More Riddick movies only made it worse.
wyldride: Padme’s death=uber stupid. It makes Leia look like an idiot 4 1 thing+that she died of nothing & nobody tried to stop it. Fail!
AyeQue: padme died of a broken eart
kallisti_x: The guy in Volcano who sacrifices himself by leaping into the lava and then waves everyone off instead of them pulling him out. I mean, he would’ve lost his legs down to the knees at least, but he probably would’ve survived that. It’s just stupid.
mcpierce: Paris Hilton’s death in “House Of Wax”…
CleverUserName: This YouTube clip has what I think is the dumbest movie death ever. [re Hard Ticket to Hawaii]
MightyGeek: I’ll counter that with “Most Memorable Movie Death”. My vote goes to Wash from Serenity.
actionchick: Interestingly, some named that 1 Dumbest. RT @MightyGeek “Most Memorable Movie Death” Wash from Serenity.
MightyGeek: That astounds me…. but to each his/her own I suppose.

Related post:
Which Movie Villains Died Too Easily?

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The Walking Dead 4-3: Never Stop Digging


“We don’t get to get upset.” That’s the kind of gloomy-ass motto The Walking Dead characters have to live by. A motto like that might help keep their emotions in check in that sick sad world, but it puts them at risk of becoming unrecognizable robots- and “Isolation” takes the group one step closer to this outcome.

But first, let’s check in with Dale to see how things are at the RV. Dale?


Check it out, Action Chick- it’s my new hot dog slicer! And it’s shaped like a dog! Hooot dog!


I can’t BELIEVE I’ve been eating regular, unsliced hot dogs for so long. Well, with my RV still under repairs and me campin’ out under the stars eating hot dogs all day every day, you can bet your bootyshorts that I’m gonna get a lot of mileage outta that slicer. You know, they say a man can’t eat hot dogs for thirty days. Well, Action Chick, I’m gonna prove “they” wrong.

Thanks, Dale! Now onward, to the recap!

The sickness is spreading quickly the prison, now affecting everyone who was in cell block D. Rick’s Rebels dig grave after grave, one of which is for Tyreese’s murdered girlfriend, Karen. The discovery of Karen’s body sent Tyreese on a spiraling pathway of revenge, blind to everything else. While Rick looks into who started the impromptu bonfire last week, Rick’s Rebels end up spread out. The young children and old (aka Hershel) get isolated from everyone since they are more susceptible to getting sick, the actually-sick people get quarantined together in a coughing, wheezy prison block from hell, and the few remaining people are left to roam free and try to keep the prison going.

So far, it’s mostly been D-listers getting sick, but when Sasha and Glenn both get down with the sickness, the badasses of Rick’s Rebels – Daryl, Michonne, and Tyreese- head to a school fifty miles away in the hopes of finding antibiotics, and they take Bob with them. During their drive they hear what they think might be someone talking over the radio, but end up face-to-face-to-an infinite sea of faces when there’s a horde of countless zombies blocking everything from the road to the horizon, forcing the foursome out of their car and into the woods.


Hershel’s still rocking the title of “most humane old guy” left to him by Dale, and he leaves the quarantine zone to gather some herbs that could help the sick, then walks into the quarantined area. Maggie and Rick try to stop him, but he counters with a hell of an impassioned speech, letting us know he’s probably the only one left who hasn’t become numb to human suffering in favor of his own survival. He pays the price for his kindness, though, when someone coughs a thick spatter of blood right in his friggin’ eyes. Sick! Ever heard of putting your hand over your mouth when you cough!?!

Carol is the one person I’m really worried about after this episode. She’s been kind of going off her rocker since week when she called a little girl weak for not being able to kill her father had only been dead for a few seconds. Now, we learn that she is the one who killed Tyreese’s ladyfriend and her sickly cohort before torching their bodies, all in the hopes of stopping the infection. That seems a bit premature and didn’t remotely work, to boot. Right now Rick’s the only one who knows, and he’ll probably try to protect her all he cans, but if Coach Tyreese Cutty finds out, nothing will stop him from getting his revenge/justice.


