Action Flick Chick: Which video game most brings out your need to swear?
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Answers on Facebook
Chris Spider Mureiko: Super Nintendo’s Street Fighter II. That was the most cheatingest game I ever (and still) played.
Christoffer Andersson: Racing games bring out the very worst of me. Doesn’t matter if we’re talking Mario Kart, Trials HD or Forza Motorsport. I will develop tourettes
Christopher Flocco: original X-Men for Sega… reset the level? dafuq?
Christopher Hunt: The old Mortal Kombat games… 2 fighters in and the CPU punishes you repeatedly. Then if you make to the final boss…grrrrr.
Dalanna Bottorff: MW3, or any COD games…tonight I think I invented new words….
Derek Simmons: Most fighters, mainly. But mostly as an exclamation to my level of approval or disapproval after the match.
Dominique de Ville: PONG
Eddie Newsome: Gears of war 3….I HATE POSERS WHO SIT AND SNIPE FROM A DISTANCE!!! Whew that was therapeutic
Greg Turner: Story based driving games for sure – Need For The Speed: The Run & Driver: San Francisco most recently. Infuriating.
J. Seth Barnard: Halo. For sure…nothing like dying over and over to make you start swearing
Jacinta Brown: Baca Wii tennis
James Thomas: None, I find the puzzles most stimulating, driving in DC – that is a different story
Jen Bowman: All of them, but especially older games. Like, NES old.
Jennifer Lawrence: Wurzer Driving games!!!!
John Ferrigno: it’s an old one, but no game ever made me more aggravated than Joust
Julian Owens: ooh easy, galaga"That man over there is playing Galaga. Thought we wouldn't notice, but we did."
Kevin Perez: Ghostbuster for the NES, the stairs stage is enough to get me to Hulk out.
Leia Calderon-Rox: final fantasy tactics, the moment i’m almost done with an epic strategy and i can’t revive someone in time
Luis Robles: halo online!
Luke Malin: Any that won’t run on my b grade rig.
Mark Baxter: castlevania for xbox 360. that game is a bloody nightmare.
Mark Edward Lewis: Star Wars Battlefront…especially when my kid gets Yoda, and only have the Garrison Bonus. I hate Yoda.
Martin Bright II: Anything on the PS3 or XBox360. The Nintendo games usually seem too family friendly to curse at.
Michael Gonzalez: If you feel like having fun and screaming FU at your screen? You should check out VVVVVV on Steam. Just be prepared to die 1000 times…
Michael Gonzalez: This video is a win, I laughed my ass off listening to his angry commentary. Super Mario Frustration
Ryan Breaux: Original Mario kart 150cc races!!!! Those mfers cheated their asses off
Shawn Rakar: God of War because my hand gets too tired to hit the X, O, or the square button rapidly for a long amount of time!
Steve Chung: God Of War. How can Kratos not be able to jump over a hole in the floor of Hades or jump across when some Harpies are shooting arrows at him? I dunno.
Tara Lynn Quick: Syphon Filter (esp 2) for not having enough goddamn save points. Seriously, I broke controllers.
Terrell Chavis: MegaMan 4. Damn you Toad Man and your blasted wind!
Tread Master: Flex Old NES games
Answers on Twitter
@AmarNazir: Metal Gear Solid series;-)
@AmarNazir: Oh yeah and Resident Evil series;-)
@aWhitebrownie: Call of Duty yup i said it.
@AZ_DreadedUp: MW3 & 2k
@Batman_Infinite: Red Dead Redemption Multiplayer.
@beer_ink: Madden…I’m absolutely horrible at sports games…though God of war got a lot out of me too.
@ben_b55: Mount & Blade: Warband. One of the few games out there that takes a significant amount of skill to not be completely terrible.
@BigDamnHerosSir: Mario Kart 64. One well-placed lightning bolt in Wario Stadium and all decency and decorum disappear.
@CandiedWalnuts: Sports games of all kinds. RT @ActionChick Which video game most brings out your need to swear?
@Capt_Charisma_: Madden. Always Madden.
@CarySmith4: Language Katrina!
@cazcaric: what came first? If think gta would be high
@christycassius: Mario Kart when playing online!
@CJT_smojo: Any shooter!
@colinofclarke: I say Prototype. Thank God no one had a camera or I’d be a viral video star by now.
@Comrade_Kaizer: Is “all of them” a legitmate answer?
@connorhavok: most definitely Skyrim. What’d ya mean he killed me, I was totally hitting him with a spell
@csdaley: The 1st God of War had some levels that required great restraint on my part to not throw the controller through the TV screen
@CylonBookworm: Battlefield Vietnam. No idea why. Might be because all the people I played with for 5-7 years are gone, only idiots left.
@d5385: Any online FPS or fighting game admittedly. Language becomes calm to #NSFW, especially playing against strangers.
@DaemonSword: back in the day: Green Beret for the Commodore 64. Trust me on this one.
@daharaDreams: An oldie – but N3: Ninety Nine Nights. The requirements for each level advancement, ugh. SO MUCH BUTTON MASHING.
