“How the hell do you have so many followers?”
On twitter as @actionchick, Action Flick Chick Katrina frequently gets asked that question in one form or another. It’s a hard one to answer, especially since the true underlying question for many who ask it is “How can I get a huge following?”
Well, it’s too late for you to become the one and only Action Flick Chick because Katrina’s already there. As noted in her G4TV Women of the Web video, even some celebrities ask her for twitter tips. Adam West marveled at how she keeps up with it all: “How do you do it?” Others want to know how to reach more people (get more followers). She’s glad to give input but unless it’s someone she really thinks highly of, she can’t spend too much time on that mainly because most don’t listen any better than the person who wants a magical weight loss secret listens to “Eat less and exercise.” One actor who had never previously spoken to or of her once tweeted her out of the blue: “You have 24,000 thousand followers. Feel free to give me a shoutout any time.” He never got that shoutout.
As of this writing (12-9-09), more than 29,000 now follow her tweets. So she turned this topic over to them/you.
Why follow a specific celeb?
@actionchick: SURVEY: What are your criteria for following someone who does not & probably will not ever follow you? Who’s worth it?
@MegfromCT:I follow some people of high profile as well as organizations…like to have a feedback mechanism..do they follow back-none
@TiltawhirlGal: There are certain popular & famous people who just can’t….not and keep up~ I look for intelligent, amusing interaction.
@ snaglepus: hmmmmm. pretty girl in avatar. I know, shallow.
{FYI: Whenever Katrina uses her photo instead of the bird avatar as her twitter profile pic, the rate at which new people discover her work actually decreases, probably because too many girl profile pics are fakes for spammers and bots.}
@greyeyegoddess: whether or not their tweets are interesting to me, whether they tweet about a variety of things, not just whether they tweet about themselves or always tweeting non personal information
@ Slickriptide: Generally speaking, someone I’m following for content, as opposed to personal chat, is someone I don’t care if they follow back
@ KanUDig_It: then there are a couple porn stars who I have no reason to follow but they are hot. The male curse.
@ johnny_williams: i like to follow people with similar interests to mine. other than that i just follow celebs that i like
@ Zurph: Well I’m very much worth it hehe no seriously if they show they can put interesting tweets I say why not.
@ShebaJo: @Slickriptide @actionchick Agree, it isn’t just about the numbers.
@BlackNerdComedy: I ONLY follow who follow me. Same on @BlackNerd soon. Twitter’s mutual 4 me. Leave the rest 2 lists.
{See BlackNerdComedy.com, YouTube/BlackNerd, or Reelz Channel’s series Movie Mob for Black Nerd’s work, including Mario Team-Up with the Action Flick Chick.}
@dreaming_anya: I’ll follow someone if they have similar interests and I find interesting.
@shaneandrew82: Depends on whether or not I find their tweets interesting. Also, if it’s a celeb I really like, following keeps me up to date.
@GLKnight83: Someone who’s interesting, or at least not as boring as Drake of 99 Dragons.
What’s “interesting”?
@actionchick: What makes a celeb “interesting” enough to follow even if they don’t follow back? What do they do?
@GinySassenach: depends on celeb. most celeb’s will answer back eventually!
@dannyson1 @actionchick I follow only if they resemble like real people. You know, everyday folks. And as long as they dont lol every two words. @Russelman: if it’s not a celeb I work for, then they gotta tweet funny stuff…
@greyeyegoddess: if they at least tweet SOMETHING, that’s enough for me, but when they do follow or at least respond, double points. if it’s a big celeb, more than likely if they follow back, it’s probably a fan site taking care of the tweets. it’s cool when celebs post their own pictures or write about their projects
@EmmaGemstone: news, information and my own personal amusement. oh and lots of them will DM u but cant if u talk 2 them and arent following.