A third of Rick’s Rebels are sick, another third isolated so that they don’t get sick, and the remaining third are running around in a zombie-infested forest. This is the bleakest The Walking Dead has looked in a long while.


  • Hershel and Carl find a horrible-looking zombie who’d been pinned next to a tree, under a log, for so long that he’d grown moss. Sick! I love it. And I love his zombie galpal, who looks like a grown-up version of the Ring Girl with a bear trap stuck to her leg.
  • Hershel’s speech about risking his life to save others. Learn from Dale’s mistakes, my friend, and know when to check altruism at the door.
  • The sea of zombies blocking the road.
  • Michonne and Daryl fighting their way to the woods.


  • Glenn and Sasha getting sick.
  • This episode seemed to lack the punch of the previous episodes; it didn’t quite deliver the character development or action that they did.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

Posted in action, horror, The Walking Dead, TV | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Six of the Goriest Action-Horror Flicks Around!


Halloween is just around the corner, which means three things: adults and children alike gorging themselves on candy, costumes, and movies so gory it’d make a butcher blush. Now, as an action aficionado, I’m not just looking for gory horror, I like my guts and grossness packing heat- I’m talking action movies. Here are my top six goriest action/horror movies!


Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Type of horror: Zombies

Zack Snyder’s remake of Dawn of the Dead upped the body count, both in terms of the living and the dead. We’ve got zombies getting splatted, dismembered, headshot, and run over with trucks on the right, and people getting devoured, infected, and chainsawed to bits on the left! The movie’s covered in coagulated blood. Oh, and don’t forget, this flick has a freaking zombie baby.


Army of Darkness

Type of horror: Skeletons, deadites, and various otherworldly creatures

Okay, so Army of Darkness isn’t gory in the most technical sense, but it’s got loads of horror action, and I like it, so BAM! It’s on my list. Hero Ash faces off against everything from Three Stooge-inspired skeletons to an evil version of himself. Though most of his foes are dispatched in less that grisly ways, he does manage to slice and dice a few undead baddies with his trademark chainsaw hand. Groovy!



Type of horror: Alien, Predator

Once you start Predator, steek ahround for a truly tense flick, featuring a team of badass mercenaries (lead by a pre-governor Arnold himself) facing off against the seemingly unstoppable Predator. Only one man can stop this beast from beyond the stars, and (spoiler alert for a twenty year old movie) that man… is ARNOLD! With this flick we’ve got plenty of soldier vs. soldier action, skinned humans, and sexually charged tyrannosaurs. As far as Ahnold’s flicks go, this one is among his best, filled with great lines and one nasty-ass foe.



Type of horror: Mutilated people

While Robocop isn’t exactly an action/horror movie, it’s got plenty of horrifying stuff to it. For example, seeing Officer Murphy get gunned down is a pretty ugly affair. It, however, pales in comparison to the most gut-churning part of this classic flick- when one of Kurtwood “Foot In Your Ass” Smith’s henchmen gets drenched in acid and stumbles away, dazed, only to be run over by Kurtwood and splatter into a burst of crimson human goo. Kurtwood’s response? He turns on the wipers and keeps on driving.


Blade II

Type of horror: Vampires and Reapers

Vampires are a staple of horror films… or were, until they turned all stupid and sparkly. But your

classic vampires, the cool ones, hunt people and toy with them like the predatory beasts that they are. Blade II introduces Reapers, who are the vampires that vampires fear, so you know they’re bad motherhumpers if classic vamps are afraid of them. Reapers have retractable jaws that are a cross between a snake’s and a graboid’s, and they use these disgusting enhancements to chow down on the undead.



Type of horror: Alien, Xenomorph

Game over, man, game over! Xenomorphs are one of the most disgustingly horrifying creatures ever to grace the silver screen. They infest people like a parasite, they skitter around like a spider with a grudge to settle, and they bleed freaking acid. So, if you do manage to take out one of these nasty suckers, odds are they’ll still get you with blood corrosive enough to dissolve your face off in seconds. The only exception to this rule, however, is if your last name is Ripley, in which case, those chest-bursting freaks had better find a place to hide.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

Originally posted to Fan TV.

