I’m just going to lay it all out on the line: The best part of this film was when the movie was over and some guy down in front of the theater scared a woman by yelling Bah!! Then, in a tone so severe it made you wonder if you were going in a time out, she scolded him and said, “Stop it, you jerk!” That motherly scolding entertained me more than anything in the film did!
The Devil Inside is about Isabella (Fernanda Andrade) trying to figure out if her mother is possessed or not. When Isabella was a child, her mother murdered three people during her own exorcism and is now in a mental institute in Italy. Isabella recruits a couple of priests to take her to some of their exorcisms and then perform one once again on her mother.
Mad props to whoever made the trailer for The Devil Inside because it disguised the film by making it look super scary and terrifying, when in fact it’s a boring, un-scary waste of money. Seriously, there wasn’t a single tense moment in the whole film. This is a classic case of everything interesting in the film is shown in the trailer. And then ending! UG! The ending was crap too. It was just starting to get interesting and then… nothing. The movie is a “found footage” style film so it cuts off in the middle of the climax and you get nothing except blue balls. Actually, it wasn’t really interesting enough to get blue balls. It’s just balls.
So… thumbs down?