@Shadowbat: Celebs who were childhood heroes (Adam West, Stan Lee) or that I just like to annoy (@BrentSpiner) – j/k, I like Spiner
@JDahveed: I follow celebs that show behind-the-scenes or insights into their work.
@actionchick: I see @MillaJovovich has started replying to tweets. Milla initially was wary of letting anyone feel left out. Even before @MillaJovovich replied to tweets, she was making interesting posts about process of filming next Resident Evil. It’s been fascinating to see how quickly Milla has developed as a tweeter.
@tenindenmark: I agree! She really hits Twitter hard and you know, she really tries HARD to answer everyone that follows her. SUPER!
@shaneandrew82 : Interesting celeb to me is one that keeps me informed & makes me laugh. Bonus if they reply to fans despite not following ’em.
@Clarabela: If they are interesting, informative or funny. I follow Stephen Colbert because he makes me laugh.
@MovieNut14: Two words: funny tweets. For example, @rainnwilson or @wilw
@Shadowbat: Doing a search on actionchick and many times you get more tweets than celebrities I follow…like @BrentSpiner.
Verification: Is it really them?
Example: Actor Joe Pantoliano “Joey Pants”
(The Matrix, Bad Boys, The Sopranos, The Handler, GTA3)
@actionchick: I’ll use @NKMToo as an example. He’s not one of the celebs who have asked me for #twittertip but he has a great cause worth promoting (fighting mental health #stigma). Actor Joe Pantoliano is @NKMToo. It’s really him. He follows about 5/6 of those who follow him. What would help his following grow?
@JerryBFlory: A verified account would help a lot.
@actionchick: @NKMToo does know that. Verification takes longer than it used to. RT @JerryBFlory A verified account would help a lot.
@greyeyegoddess: #FF maybe? from various people following him
@GinySassenach: following @NKMTOO I like those who follow back or tweet back. If someone is obviously ignoring tweets, drop them like a rock!
@EmmaGemstone: i just followed him because u told us about his great cause.
@actionchick: re: @NKMToo – good cause, cool guy. Okay, so @NKMToo needs to get verified, which he knows. But I see celebs with some huge followings who aren’t verified yet.
@johnny_williams: some celebs (like @k8_walsh) have links to their twitter accounts on their websites. so the twitter verification is not needed
@JDahveed: I followed @NKMToo because I’ve been a fan for a while.
@listerart: @NKMToo @actionchick I’m followin JP now too! Many faves – Ralph Cifaretto: top of the list! 🙂 Recently saw u in an old MASH episode-wow!
@ MireilleM: I’m following Joe Pantoliano (@NKMToo) now thanks to your post/suggestion 🙂
@NKMToo: thanks!!! RT @MireilleM: following Joe Pantoliano (@NKMToo)
@NKMToo: @actionchick @JerryBFlory thx 4 ur help! We have submitted 4 Verification but not heard back, will follow up. did not know it took so long!
@TONYBINATL: The hardest thing about following celebs is not knowing if they are for real without verified accounts.
@ johnny_williams: also, if a verified celebs tells us that another celeb is real then they’re likely to get followers
@actionchick: @johnny_williams Yeah, I told 1 he needed fellow celeb to back him up. As it turns out, that “celeb” was really an assistant.
@johnny_williams: that sucks. you can tell tell if it’s an assistant or not. that’s why i like to follow celebs who don’t have a huge following
How many of you should the celebs follow?
@actionchick: How many people should a celebrity follow?
@the_daemon_: as many people as they find interesting, just like normal people
@Cisneros Zurph: depends on the person I think. I follow some and some follow me hehehe
@KanUDig_It: Depends on their motivation. Selling to masses? Private enjoyment? Just shooting the s***? Following 0 is kinda pretentious.
@johnny_williams: i think they should follow as many as they want. altho theres no need for them to follow 100K. their stream would be ridiculous
@Slickriptide: This is a great idea, Katrina. I hate following celebs just to find out they only promote latest project or do nothing at all.
