Make sure you have either possible outcome covered. Send gifts of condolences or congratulations c/o the Action Flick Chick’s website manager Llama Mama.
Much as she loves G4TV, Katrina wouldn’t have entered G4’s Next Woman of the Web competition had it not been for friends’ urging through twitter and Facebook. Hundreds of you promoted her during the contest and thousands participated in the voting and viewing. When so many people deserve to know a secret, no one can.
Katrina appreciates every word of encouragement and the fact that so many of you care truly means so very much to her, but please don’t press her for information during the next few weeks. She really needs to avoid saying anything. All it takes is a single slip of a pronoun (e.g., “I” for “she” or vice-versa) to sink the ship.
Tossing a coin to see which hypothetical outcome I should illustrate first. And it’s…heads!
If she won, she can’t discuss it because revealing anything could conceivably cost her the prize. What if a blabbermouth winner had to repay the prize and reimburse the G4TV network for airfare, hotel, ground transportation, per diem, and photo shoot?
If she lost, she would rather not talk about it even evasively because every time it came up would probably bum her out. What if revealing a loss meant a blabbermouth loser wouldn’t at least get to enjoy seeing her submission video air during the TV special?
Talk about it all you want, of course. She just can’t answer.
Regardless of whether she came out as top dog or runner up, if she’s in the top five then her video will air during G4’s Women of the Web TV special hosted December 30 by Attack of the Show! co-host Kevin Pereira, and that’s pretty darn cool. The show has five winners, not just one.

What do you mean, you didn't get her a present yet?
And don’t think I’m kidding about sending her some presents.
It is the Christmas season, you know.
– Llama Mama, webmistress for
Addendum: Red Carpet Crash, which hosted the Dallas Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day premiere which Katrina recently told you about, is hosting a watch party December 30. Details will follow.
Related posts:
* This Week on Attack of the Show! Action Flick Chick Covers Dallas Comic-Con (Video)
* VOTE KATRINA!!! Women of the Web Special on G4TV with Action Flick Chick!
* Women of the Web Video with Doug Benson, Dean Stockwell, Adam West, Ron Jeremy, Carrot Top, Stan Lee, and More!
* Neck and Neck G4TV Women of the Web Contest Ends Today: Will the Chick Triumph? Have You Joined Her Army?
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I will be tuned in to watch you win. Do you have your acceptance speech ready?
Pingback: Rocket Llama HQ - » G4TV Women of the Web – Tune in December 29 to Find Out
well if you dont win then G4 sucks more then it already does…