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The Walking Dead 4-2: Get Down With the Sickness


Woo boy. The Walking Dead took a giant leap into Sufferingville with “Infected.” This episode keeps a pace that only Usain Bolt can keep up with. So far the writers have nailed these first two episodes of season four, filling them with tons of delicious personal darkness and gruesome zombie action. One problem that might form, however, is that the show could become so is the show becoming so dark and painful that it makes it unbearable to watch. Would that be a problem for you?

But, as always, before we get to the recap let’s check in with Dale.

The Shane Face

Dale, whatchu doin’ out here with a sleeping bag, man?

The Dale Face

Well, Shane, m’dang RV’s still all burnt up thanks to that potato, and I’m not done repairing it yet. Anyway, forget about that and help me look through this Disney catalog and find a gift for my granddaughter.

The Shane Face

All right. How old’s she?

Dale Face 3

Heck if I know. I can’t keep track of how old my grand kids are- I ninety-two of ’em for goodness’ sake.

The Shane Face

Come again? How’sat even possible?


Son, my second wife and I got it on like a couple’a hogs in heat, and my many kids, bless their hearts, they got around. They. Got. Around.

Thanks, Dale! Now onward, to the recap!

Patrick, a.k.a the clone of the best friend from The Wonder Years, died at the end of the last episode, and now he’s a zombie. As a freshly-zombified dude, Patrick’s pretty hungry, so he sets about chowing down on the citizens of Cell Block D. Rick’s Rebels lost many people (though no one important) before realizing that the bites were coming from within the jail. The sequence of them fighting off these zombies really showed off the kind of gore this show’s known for, no doubt pushing the limits of what you can show on TV. There’s intestines everywhere, ripped throats, and a massive, almost unnecessary, curbstomp.

Here we also learn that up until this point, Rick has been refusing to lead Rick’s Rebels, who have instead formed a council to determine what actions to take. He’s also refused to carry a gun to stray sane and took Carl’s gun away to keep him from going full-on terminator. They both seem to have regained some humanity and turned their cold black hearts lukewarm and pinkish. However, with the attack from within the prison, Rick and Carl both were forced to fight the undead once again, ultimately leading to Rick arming himself and his boy once again. Is the day of humanity over, or will these two be able to hold on to the little pieces of their souls they managed to recover? I hope so; for the past two episodes, Rick’s been the best and most interesting he’s been in a long time, and I’d like to see more of him trying to take the high road again without veering into the Dudley Do-Right Rick of season one.

I’ve figured out that there’s only so much humanity to go around, and if one character gains some, another character loses some. Rick and Carl gain, Carol loses. Two young girls lose their dad in the attack, and, when the eldest girl couldn’t bring herself to stab their dad to prevent him from rising, Carol (gently) chides her about it later. On the one hand, she’s being practical by teaching the kids how to use weapons and protect themselves. On the other, she waits like, what, two minutes to berate these kids and call the older girl weak for not stabbing their dad? Jesus, Carol! Daddy’s not even cold yet and you’re trying to line up everyone to take a whack at him- are you trying to turn everyone into robots?


We’ll hit a quick hit-list of the rest of the good stuff from this episode: Michonne comes back, gets hurt, curses herself, and acts weird around baby Judith while implying that she had a baby once, but lost her. The outer prison fence almost comes toppling down because of all the zombies piling on it, the gang discovers that someone’s been leaving rat carcasses near the fence to rile up the walkers, they also discover that the attack inside the prison is possibly the result of a deadly sickness making its rounds within the group, (and they’re all potentially infected). Tyreese’s girlfriend is top on the sick list and gets immediately quarantined. When Tyreese goes to check up on her, he finds what seems to be the scene of a murder, a blood trail leading outsidel, and her burnt corpse next to another similarly unfortunate soul. Fin. So now we’re wondering: were they murdered, or did they turn? Who burned them? One thing’s for sure, whoever did this does not want to come face to face with Tyreese because he is one armed, angry, wall of beef.