@actionchick: Key word “only.” I unabashedly promote my website all the time. BUT that’s not all I do.
@Slickriptide: No, you’re very active. An example – Paul McCartney, whose feed turned out to be nothing but promos 4 his new album.
@BlaqueSaber: I won’t even follow someone back who has over 1k of followers, right or wrong
@actionchick: It might be counterproductive for me to point this out, but I have 29K. So I’m guessing 140 character limit means some other rule of thumb got left out of that.
@BlaqueSaber: once I tweeted that, I knew I’d screwed up, you seem to make it work 🙂
@actionchick: I’m just that good.
@OnyxSparrow: I think it depends on the person… celebrity or not how many people you follow is entirely up to how many tweets you wanna get. I mean, just because more people want to follow you doesn’t mean that you want to follow everyone else, or are obligated to.
@actionchick: Right. There’s NO obligation to follow, absolutely none. Follow limits nevertheless mean people have to make some choices.
@AyeQue Qactionchick celebs i understandmay not follow back but others.. well its a courtesy perhaps. i mean i like reAdin (cont) http://tl.gd/15hj7
@actionchick: Celebs who arrive late to twitter can’t look at @Alyssa_Milano or @ThatKevinSmith & expect to build following the same way.
@AyeQue: I think Kevin arrived late. His tweets are just awesome to read about. And although some celebs dont tweet much, its just interesting.
@actionchick: I’ve had people ask me to back them up on petitions to tell celebs they need to follow. NO! If you don’t like how the celebs do it (participate on twitter), that’s on you.
Who’s popular that doesn’t follow many at all?
Example: Model Adrianne Curry
(America’s Next Top Model, The Surreal Life, My Fair Brady, Playboy)
@actionchick: Now @AdrianneCurry barely follows BUT interacts, shares links, talks @ real experiences & feelings. Gives you sense of something real here. And I just like her, so @AdrianneCurry is in the handful of celebs I follow whether they ever follow or not.
@BuckyKatt: Guess I’m totally showing my pop-culture ignorance by saying I have no idea who @AdrianneCurry is.
@actionchick: She married a Brady.
@actionchick: @BuckyKatt There’s more to @AdrianneCurry than that but she’s not as famous as many. That’s a big reason why I used her as example.
@BuckyKatt: Thanks… Upon investigation, have learned that @AdrianneCurry is very pretty, & from Chicagoland (where this Katt spent some impt yrs).
@actionchick: Certain stars get mentioned a LOT whenever this comes up. Some of the most popular arrive here with ready audiences. {This line of thought was going to lead into a discussion of how Kevin Smith and Star Trek actors are so popular on twitter, but then this happened…}
@AdrianneCurry: @actionchick I’m I for really real? ; )
@actionchick: Yep. If I were on my other computer, I’d link the twitpic where you showed me.
@actionchick: Hi, Adrianne! Thanks for weighing in there. See, I told you people @AdrianneCurry engages!
@actionchick: Be CAREFUL when talking about celebs, just like anyone else. Don’t say anything you wouldn’t want them to see.
@BlondeBlogger (amen!)
Explanation: A few months ago, @actionchick recommended that Adrianne get her account verified with twitter. A famous person’s account can be verified as really belonging to that person through several means, like simply pointing out where the account in question is linked on that person’s official website. The twitter Verification process was brand new then and Adrianne had not heard of it. So she immediately posted this twitpic.

"I didn't realize so many of you wondered if I am really me. Does this put that to rest?"
When/If You Get a Celeb’s Attention
@ AdrianneCurry: @actionchick now, do I get a naughty twit pic in turn from you for no other reason than I am a perv? ; ) I kid, I kid
@actionchick: Well, I don’t think any of my online pics show any more skin than when I’m hitting the punching bag http://3.ly/badass AdrianneCurry 😉
@ AdrianneCurry: @actionchick NICE {after she retweeted the photos’ link.}
@actionchick: Thank you so much. That means a lot coming from you. {Remember, the original America’s Next Top Model winner – the winner with the spunk to walk away.}
@actionchick: Now that she’s reading, though, I feel weird about using @AdrianneCurry as an example of what I was talking about.
