Before Christmas, I announced that Sony Pictures had asked if I’d like to give away some posters and film props from Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day. They specifically hoped that I’d run the giveaway through twitter. To enter a drawing for posters, promote the giveaway. For a chance at the film props, go to twitter and tweet on the topic, “Vigilante Movies – Good, Bad, Right, Wrong.” For more details, refer to the original giveaway announcement:
* The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day PROPS AND POSTERS
Later the filmmakers sent me some trivia questions and more items to give out. See who earned those and check out some interesting Boondock Saints tattoos:
* The Saints Come Marching Ink: The Boondock Saints Tattoos Plus Posters and Film Prop Prizes
Yesterday on twitter, I made several announcements:
1. Grand Prize: Tombstone
Conceivably, whoever writes the response that the judge enjoys most might not need a tombstone that has a movie character’s name and the year 2003 on it. Hard to imagine, I know, but it could happen. So the judge’s favorite response will earn first choice from the items below. His second favorite gets second choice, and third favorite gets third.
If you know the sequel, you should know whose tombstone I’m talking about. If you want to make sure, check trivia question #3 from our previous Boondock Saints post.
Note on the bottles: While two of them are a store brand that would make it hard to prove to your pals that these things were used in a movie, the County Meade brand is not real. It was made up for the motion picture.
I’m also getting a bag with some rosaries used in the film. One will go to one of the previous trivia challenge winners, and I’ve said outright that I’m keeping one of these for myself. If the judge has more than three favorites, the extra folks can get rosaries. Otherwise, they’ll go to a couple of you who help us promote this giveaway. And speaking of the judge…
2. Judge: Norman Reedus
Actor Norman Reedus, a.k.a. @wwwbigbaldhead on twitter (for, a.k.a. Murphy MacManus in both Boondock Saints films, announced via tweet that he’ll serve as judge.
@wwwbigbaldhead: im judging the boondock saints props give away – , right @actionchick?
Nifty, huh? I can’t tell you what criteria Murph – erm, I mean Norman – will use to judge his favorite responses because he probably won’t know that himself until he sees what you’ve written. Whether you need to make him think or laugh or weep, well, we’ll just find that out later, now won’t we?
3. Deadline: Movie Anniversary
Deadline for entries will be midnight at the end of the day on January 21, which – not coincidentally – happens to be the 10th anniversary of The Boondock Saints‘ original U.S. release.
As for when you find out who won, I don’t know. Compiling everything after the deadline will take a bit, and then they’ll get judged on whatever day fits Norman’s schedule. It will happen when it happens. Don’t worry. He’s a MacManus, after all. He’s known for swift judgment.
Other related posts:
Other related posts:
* The Boondock Saints (1999) – this site’s most downloaded article!
* Coming Attraction: Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day (2009)
* The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day Trailer
* The Boondock Saints II Premiere
* The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day (2009)
Please note: Absolutely everything is subject to change.

The Big Prize!
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OMFG – Norman will judge this himself! Spectacular!
whoa….that’s an actual big a$$ tombstone?………..cooooool.
oh man my son would freak..he loves agent smecker…I am so showing him this page.
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