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Category Archives: 3 kabooms
Road House (1989): Skinny Dipping and Throat Ripping

When I heard about the Road House remake hitting the small screens, I was inspired to revisit the original cult classic to see how it strikes me now, decades after I first saw it. And, on rewatching it, what was the first thing I was struck by? Patrick Swayze’s buns. Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 3 kabooms, action, movie, R-rated
Tagged action, Ben Gazzara, boobs, breasts, David Lee Henry, explosion, Kelly Lynch, Marshall Teague, nude, Nudity, Patrick Swayze, picnic, polar bear, R-rated, Rambo, Road House, Rowdy Herrington, Sam Elliott, sex, Silver Pictures, skinny dipping, skinnydipping, strong graphic violence, strong language, Sunshine Parker
Plane (2023) Review: Tony Goldwyn for President

My expectations for PLANE were higher than the snow on the tallest mountain, higher than the beams of sunshine tickling the Earth, higher than the people in the parking lot of a Phish concert. Continue reading
Hard Ticket to Hawaii (1987): A Bonkers B-Movie Bonanza
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 3 kabooms, action, movie, R-rated, YouTube
Tagged Andy Sidaris, babes, bombs, boobs, breasts, bullets, Bullets Bombs and Babes, Dona Speir, gore, Hard Ticket to Hawaii, Hope Marie Carlton, Malibu Bay Films, Nudity, Playboy Playmates, R-rated, Ronn Moss, Sex Scene, softcore, Triple B Collection, violence
Ebony, Ivory, & Jade (1976): ’70s Action-sploitation, Now with Less Exploitation!
The One (2001): Jet Li in the Multiverse of Mediocrity

Way before everyone and their gramma and their alt-universe gramma were doing multiverse movies, Jet Li co-starred alongside himself in The One. As it turns out, the only person who could really challenge Jet Li… is Jet Li.
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 3 kabooms, action, movie
Tagged action, Action Flick Chick, Carla Gugino, Delroy Lindo, Evil twin, explosion, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Multiverse, parallel universe, The One, Time Travel
Kate (2021)

A dying person has nothing left to lose. If you know that X thing is going to kill you soon, then in a way you have been given a gift. A gift you may not want, but a gift nonetheless. Knowing … Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 3 kabooms, action, movie, R-rated
Tagged action, action chick, Action Flick Chick, Assassin, John Wick, Jun Kunimura, Kate, Kate ending explained, Kate move review, Kate spoilers, Keaunu Reevew, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, movie, plutonium 204, R-rated, violence, Woody Harrelson
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Samaritan (2022): Good, But Not Great, Samaritan

I can’t resist a Sylvester Stallone film. Dude is 76 and still starring in action movies like he’s 30. In his 50 plus year career as an actor, he’s played more leading heroes than most actors could ever dream of, … Continue reading
Review: You’re Next (2013)

When it comes to psychopathic murderers, having them tell you “you’re next” is a very bad thing. Whatever they have planned for you rarely involves petting puppies, but it’s hard to GTFO when these same psychos have booby-trapped your escape … Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 3 kabooms, action, horror, movie
Tagged action, Action Flick Chick, competent heroine, horror, movie, review, Sharni Vinson, You're Next