  • Great attack within the prison.
  • Glen slicing off a zombie’s head on instinct.
  • Daryl ripping the gun out of a citizen’s hands and handing it to Rick.
  • They figure out quickly that it’s some kind of sickness, not just them being overrun by outside zombies.
  • Rick getting his gun back out.
  • The mystery of the scorched bodies.


  • Rick using his farm piggies as bait to lure the walkers away from the fence. Watching him cut into those squealing oinkers was kind of tough to watch.
  • Carl being a tattle tale, but it’s kind of nice to be annoyed with Carl again instead of shocked by his lack of humanity.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

Posted in action, Recap, The Walking Dead, TV | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

The Walking Dead 4-1: How Nice of You to Drop In


AMC’s The Walking Dead is finally back! Season four’s first episode, “30 Days Without an Accident” started off on a leisurely walk, but started to pick up the pace towards the end. Season’s three finale left us with a Terminator Carl, a Rick trying to come back from the edge of insanity, a dwindling team of Rick’s Rebels, and Woodbury left without a governor, the last of which lead to Rick offering to let the surviving Woodburians assimilate into Rick’s Rebels. As the title says it has been 30 days since the last accident in which the group has lost anyone. But that’s all about to change. But first, let’s check in with Dale.


Hey there, Dale. So much has happened since we last spoke… I-


Andrea! You look amazing! Whatever you’re doing to your hair, it’s workingOHMYGOD I FORGOT TO REMOVE THE TIN FOIL FROM MY MICROWAVABLE POTATO!


The Dale Face Peekaboo OR sneaking up on Hatty the Racoon


RV Fire

Dale face 4 electric dance floor

Well. That’s certainly gonna take all dang afternoon to clean up.

Thanks, Dale. Now onwards, to the recap, and, as always, spoilers below!


Talk about some powerful sound editing in the opening scene! Rick is out digging in the prison yard, with everything seeming nice and serene thanks to the lovely song playing throughout the scene, but the second he takes out his ear buds there’s a deafening roar from the ever-growing zombie horde gathering around the prison fences.

From there things get slow, and they stay that way for a while, but we do get a chance to reacquaint ourselves with everyone and get updated on what they’re up to right now: Beth has a man, Tyreese has a woman, Maggie and Glenn have a pregnancy scare, Carl is deep in the throes of puberty and a few glimpses of that humanity he seemed to lose in season three are starting to return for him, and for Rick as well. The prison has been fortified as balls and made suitable for living; Rick’s Rebels managed to set up crops, farm animals, a library, etc. And, final update: Daryl’s still a badass.


Rick has his own adventure apart from everyone else, exhibiting that he isn’t as hard and crazy as S3 Rick- the Ricktator. While he’s out checking the snares for small game, he comes across a woman who asks for help. Instead of immediately killing her, or telling her to go screw herself, he gives her food and agrees to go back to her camp to assess her and her husband to see if they’re appropriate material for Rick’s Rebels. He might not be The Ricktator, but he still isn’t Officer Rickly DoRight from S1, because he keeps his eyes honed in on her and keeps one hand on his gun throughout the entire walk. There’s even a subtle bit where he tricks her into exposing a lie, though she doesn’t realize it, and you can see on his face that he’s disappointed in her answer. All in all, it looks like season four Rick is a well-balanced Rick: he’s trying to regain some of his humanity and it seems to be working… though it is just the first episode.


When the woman inevitably pulls some BS, Rick whomps her in the head. Turns out her husband is nothing more than her husband’s zombified head-in-a-bag, and she wanted to feed Rick to him because she worried he was “slowing down without food.” She then offs herself, and Rick just walks away from it all; he’s gotten too old for that shit.