@DAREALGUMMY: Monster Hunter. The Rathalos can go to hell where it belongs.
@Darkyra: Dragonball Z to a certain degree
@Darmoth85: Gotta say mine would be Left 4 Dead 2 versus mode… damn I raged so hard in that.
@DarthDaisy: Mario Cart against my 7 year old nephew. Although I keep the swear words inside. Hes a Mario Cart shark.
@DaveMaulding: At one time, every game. I didn’t have many outlets. Then I started writing. Now, it’s a lot more rare.
@DCLascelle: Mario Golf for Gameboy, cracked a few screens missing par on that bastard.
@DeannaBurgart: Original Resident Evil still makes me Yell HOLY DOODLE!!
@dearskim: sadly, super smash bros. every single damn time.
@DeJayMint: LEAGUE OF LEGENDS! ever play it? You’ll understand.
@dgbottom: only 1 correct answer…Battletoads.
@Dormouse42: Currently it has been Skyrim…And now more so (for a different reason) as it’s crashing left and right! Grrrrr!
@DoseOfLaughter: Uhm. Minecraft, actually. I once got chain exploded by three different Creepers.
@dougluberts: Assassin’s Creed…I’m a total spaz at the freerunning. #JustLikeRealLife
@Dustinmd03: Any FPS online….damn campers!
@edudeabides: The ones who think cheapness > creativity in terms of difficulty
@EisMC2quared: Ghost Recon, no, wait. All of them!
@elizabeth_ann: my answer is probably anything after level 3 pac-man. though i keep playing games… swearing is therapeutic!
@Eric_Thacker: The one I’m writing causes me to swear more than I like to admit.
@foxsmoulder: Mario Cart.
@geekgirlinky: Draw Something, man.
@geekyjessica: F****** MARIO PARTY.
@geekyjessica: MARIO PARTY HULK SMASH! RT @ActionChick: Which video game most brings out your need to swear?
@GooglySteve: Pong
@GrahamBlackburn: I swear at most of them. It’s a bloke thing
@Greg4Eva: I would have said “Gradius” playing AND pronouncing
@hispanic1021: Bloons TD for psp!!!@iamjoeking: Super Mario Brothers. Looks so easy but is very irritating when you fail again and again.
@IconOfComicCon: Castlevania: Chronicles. That game is very difficult !
@ImaFuller: All of them, because I am horrible at them…ha ha ha!
@ImALegendKiller: The latest Twisted Metal had me shouting, “This is b******! This is car combat, not a f**king racing game!” once or twice.
@IncredibleHLK: I am not alone! RT @ActionChick: A lot of “Which video game most brings out your need to swear?” answers included the word MARIO.
@InstantKarmal: Trying to play Call of Duty on veteran difficulty.
@ItsTheeJake: Skyrim!
@jamilynnbee: GTA, Saints Row, Gears of War, Dead Island… the list goes on. I say things that would make a sailor blush.
@JediiRaccoon: well currently if I’m battling Dragons or what not in Skyrim, I might be swearing if losing
@JediLaura: It will always be Mario Kart.
@JeffManicotti: Oblivion. I’m used to playing RPG, FPS, and racing games – but I suck at Elder Scrolls entirely : /
@jess_sievers: Super Mario Bros., without fail.
@jodigirl116: A buggy game like Fallout New Vegas
@jonathvaldez: League of Legends because of the community. No joke, it makes you lose faith in humanity sometimes.
@JPrizzle87: Mario Kart 64
@JuliaDenham: Resident Evil 5!!!!
@KDBryan: Dead Rising. Between the Navi-level annoying walkie talkie and insane save system, it is an exercise in top-level sadism.
@KeefBoyd: “@ActionChick: Which video game most brings out your need to swear?”
@KeithAllGamer: I have a card game of Sevens/Fantan on my phone. I curse at it a lot because it crashes rather frequently.
@KingoftheATATs: Super freakin’ Mario World! Game frustrates me so!
@KrayzieBuffett: Any Mario game.
@kristobalgazer: Mario Kart 64
@LadyGeeksUnite: it’s always been Mario. Or..any video game that involves jumping/timing correctly turns me into a raging curse-spouting beast.
@LetyRoxtar: Gears of War @groo_fan: F&%*ING Mario Kart on single player mode
@LoL4LifeBITCHES: COD Modern Warfare 3!
@Louie_Guerra: Madden RT @ActionChick: Which video game most brings out your need to swear?
@luckyluve2100: fable 3 or divinty 2
@Lunachique: Alice: Madness Returns. The go fetch its and jumping puzzles
@macmog: @geekyjessica @actionchick Ooooh, you should try single player mode in Super Monkey Ball. The developers earned the name “Abusement Vision”.: Civilization IV
@MadMarcus73: Mortal Kombat or NBA 2k12
@MakeMerich1976: every game on the 360 after my ps3 died
@ManaDrake: Halo…hands down lol
@MarkoHead: especially four player Mario bros on the wii. Well and any Mario party.