@ AdrianneCurry: @actionchick I am always reading. I dont follow every1 cause this is connected 2 my cell & I dont want a billion texts. I try 2 read all my replies
@actionchick: Here’s 1 reason some ppl can’t follow many, folks. RT @AdrianneCurry this is connected 2 my cell & I dont want a billion texts. I try 2 read all my replies
@h101: I made a naught comment about a celeb and he started to follow me. Creepy!
@scpereira: Is there any way I can rid myself of Heidi Manure and Spencer Bratt? They keep following me!
@actionchick: When talking about a celeb, consider using the @ name if it’s worth their time BUT don’t do so repeatedly just to get their attention. Someone was telling me last week about how he loves reading what people tweet about him but he gets overwhelmed by irrelevant mentions.
@Slickriptide: That’s a pretty good thing to know.
@HizzungFarLow: I like to let some stars know how much I <3 them on occasion but other times I don’t @ them because i know it’s creepy.
@SHADOWCOMMANDO: I had a bunch of fake celebs following me does that count as a celebrity following?:
@actionchick: Maybe in your own mind. 😉
@Slickriptide: You might have touched on this, but if ur going to interact w/a celeb, be prepared when they disagree w/u. u aren’t special. Especially if you get a celeb who likes to argue, like AdamSBaldwin or DannyJohnJules.
@SHADOWCOMMANDO: I had a fake Megan Fox from Arkansas following me.That was the funniest fake celeb ever.
@AClockworkToad : @actionchick is the only celebrity that will ever tweet you back.
@actionchick: @AClockworkToad Nah, but thanks. I see plenty of celebs tweet back. They just can’t do it a lot, though.
@actionchick: I have about 2/3 the following @AdrianneCurry has & under 2% what @ThatKevinSmith has & there are times I can’t even try to answer all.
@actionchick: #twittertip Don’t think you have to answer everybody. If you do, you’re letting them control your twitter.
Tangent: Chick Pics
@KngtRdr: nice! Hawt as hell! My fav: the hadouken. *laugh* http://3.ly/badass @AdrianneCurry
@h101: (Armando) Ohhh, you look like you can kick some ass. Ni-ce!
@Comics Cavern comicscavern: So all those wood logs in your workout room – chopped by hand with your Kung-Fu chi, yes?
@actionchick: Fierce chi! http://3.ly/badass RT @comicscavern So all those wood logs in your workout room – chopped by hand with your Kung-Fu chi, yes?
@robertcarroll: That HADOUKEN pic nearly made my head explode.
@dreaming_anya: Those hadouken pics are my favorite by far.
@actionchick: Okay, ppl are talking about the hadouken pics since they came up while talking with @AdrianneCurry. You have to see this: http://3.ly/GvsC
@TONYBINATL: Loved the pic of you training. Had Rocky theme in my head. Godzilla better watch out!
@Mediatwin: Stop tweeting and get to making that damn Godzilla vs Action Chick movie already! I’d be first in line! 🙂
@actionchick: You think I haven’t?
@Mediatwin: Then my Avatar ticket money is yours for the asking!
Consider how the twitter stream looks to them.
@AyeQue: i appreciate you respond to tweets considering your list.
@actionchick: So how do you think someone who follows a LARGE # makes sense of it? Obviously I know from this side. How does it seem to you?
@Slickriptide: I follow 200 or so and I’m already feeling overwhelmed at times. Can’t imagine how you do it, even with lists. #
@tinlizzy85: same problem here well sort of I use my iPod when I’m trying to tweet every other social app is going off Nonstop lol
@AyeQue: @wilw once posted a link that pretty much broke down the celeb twitter. After reading that, i did not feel as bad anymore.
