Video Game Review: Dead Rising 2
Dead Rising 2 is all about zombie killing! Yay! You play as Chuck Greene, a guy who has been framed for a zombie outbreak, which is unfortunate since all he’s concerned with is finding enough Zombrex, a serum that keeps people from turning into zombies, to keep his daughter healthy. Can Chuck survive the zombie apocalypse, find medicine for his daughter, rescue the poor souls stuck behind undead enemies line AND clear his good name?
The graphics are definitely top-notch in Dead Rising 2. The blood looks great and splatters plentifully. When a zombie explodes, it’s not some crappy spray of blood and a little piece of a brain – no, it’s an extra-chunky-zombie-exploded-head-stew: now with extra meaty bits falling all around you! And when Chuck swings a weapon, it looks like he’s putting all his weight behind each swing and not just some half-assing it and hoping that it kills whatever it’s coming into contact with.
This game has been hella fun! There are so many little joys you’ll experience while playing. For instance, you can dress Chuck in a plethora of ridiculous items of clothing like Daisy Duke shorts and bikini top, or an Evel Knievel outfit. There are also some nicer regular suits that make you look like a pimp if you aren’t feeling as crazy. The Fortune City entertainment strip is filled to the brim with little mini-games you can participate in. There’s a cash box where you jump in and get bombarded with Price is Right-style music while cash flies around and you try to grab it. There’s also a mechanical bull in which I made Chuck ride while wearing the Daisy Duke shorts. If there’d been a button to make him drunkenly rip off his top and scream “WOO!” while riding the bull then I totally would’ve hit that, but alas, the game makers didn’t include that.
The greatest thing about the game is the butt-ton of items you can use as weapons and combine together to make ultra weapons. This is one game you can put your imagination to work and the crazier the betterMix a wheelchair and a car battery and watch as you roll through crowds of zombies and shock the bajeezus outta them! Combine a drill and a bucket and get a drill bucket you can stick on zombies’ heads and drill ’em until they explode! Merge a flash light with some gems and get your very own light saber! BZEEROW!
My Experience
I haven’t played through much of the storyline or bothered trying to rescue any of the other survivors, because, if you haven’t noticed, I’m the Action Flick Chick, storyline rarely matters to me. Dead Rising 2 for me is all about how many zombies I can kill and by how many awesome and unique ways I can do it. So far its been an absolute blast! The game has a tally of how many zombies you kill in the bottom right corner so you can keep track of your zombie-killing prowess and be proud of yourself. You can play co-op online with a friend, which is also completely awesome. Tearing up a crowd of zombies by myself is crazy, but tearing them up with a friend is even crazier! I do wish we were able to play 2-player split screen though, so when a friend is visiting instead of fighting over who gets to play (it’s my Xbox, pal!), we could both play.
Dead Rising 2 has been crazy fun, and I recommend it to anyone and everyone who wants to wreck some crap in new and imaginative ways. It’s awesome!
Fun Rating: 5 Paddlesaws chopping zombies to bits out of 5!
This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!
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This review is excellent, it makes me wanna play this game right now
I cannot wait to buy this game!!!!
Awesome. I personally cant wait to plow down zombie scum in the wheelchair, and combine the items to make uber-weapons! I love that you add humor to reviews. You do a great job of informing the reader, and keeping it interesting. Rock star!
I can’t wait to play this game! No 2-player split screen is always a problem when my husband and I decide we want to play the same game, but we’ll solve it as we always do: I play, he waits patiently. Great review!
Nice review! I have yet to pick up this game but I’m gonna do it soon for the love of zombies.
Good review. I want to play this game!
Your right on, It’s fantastic. I can play it all day.
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