@MattFisher_DCV: #ContraHardCorps. #videogamesthatmakeyouswear
@MattJHenson: Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare
@maz4sho: F***** DARK SOULS. That game p***** me off
@menchaca0809: grand theft auto san andreas
@mikegonzalez2k: Mass Effect 3 on PC, everytime it glitches and ruins a multiplayer game (which is quite often)
@MissChrissyLyn: Echo The Dolphin.
@mitchwbs: For me it was the spinning blade towers in God of War 1. Whoever made that should DIE!!!
@mr_coach_kline: Halo 2. Will never be beaten.
@mrsoap: super Mario brothers.
@mybadideas: gears 3, or when ultra racists are on call of duty (which is most of the time)
@NerdRage42: @geekyjessica @actionchick Snoopy Silly Sports Spectacular! Damn that leaning tower of pizza!!!
@NewCardSmell: Mario Kart 64 is hundreds of thousands of miles ahead of second place
@NikkiSticks: F****** Halo.
@NinRac: Really? Mario? They haven’t played Ghouls ‘N’ Ghosts or I Wanna Be The Guy
@OnyxPrimal: Fighting Games for me. I’ve called some fighting game bosses a few choice things over the years.
@OverlordOf_Evil: . Is it totally wrong of me to admit that it’s PacMan?
@PixieTon: Fifa soccer. Especially when the goalkeeper blocks the ball RT @ActionChick Which video game most brings out your need to swear?
@ProfMomEsq: Mario Kart. Which is awkward. Because I play with my 14 y.o. He’s better at swearing.
@PropFreaks: Chuck E. Cheese for the Wii. Damn that Wack-A-Mole!!!
@rachlanger: Red Dead Redemption. Can’t play a cow-wrangling bad ass without throwing a few mthrfckrs in there!
@rcarsonjr1957: sorry i missed that i would have had to say anyone who plays one for more than a few min makes me swear
@RealityBlurs: Hands down any Call of Duty online MP.
@redRomina: Battlefield 3.
@reyford1: ninja gaiden black
@Rockapotamuss: arkham city. The 1,000,000 point challenge is so frustrating!
@RyanWGleason: I swear a lot anyway but recently its was Never Dead and before that Bloodrayne Betrayal
@SaintConnorRP: “@ActionChick: Which video game most brings out your need to swear?” Ocarina of Time
@sallysquee: Space Invaders.
@SAssassian: Call Of Duty, all of ’em
@Sean_P_Molloy: trials hd
@ShareefJackson: @aboynamedart Mario Kart, without a doubt
@Sheri_Sullivan: Silly..but left for dead 2 does it for me..only if I’m playing doubles though..spitter spits and $#!+ is the first words I use.
@SideswipeRPG: Call of Duty Black Ops on Veteran difficulty can push a person to new graphical heights of swearing. Vanquish is another one.
@siksigmabarry: “@ActionChick: Which video game most brings out your need to swear?”…..Tecmo Bowl! #Old
@Sorips4: Every
@SoupyTwist: Mario Cart, or Minecraft
@stauken: double dragon.
@stauken: see how it took 11 seconds for me to w/ that?That’s how much double dragon makes me swear.
@SugarGamers: I’ve had some serious words with Glados
@Tekknight: as serene and beautiful as the games are, Soul Calibur’s mission modes are one of the few things that make me curse. Profusely!
@THagley: my answer would include the word “Battletoads”.
@THE_Blerman: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3! No doubt!
@TheGeekPath: I think video games have some built in ability to make people turn off the filter and allow anger and frustration to just flow
@TheGeekPath: Most recently was Dante’s Inferno… but I was in hell so no one cared RT: @ActionChick Which video game most brings out your need to swear?
@TheKrissieShow Street Fighter IV
@TheZombieJester: Mortal Kombat, hands down.
@Timmah1979: demon souls
@Timmah1979: did anyone else say demon souls or am i the only one that swears at that game lol
@tishalulle1: Mario is a BASTARDO!
@Tooltutor: Street Fighter 2, esp when u can deduce from their handle that u got pwned by a 10 yr old girl.
@ToryTwinkel: Any and all FPS games. No peripheral vision gives me agida
@Trevorocalypse: ALL OF THEM! Nothing like a good swear-filled trashtalk
@usedtobenichole: angry birds makes me angry
@VeeSinner: Right now Modern Warfare 3 RT @ActionChick: Which video game most brings out your need to swear?
@venomous1913: Old school Mario was a pain in the ass! RT @ActionChick: A lot of “Which video game most (cont)
@Vixen_Mal88: Super Mario Bros lmao RT @ActionChick Which video game most brings out your need to swear?
@voicesinyahead: right now, my wife would say Ninja Gaiden 3. Before, it was Knights Contract.
@xXxMikeyy: Soul Calibur V. normal sucks, forget Legendary Souls. Lmao
Caleb Caleb ? @calebcombs: COD
I managed to miss this on Twitter, but I’m really surprised that Super Meat Boy (and its brother in soul-crushing, The Binding of Isaac) didn’t make it onto the list!
My answer on Twitter was indeed Twitter
The serious answer is, the game I’ll next review to qualify as E3 press….