"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!"
With a lot of help from friends and some hard work, our video about Adam West is here! The Hollywood icon, Adam West, does not have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Ridiculous, right? You might know him as being Batman in the television series or as the voice of Mayor West on Family Guy. I put together this video with help from friends to rally up support and to let you know how you can help.
You can also see the full length version of the video here. Go now and show your support for Adam!
And get your name in movie credits. Visit the Kickstarter campaign for the documentary Starring Adam West about Adam’s career and the effort to get him that star: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1425501330
Cast in order of appearance:
Adam West (television archives)
0:04 Action Flick Chick Katrina Hill (@ActionChick)
0:14 Adam West (@therealadamwest)
0:28 Devin Pike (@JustDevin) RedCarpetCrash.com
0:40 Jill Pantozzi (@thenerdybird) TheNerdyBird.com
0:49 Durwood Murray (@ReddieSwing) YouTube.com/brickstonehuge1999
0:51 Dr. Randolph Duncan, author of The Power of Comics
1:00 Vaughn Fry (@VaughnOnMovies) VaughnOnMovies.com
1:07 Kristin Rielly (@geekgirls) GeekGirlsNetwork.com
1:17 Joe Ries (@CrazedDrScott) YouTube.com/brickstonehuge1999
1:36 Mike the GameMaster (@OnyxSparrow) WAGON Webcomic Battle
1:45 Renee Couey, The ERIICA Project
1:58 Tanner Gibson (@TanManG)
2:13 MarQ (@swiv) SomewhereInVegas.net
2:26 Carter Friend (@CarterFanboy) Comics! with Carter & Richard
2:43 Jonathan Miller (@jonfun) YouTube.com/jonfun
2:48 Nick Langley (@NickRocketLlama) RocketLlama.com
3:06 Yellow Lantern shirt guy who also showed up in a photo in “Run, Action Flick Chick, Run”
3:26 Marko Head (@MarkoHead) MarkosCorner.com
3:28 Dr. Travis Langley (@PapaLlama), Comics Arts Conference
3:54 equation by Manuel Yoro (@MonkeyJedi)
4:07 Evan Zebley (@ZebluePrime)
4:09 AmberLily (@AmberLily)
4:15 Arturo Garcia (@ABoyNamedArt) Racialicious.com
4:21 Richard Purnell (@Channel23hahaha) YouTube.com/Channel23hahaha
4:27 James Tooley, Chromatic Films, director of Starring Adam West
Editing: Papa Llama
Graphics: Mike Seidl
Order of appearance differs in the longer version, which has some wonderful stuff. Appearing in the long version but not short: Josh Briggs and end credits dancer Hunter B.
This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!
Related posts:
* Interview: Get Adam West (Batman, The Family Guy) His Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
* Whose Walk of Fame Star Do YOU Want?
* Women of Web Video with Doug Benson, Dean Stockwell, Adam West, Ron Jeremy, Carrot Top, Stan Lee, and More!
* Adam West (therealadamwest) Picks Worst Superpower
* Interview: Writer/Director Ray Griggs (SuperCapers)
Pingback: Rocket Llama HQ - » Adam West – Hollywood Star! Adam West Belongs on the Walk of Fame
Wished I could gotten video in for this. Awesome video. Great job guys….and gals! Adam West deserves a star on the Walk of Fame!
As hard as he worked to get rid of that bomb?Give the batman his Star!
shortened link = http://is.gd/WESTAR