HAYWIRE opens nationwide January 20.
SYNOPSIS: This dynamic action-thriller directed by Oscar® winner Steven Soderbergh (Contagion) boasts a talented cast that includes Channing Tatum (GI Joe: Rise of the Cobra), Ewan McGregor (The Ghost Writer), Michael Fassbender (X-Men: First Class), Antonio Banderas (The Legend of Zorro), Bill Paxton (Big Love), Michael Douglas (Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps), Michael Angarano (Almost Famous); and introduces mixed martial arts (MMA) superstar Gina Carano as Mallory Kane, in a demanding lead role that has her performing her own high-adrenaline stunts. Mallory Kane is a highly trained operative who works for a government security contractor in the dirtiest, most dangerous corners of the world. After successfully freeing a Chinese journalist held hostage, she is double crossed and left for dead by someone close to her in her own agency. Suddenly the target of skilled assassins who know her every move, Mallory must find the truth in order to stay alive. Using her black-ops military training, she devises an ingenious—and dangerous—trap. But when things go haywire, Mallory realizes she’ll be killed in the blink of an eye unless she finds a way to turn the tables on her ruthless adversary.
With this new action heroine upon us, Action Flick Chick Katrina asked friends and fans who they’d pick as the #1 ass-kicking movie heroine.
One randomly selected respondent will receive a Haywire prize pack, which
includes a Haywire T-shirt, rubber bracelet, and mini poster. U. S. addresses only.
Answers on Facebook:
Alan Sizzler Kistler: Sara Connor or Ellen Ripley are way up there for me.
Alex Langley: You
Andrew FitzSimons: Hands down, bar none – Ripley.
Clara Mathews: Ziyi Zhang from Crouching Tiger, Hero & House Flying Daggers. Love that Kung Fu action!
Greg Turner: Ripley is a great shout. Have to say River Tam from Serenity as well – only a few bouts of ass-kicking but they are fairly brutal. Oh and also Hit Girl from Kick Ass :oD
Harold Burman: Honorable mention for Hanna
Jeff Kerman: Toss up between Ripley, Sarah Conner, The Bride, River Tam, or Hit Girl.
Jennifer Lawrence Wurzer: Ellen Ripley!
Jim Mack McGee: 1. Ripley close 2nd. Sarah Conner T2
Kanu Digit: Beatrix Kiddo has to be up there based on numbers killed. If Gina Cerrano is even a little bit capable in Haywire she needs to play Wonder Woman as soon as possible.
Kip Mussatt: Selene from Underworld or Eden Sinclair from Doomsday.
Luis Robles: Scarlet Johansson “The Black widow” in the movie, TheAvengers.
Marq Piocos Alice from the Resident Evil series has to be on the list
Michael Potter: What about that girl from “Sucker Punch.” I didn’t like the movie but she killed a lot of people. And don’t leave Hellboys girlfriend off the list…man I need some breakfast…also don’t forget what’s-her-name from that one blockbuster movie a couple summers ago…do I win something for “zombie-brain” Kat?
Mitchell Ivey: Violet from Ultraviolet. I can watch her fight scenes over and over.
Nathan Morris: Any of those Steel Magnolias
Richard Purnell: I gotta go with Hit Girl, or The Bride frm Kill Bill.
Richard Purnell: Oooo I loved Lisbeth from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Robert Genaille: Ellen Ripley, Sarah Connor, Selene.
Sue-Ann Cooper: Go Ripley or go bust
Thomas Itpick: You know who I always liked? I always liked Gina F**kin’ Torres. She needs to do more stuff.
Answers on Twitter:
Aaron Howe @aaronhowe7814h: @ActionChick Trinity!
Aaron Matthew Kaiser @aaronkaiser16h: You. End of story. RT @ActionChick: HAYWIRE introduces a new ass-kicking heroine this month. Who’s the #1 ass-kicking movie heroine so far?: Stuart & Annette @FromPage2Screen16h: @FilmSamurai @ActionChick Sarah Connor or Ripley would be my guess for the current favourite.: In reply to Film Samurai: Chuck James @ChuckJamesShow16h: @ActionChick Ripley. She held it down!
AJ @rage_A14h: @ActionChick Haywire looks pretty darn badass.. Surprised you haven’t been talking about that one more.
Alex Carrion @AlexJCarrion3h: @ActionChick @FueltheFighter #1 ass kicker
bill norris @bnchile44446h: @ActionChick Kate Beckingsale, gotta love a girl who can kick that much @$$ in all leather…thats gotta chafe.
bob calhoun @bob_calhoun15h: @ActionChick Katharine Hepburn.: from Original Daly City, Daly City: ryan weeks @Ryeguy69515h: @ActionChick Angelina Jolie in Salt / Geena Davis in Long Kiss Goodnight.
