“Get your ass to Mars” because it’s the only safe place left! The terminators are here and they’re vicious!. Terminator: Salvation depicts for us what Judgment Day looks like and what happens afterward. Let me tell you, it’s not pretty; but, thankfully, John Connor (Christian Bale) is here to save us all. So, stock up on ammo, set some booby traps, and freakin’ stay alive, because you are the resistance!
The resistance is the only thing keeping the omniscient computer force of Skynet from taking over the world in Terminator: Salvation. The team is well equipped, though, with Connor as the leader, who has previous experience with terminators and the knowledge of his mother (Linda Hamilton) left to him on tapes. Then there are the other members of the squad, all of whom are kickers of asses: Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington), Kyle Reese (Anton Yelchin), and Blair Williams (Moon Bloodgood). The fate of the world is in good hands.
T4 is full of action and some surprises, but it left me feeling like there should be more to the movie, like some things got edited that would explain some other stuff. Oh well, I guess that’s what the blu-ray ULTIMATE TERMINATION edition is for, eh? Overall it is a very kickass movie. Bale actually broke his hand during filming and a special effects guy, Mike Menardis, almost lost his leg. You know it’s an intense movie when the crew is almost losing body parts.
Terminator: Salvation doesn’t top the list at numero uno, but it is definitely action packed. Ship the kids off to day care, skip playing fetch with Skippy, exit your WOW game (it will still be there when you get back), and get rid of all other interferences because this is not one to miss out on.
Time until initial action starts: ~ 6 minutes
Time until the real action starts: ~ 12 minutes
Big bad baddies: Skynet and Terminators
Best Line: “If you point a gun at someone, you’d better be ready to pull the trigger.”
Best Explosion: There is an underwater explosion. Very awesome. I would go into more detail but that would spoil some things.
Action Rating: 4 1/2 Terminators that just don’t know when to quit, out of 5
See also:
Apple’s new iTerminator (Comic)
Terminator Retrospective (Trailers and Trailers)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (T2 Review)

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Yeah, there was some pretty good action but the writing was god-awful. McG and his writers, John Brancato and Michael Ferris (These guys wrote ‘Catwoman’) forgot about the characters. Very disappointing.
The action was good. Some of the acting was corny…like when the girl played by Moon Bloodgood says, “I’m cold” and then cuddles up to the guy. I also thought they jumped the gun a bit by introducing Arnold’s character. But overall it was a good movie. Fun to watch but it left a lot of loopholes.
I agree with Tim. It was a little premature to bring in Arnold, but Connor did mention that the “timeline was changed, things happening faster, blah blah” Whatever, sounds like a poor attempt to close a loophole.
I got so irritated by the weak characters and partial explanations that it killed my enjoyment of the action – except for the final scenes. ULTIMATE TERMINATION may redeem it.
I agree with Tim as well. I was surprised that Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington) did a pretty good job in the movie. He almost steals Christian bales thunders.
I notice Anton Yelchin (who plays Kyle Reese) also in the recent blockbuster Star Trek movie. Will he be next Shia Lebeouf?
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