The Walking Dead _ Season 4, Episode 1 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

Daryl, Michonne, Tyreese, Glenn, Expendable Guy 1 (Beth’s guy), and Expendable Medic all go out for a supply run at Big Sp!t, which is pronounced Big Spot, not Big Spit. At the store, Expendable Medic gets caught under a shelf when the rotted ceiling gives way and it literally starts raining zombies. Expendable Medic actually makes it out unharmed, but Expendable Guy 1 gets eaten. When Daryl tells Beth, she calmly walks to the board that’s counting the days since the last accident and puts it back to zero with nary a tear. “I don’t cry anymore,” she says as she gives Daryl a hug to comfort him. Looks like Carl might have a contender for that Terminator spot. Also, Carol is secretly teaching the kids how to fight with weapons during what Rick thinks is “story time.”

At the very end of the episode, one of the kids gets sick and passes out in the showers. When he opens his eyes they’re pure zombie. Oooh! But he wasn’t bitten? Between this kid’s death, and the untimely demise of one of Rick’s hogs, it looks like there might be a new way that the zombie virus is spreading. No matter what, it means that Rick’s Rebels won’t be feeling safe for much longer.


  • The improvements to the prison.
  • Rick’s softened up a bit, but is still pretty intense.
  • Carl softened up a bit.
  • Carol calling Daryl “pookie.”
  • Daryl’s snort at being called “pookie.”
  • Michonne destroying the cardboard cutout of a zombie.
  • A walker hanging from the ceiling by his guts.
  • They are getting majorly creative with the zombie makeup.
  • Rick: “If you try anything, you’re going to be the one that loses.”


  • This was a slow start compared to the breakneck awesomeness of season three’s opening few episodes.


This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!


Dale’s Deeds by Alex Langley.

Posted in action, horror, Recap, The Walking Dead, TV | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

NYCC 2013: The Walking Dead Cast Tells All


This year at New York Comic Con several of the cast/crew of The Walking Dead showed up to answer questions and discuss the upcoming season (season four) in what turned out to be a delightfully fun panel. Part of that is thanks to the moderator, Community’s Yvette Nicole Brown, who is also a semi-regular on The Talking Dead, a huge fan of the show, and a delightfully funny person.

Since she has been on episodes of The Talking Dead alongside Norman Reedus (Daryl Dixon), Brown coaxed him into revealing one particular subject they talked about previously: Richonne! Reedus made the claim that Rick checks out Michonne in one episode, and Brown calls Reedus out on this again with Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes) sitting right next to Danai Gurira (Michonne). Lincoln looked surprised, and a tiny bit embarrassed before saying, “Sarah Wayne Callies would kick my ass if that went down this season…maybe in a few more seasons.” There’s some fuel for you Richonne shippers! Brown said she went back to watch the episode (in season 3 when Michonne returns to the prison and they’re saying their hellos) and confirms that Rick does indeed check out Michonne. Gurira comes to Lincoln’s defense saying, “I’ve heard this before, and he was looking introspectively at the ground.” Brown let the subject go, but not until after she said, “Yeah, right where your rear is.”

A couple of other highlights from the panel came from the audience. One young girl was so emotional when trying to speak into the microphone that Brown called her up to the stage and said, “Give her whatever she wants!” This lead to her being greeted by Andrew Lincoln, Danai Gurira, Steven Yeun (Glenn), Lauren Cohan (Maggie), Chad Coleman (Tyreese), and Norman Reedus. That alone would make a lot of people’s dream come true, but then she was ushered over to the table and sat on Reedus’ lap for the rest of the panel. This girl was just a bit too young to really appreciate that!

Up next was a young boy who asked the best question ever after doting all over Lauren Cohan: “Since Maggie’s such a badass, do you really think she needs to be protected by Glenn so much?” Hey, Robert Kirkman, I hope you’re paying attention here! The panelists didn’t really give an answer but had a good laugh. Then the kid rats out his mom saying, “That’s my mom right there, and she loves you [Norman Reedus] to death.” Oh kids! They’re great as long as they aren’t yours.

