Action Flick Chick: What’s the most quotable action film?
(topic suggested by Scott Schultz @SlickRiptide)
Answers on Facebook:
Jerry B Flory: Roadhouse.
Wernher Von Braun: Big Trouble In Little China
Mike Sullivan: The Terminator.
Kurly Tlapoyawa: The Warriors
Chris George: Die Hard.
Cory White: Fight Club
Eric Tamez: Commando
Dave M Gray: Die Hard
Kris Garcia The Last Boyscout
John DuMond: Snatch
Jacinta Brown Baca: Terminator
Merk Kurall Schuenemann: Lethal Weapon 2! Everything from Hey look – its the master race, to I’ll just call you Adolph, to Has the sunlight ever touched your brain kaffer, and last, but not least – he’s been defkaffernated! LOL!
Wood Robin: Die Hard, any of them.
Emmanuel Croft: terminator 2
Jeremy Hyler: predator
William G. Hamrick Jr.: Was going to answer that question but then I took an arrow to the knee.
Therissa Alexander: Die Hard
Jonathan Hill: The Princess Bride
Will Childs: Tombstone!
Mark Tickler: Tombstone, there’s plum line in every scene.
Luis Robles: I think everyone has quoted terminator 2 before
Daniel Doyle: Terminator 1 & 2 Die Hard 1 & 2 Dirty Harry.
Sarah SarcasmSpasm Barbour: Aliens
Jonathan Hill: (ok…perhaps ‘action film’ is stretching it a bit for The Princess Bride’ – but there’s swords! )
Julian Owens: I’ll be baahck!
Jaime Garcia: Anything with Arnold is quotable. Remember when I promised to kill you last? I lied.
John Ferrigno: Star Wars
Shane Briggs: Big Trouble in Little China
Brian Knox: I’m torn between Gladiator (“What we do in life echoes in eternity.”) and 300 (“Our arrows will block out the sun.” “Then we will fight in the shade.”).
Kanu Digit: Got to be Die Hard, even the bad guys had quoteable stuff, “…we’ll be on a beach collecting 20 percent!”
Folks also gave about 6 times as many answers on Twitter.
People had a LOT to say on this topic!