Brian Navarrete @KAINLIVES16h: @ActionChick I was always partial to Ripley from Alien. Watching her progress into strength was believable and could be relatable
Charles Webb @TheCharlesWebb16h: @ActionChick Ripley, by a country mile.
Christopher Judd @trouble_rising16h: @ActionChick Aliens
Collection Stash @collectionstash13h: @ActionChick Hanna.
Dan Delago @Film_Shark16h: @ActionChick I thought Saoirse Ronan was kick-ass in the film, ‘Hanna.’ I just wish her first name wasn’t so difficult to spell.
Daniel Endara @danielendara: Sigourney Weaver!!
Diana Moon @dianamoon9h: @ActionChick is it sad I can only think of Angelina Jolie movies? Or that I have to really think about it?
Doug Puthoff @dougputhoff52m: @ActionChick @dianamoon Emma Peel. ‘Nuff said!
Dr. Thunderballs @hereholddeez2h: @ActionChick umm, how about ALL the women from @BitchSlapMovie ? Most badass movie of all time…
elizabeth_ann @elizabeth_ann3h: @ActionChick i haven’t found anyone recently, actress or character, who i felt deserved the title.
Erin Payne @erinpayne9916h: @ActionChick I say Uma Thurman as the Bride in the ‘Kill Bill’ movies!!
Ethan Lee Fields @cool_fiasco16h: @ActionChick it’s between lara croft, & kate from underworld, but I totally forgot about the woman that played in Resident Evil
Evan Salveson @FightForTheFan116h: @ActionChick Kate Beckinsale/Underworld
Film Samurai @FilmSamurai16h: “ @ActionChick: HAYWIRE introduces a new ass-kicking heroine this month. Who’s the #1 ass-kicking movie heroine so far?” ZERO WOMAN!: Gary O / Hosp @Gary_O16h: @ActionChick Uma Thurman as “The Bride” was the purposeful embodiment of the action heroine, but also love Milla Jovavich of Residents Evil.
Gabriel Sosa @Mathdespair7h: @ActionChick @dianamoon what no love for Milla Jovovich or Kate Beckingsale?!?
Gerald Coleman @iconiclast9h: @ActionChick Selene from Underworld … Or Milla in whatever lol
Gus Cespedes @GusCespedes7h: @ActionChick that youngling from kickass :l
Holly @fireholly9915h: @ActionChick no matter how messy the chases get, you can tell where everyone is, where everyone is going, and what they are trying to get to
Holly @fireholly9915h: @ActionChick she does femme!heroine (“take your panties off the camera!”), butch!heroine (fistfighting huge men), and the directing is great
Holly @fireholly9916h: @ActionChick I know everyone hates Salt but I have to nomiate her, at least out of the recent heroines.
J. David Clarke @Clarketacular16h: @ActionChick I’m goin with Milla Jovovich. Mainly from Resident Evil, but also from every Milla Jovovich movie ever.
James @Friendlessone7h: @ActionChick the first person that came to mind was Sarah Conner in T2.
james carveth @jamescarveth15h: @ActionChick Lt Ellen Ripley!!!!!!
JASON LIVES @JasonSpore13h: @ActionChick Lt. Ellen Ripley, Lisbeth Salander, Hit Girl, Sarah Connor, Everyone from Sucker Punch
Joey Morris @Danger_Morris16h: @ActionChick Ellen Ripley!
John Hanlin @pittboy875h: @ActionChick Carrie Fisher HAS to be in the conversation, yeah? #episodes4thru6 #bluesbros
John V. Ferrigno @JohnVFerrigno7h: @ActionChick Kate Beckinsale in Underworld is bad ass. Angelina Jolie is great at action. But my #1: Uma Thurman in Kill Bill
Jonathan Rodriguez @idressmyself3h: @ActionChick Ripley, Selene, The Bride.. Not too many film heroine ass kickers
JP @jayep017h: @ActionChick Milla J. in Res Evils…& 5th Element
Justin Mitchell @thecollector2214h: @ActionChick Definitely Hit Girl from Kick Ass.
Justin_TheBuck @Justin_TheBuck14h: @ActionChick I like Gina Carano as an MMA star but can she hold her own in acting? She seems like she’d be another Cynthia Rothrock in film
Katrina Hill @ActionChick16h: HAYWIRE introduces a new ass-kicking heroine this month. Who’s the #1 ass-kicking movie heroine so far?:
Kosmo Powers @KosPowInc16h: @ActionChick I would say Zoe Saldana.
Kristopher R @cheesehead197616h: @ActionChick Besides you? …Michelle Pfeiffer, “Batman Returns” and Jovovich in “Resident Evils”
Larry G. @LGgonzalez1010h: @ActionChick princess leia. I didn’t see anyone post her so i thought outside the bun.
larry gallagher @Writing_Rambler14h: @ActionChick Sarah Connor… Her pull ups alone were tougher than anything I’ve ever done in my life
Lisa Van Ahn @lisavanahn6h: @ActionChick @dianamoon Here’s a few more….Hilary Swank, Uma Thurman, Lucy Lui….