@Johnny Williams johnny_williams: i dont know how you make sense of it. i have less than 1000 & it only makes sense when i use tweetdeck or seesmic
@actionchick: @johnny_williams And I do not use TweetDeck or any other software. I tried but they don’t suit how I do things.
@actionchick: I do a lot of different things. I do NOT read only the @ replies EXCEPT when I get caught up in a busy conversation like this one.
@OnyxSparrow: Mostly you read as much as you can to keep up, but respond more to the mentions opposed to the main infostream.
@johnny_williams: omg! my head would explode if i looked at your twitter stream. 🙂
@dannyson1: Lots and lots of people talking. I only keep up as much as a can. Meaning recent tweets.
@actionchick: Okay, reason I asked you to imagine how the stream looks to me was to illustrate why those with MASSIVE followings can’t follow many at all. Take what you imagined for how the stream looks to me & then imagine if THAT was how my @ replies looked. I couldn’t reply much, could I?
@Alan Slapzy: You could reply much, but you’d have to be a beast on that keyboard. 😉
Follower Management Tools
@voose_lagina: Im followin a large # cos simply it got outta hand, haha. On the upside, i get insomnia, so theres always somethin to read here
@actionchick: lol @voose_lagina You can use http://friendorfollow.com to see which haven’t tweeted lately so you can unfollow them to clean list a bit.
@Shadowbat: I have been using FriendorFollow.com and they are horrible at telling who hasn’t tweeted lately. Pretty good otherwise
@actionchick: You cannot 100% trust what friendorfollow.com tells you, but it can point you in the right direction.
@R3s3rvo1rD0g True that!!
@pudgym29: Tweepi is good for this as well. I could have checked the boxes on the screen and unfollowed any or all of them. 40 minutes ago from web
@actionchick: @pudgym29 I’ve been wary of Tweepi’s “very much a beta” mode.
@voose_lagina: Hehe thanks 😀 I’ve tried using that before, it just takes so long going through them all, am getting there slowly hehe.
@actionchick: @voose_lagina Then you might consider http://huitter.com/mutuality to give yourself a fresh start.
Rapid Reading and DMing
We know “DMing” means “being Dungeon Master” to some of you. In twitter, it means sending a direct (private) message.
@AdrianneCurry: @actionchick I dont use internet on my phone, so my tweets are via text message. every1 I follow can direct me to my phone., would b madness
@actionchick: RT @AdrianneCurry dont use internet on my phone so my tweets are via text message.every1 I follow can direct me to my phone. would b madness
@TONYBINATL: My friend and I got on twitter at the same time.I only use it over the computer, he tied it in to his phone, now he doesn’t use
@AdrianneCurry: @actionchick I follow over 40 people, thank GOD they dont have trigger fingers on the DM button. sometimes I get alot though
@actionchick: @AdrianneCurry Ooh, thanks. You just reminded me of a twittertip I meant to send out earlier.
@actionchick: #twittertip If a celeb does follow you, DO NOT DM THEM JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN. They can unfollow you just as easily.
@johnny_williams: i like that #twittertip. i have one that follows me & i don’t DM for that exact reason.
@actionchick: @johnny_williams Yeah, I have never DM’d a celeb who didn’t DM me 1st. And remain reluctant even after that.
@johnny_williams: i’m. i feel special to i hav a celeb follow me so i wouldnt want to jeopardize that. cause they dont follow many
@WiredPig: now your making me daydream that a celebrity would want to follow me to begin with.
@actionchick: awwww
@actionchick: It probably boggles most minds that you read that many with all coming to you via phone texts, @AdrianneCurry
@AdrianneCurry: @actionchick I do. I read about 4 books a week. Hubby wont allow me to buy new anymore. it’s my one and only stand out talent.