Here are some other bits we learned about The Walking Dead:

  • Steven Yeun auditioned for another show and thought he was going to get it. Thankfully, they passed on him, he got TWD part instead, and that other show amounted to nothing. See, some things happen for a reason!
  • Andrew Lincoln got so into chopping Hershel’s leg off that he continued to chop even after “cut” was yelled. The other cast members took a step away from him to look in awe as he kept chopping. He said it took him about 4 hours to calm down that night and go to sleep because he was so wired after filming that scene.
  • Danai Gurira says it’s harder to play a character who is mostly silent because “I’m not a silent chick.” She explained that there’s a lot of intensity with Michonne, and she felt more emotional inside, which ups the difficulty.
  • Lauren Cohan was asked to choose between saving Hershel or Glenn if they were out in the middle of the ocean and she could only save one. Cohan said, “I think dad would want me to pick my boyfriend.” And Yeun said, “I would make her pick Hershel then I would drift away on plywood forever.”
  • Chad Coleman (Tyreese) stated it was daunting to play a fan favorite character from the comic book but it helped that Robert Kirkman (creator, writer) encouraged him, telling him he was the right man to fill Tyreese shoes.
  • As far as season four goes, they weren’t giving much info. Scott Gimple (writer) gave a little look into what we can expect: “We’re going to see each character go through an arc, and by the end you will know all these characters even more.” And, “There’s a lot of action at the fence with all the walkers there.” I can’t freakin’ wait!

We don’t have to wait long, though, since season four premieres tonight October 13, 2013 on AMC.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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AFC Classic: Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol!

I hope Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) has good car insurance because he’s going to need all the help he can get after Mission: Impossible- Ghost Protocol. Seems like every time the dude steps foot in a car it wrecks and/or blows up. Maybe he’s saved so much with Geico he just doesn’t care!

MI 4’s story centers around Cobalt (Michael Nyqvist), a Russian nuclear strategist (oooh, fancy!), who decides that evolution isn’t happening quickly enough and the world is being bogged down by weak humans. To fix this, he decides to give evolution a little jump start by setting off a nuclear bomb in hopes that it will instigate an all-out global nuclear war, leaving behind only the strongest of humanity.

Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and team are on to his plan like stink on poo. They end up framed by Cobalt for blowing up the Kremlin and set the record straight and save humanity. Go team Hunt!

Mission Impossible- Ghost Protocol is great! The team of actors have a very natural chemistry together and deliver some high-energy performances, particularly Simon Pegg and Jeremy Renner. Even though the film was over two hours long, the action kept it feeling like it was moving quickly, and had enough story mixed in with the excitement to make for a great thrill ride.

Time Until Action: Instant!!

Best Fight: Yep, it has to be between Jane Carter (Paula Patton) of the Hunt team and evil assassin Sabine (Lea Seydoux). These two ladies have a grudge match over the fact that Sabine killed Jane’s partner/love interest, and the fists come flying when they meet again. This brawl is pure, uncut aggression with kicking, punching, and throwing things. Eventually, Jane gets a fantastic kick on Sabine pushing her out the window of Burj Khalifa, the tallest manmade structure in the world! Fun fact: Tom Cruise tried not to use a stunt double for MI 4, and these two ladies decided to match Mr. Cruise’s gusto and do this fight scene themselves, making for a much more intense, more real scrap between them. Bravo, ladies!

Action Rating: 4 Impossible Missions, out of 5.

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Blood on the Canvas: Bloodsport!


Blood on the Canvas, son! This new series of articles will focus on some of the best combat sport fights in film/TV history. I’m not talking about back alley brawls, I mean those tournament-of-blood smackdowns that get your heart pumping and leave you speechless due to the sheer awesomeness of it all. This week we’ll be looking at some powerful kicks yo! In Bloodsport, Frank Dux (Jean-Claude Van Damme) puts a hurtin’ to everyone he comes up against in the underground fighting tournament, the Kumite. In the film’s climactic final fight,  JCVD goes up against Bolo Yeung, another renowned martial artist. But Bolo’s not above fighting dirty, which he shows when he throws blinding dust into Dux’s eyes. This brawl is one of JCVD’s most celebrated, thanks, in no small part, to his crazy jump-kicking action. Check out the fight below.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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