Markus Hunt @MarkusHunt3h: @ActionChick Angelina gets my vote for Lara Croft, Salt and Mrs Smith. “Chicken shit!”
martin de bruin @MartindB7416h: @ActionChick mine #1 is still Sigourney Weaver.: G Money @foghorne02316h: @FilmSamurai @ActionChick Azumi: In reply to Film Samurai: Sean @_made_you_look_16h: @ActionChick Beatrix Kiddo
Michael C. Stradford @quietdragon5113h: @ActionChick Xena. Battle on!
Michael Gonzalez @mikegonzalez2k3h: @ActionChick @dianamoon Check out Haywire.. That chick could kick Angelina’s ass http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFV0Uvzpz0o: View video: Your name too @KingoftheATATs4h: @ActionChick @MillaJovovich. Nuf said.
Michael Kingscott @mkingscott3h: @ActionChick Red Sonja?
Morribb Tyler Lehrer @emptylamb16h: @ActionChick since the roles usually seem to fall to the same people, maybe you should change the question to ass-kicking actress instead
Ms. RAY J @RAYJ8297h: @ActionChick Milla Jovovich or Rhona Mitra in Doomsday!
Nick B @InstantKarmal16h: @ActionChick Gina. Reason? She can kick ass without needing a fight choreographer, fancy editing and special effects. And she’s purdy…
Polar Bear @TwiztidRellik9z16h: @ActionChick @zoesaldana in #Columbiana
Robert @Lyconus15h: @ActionChick Hit Girl?
Robert Coupée @BobCoupee15h: @ActionChick I would say Uma Thurman’s Bride from ‘Kill Bill’. Thinking of the blood-soaked fight near the end of the 1st movie
Robert Friemering @MrSlikk11h: @MillaJovovich RT @ActionChick HAYWIRE introduces a new ass-kicking heroine this month. Who’s the #1 ass-kicking movie heroine so far?: Jedii Raccoon @JediiRaccoon12h: @ActionChick Selene!
Robert Mancino @RobertMancino16h: @ActionChick Cynthia Rothrock. #ChinaOBrien4Life
Robert Stamos-Romijn @wyldride1h: I picked “Black Tar” bc I misread the question RT @ActionChick Some people picked characters for #1 ass kicking heroine, some pick actresses
Rupert @loopinthe1st16h: @ActionChick I’d say Beatrix Kiddo! Followed closely by Hit-Girl!
Ryan DaCosta @Ryan_DC_281416h: @ActionChick My personal fave is Summer Vale from the #DarkRising franchise. She uses an axe. You don’t see that much.
S. Suzuki @to_paraphrase3h: @ActionChick I’m torn between Ellen Ripley & Sarah Connor for that question
Sam Varias @samvarias15h: @ActionChick late to convo but Michelle Yeoh
samuel nestor © @thedesertape16h: @ActionChick Grace Jones…: from El Paso, TX: Ian Bruce @OMGitsIanBruce16h: @ActionChick G.I Jane. That movie was intense: from Verdi-Mogul, NV: Alice Sercy @EastDallasAlice16h: @ActionChick I beleive she is a professional stunt double
Scott @g33kysco77y16h: @ActionChick Oh you… *waggles finger*
Skye Donald @skyedonald3h: @pittboy87 @ActionChick Are you asking for characters or actresses? Big difference.: In reply to John Hanlin: Skye Donald @skyedonald3h: @ActionChick I’m anticipating getting flamed for this, but I vote for “Hit Girl” in Kick Ass.
St. Martin Torrence @Saint_LexRex13h: @ActionChick Michelle Yeoh. James Bond Tomorrow Never Dies
Stephen Baron @stevedawg4127h: @ActionChick I can’t remember her name but the girl from Columbiana. She’s hot and kicks ass it doesn’t get much better.
Terrell Walters @kingt200811h: @ActionChick pfft you are
Tricia @fangirlcantina11h: @ActionChick Sarah Connor
Victor Tjiong @Shigy_and_Kanu16h: @ActionChick Thailand’s JeeJa Yanin & Korea’s Kim Kyoung-suk. #ass-kickingmovieheroine: Michael Kingscott @mkingscott16h: @ActionChick Samantha Caine (Long Kiss Goodnight) was pretty bad-ass
Will Kountis @sitnuok3h: @ActionChick @MillaJovovich Yeah those films are KA! but I’ll go small screen and give claudia black a vote!
The #1 Ass-Kicking Movie Heroine? For me it’s Sharon Stone in “The Quick and the Dead”. The proof = http://youtu.be/iHL2Ac_W9Zc
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Carrie in Stephen King’s ‘Carrie’. Both the book and the movie. She kicked ass with her mind……