@actionchick: @AdrianneCurry I’ve seen how many people are tweeting you at times. If you read them all & they’re all texts, you must read very rapidly. And I call kickass attitude a talent.
Unfollowing with the Stars
@mcleodg: Be interesting to see if lists change… I’ve been using tweetdeck groups for ages to cut down the number of tweets I see
@actionchick: @mcleodg Lists will definitely change things. 1 celeb-not-to-be-named who asked my advice hates unfollowing because that hurts feelings, so he follows few. A list may change that.
@AyeQue: hehehehe. celebs dont wanna hurt feelings.
@actionchick: It makes sense. Some are nice. Some who aren’t nice have sense not to drive fans away.
@timmysutton: that “someone” is overly sensitive! twitter is a medium for communication, not an extension of a private bubble verse
@Slapzy: RE: Un-named celeb; unfollowing “shouldn’t” cause hurt feelings It’s social networking, followers generally just mean a number.
@actionchick: @Slapzy Shouldn’t, no, but it does. And so that’s the reality he’s working with.
@Alan Slapzy: True, I can see especially regarding a celebrity and fans how that reality exists; But it still “shouldn’t” IMHO.
A Celeb’s Advice for Celebs?
@actionchick: If you’re still here, @AdrianneCurry, you’d be great person to weigh in on something else that came up earlier… Several celebs have asked me for twitter growth tips, but my own experience isn’t always what would work for them. So if someone like your hubby suddenly wanted to build a twitter following, what would be one tip you’d give him?
@AdrianneCurry: I’d tell him 2 be interesting. I never tried 2 grow my followers, just kept tweeting. My hubby wouldnt be good @ it so he doesnt do it
@AdrianneCurry: he lacks the ability to dish out witty responses…hence him marrying me so I can fill that void for him…with pleasure ; )
@actionchick: @AdrianneCurry Admittedly I’ve only seen limited examples of his life, but he does seem like a pretty serious guy.
@AdrianneCurry: he is SUPER serious.
@actionchick: And, much as I’ve enjoyed this topic, I’ll let that answer from @AdrianneCurry be the final word on it for tonight. Ciao!
Will Katrina join first America’s Next Top Model winner Adrianne Curry by becoming G4TV’s first Next Woman of the Web? Tune into G4TV on December 30 to find out. (Check http://actionflickchick.com/superaction/vote-katrina-g4-wotw/ if you have no idea what we’re talking about.)
If you click the photo and follow its link to Adrianne’s twitpics, you can see her as Princess Leia (Return of the Jedi, brass bikini version of course), Leeloo (The Fifth Element, “Leeloo Dallas multipass”), and other heroines – just in case you had any doubt that she’s an action chick through and through.
Related post:
Twitter 4 Nitwits: The Dreaded Twit2K
Note: Some content has been edited for clarity, and all has been reorganized by topic and into some semblance of logical order to simplify reading.
shortened url = http://bit.ly/TTTACAC
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Thanks for including my tweet! 🙂
Interesting read. 🙂
By the way, for other readers, I thought I’d leave some interesting Twitter interaction between me and other celebs besides @actionchick – I’ve had some positive responses from pop singer @Lights and Coin-Op.TV hostess @haileybright; and also a follow-back from YouTube blogger @brigittedale for supporting her in a recent online contest she lately participated in. 🙂
Your twitter recaps are the best! Resourceful and entertaining.
I love her holding up the picture, reminds me of Proof of Life – but a lot sexier 🙂 You never cease to amaze me at how you impress so many people with your frank treatment of all things twitter or celeb related. You should right a book! Seriously.
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Twitter are 100% the way to go. Tips like that help make it much more good experience. Nice to think how to talk to the famous.
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Twitter is awesome. Adrianne Curry is awesome. Action Flick is awesome.
Did I mention they’re awesome?
I follow based on one whim or another but enjoyed reading this. Funny how Adrianne Curry showed up in the middle of it.