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Tag Archives: threesome
Reasons to Love Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead (2006)

Action Flick Chick Katrina met Lloyd Kaufman, head of Troma Entertainment (home to The Toxic Avenger, Class of Nuke ‘Em High, Tromeo and Juliet), during this year’s San Diego Comic-Con International. “Speaking of action CHICKS,” Kaufman asked later, “have you … Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, comedy, horror
Tagged A Modest Proposal, A. J. Verel, Allyson Sereboff, American Chicken Bunker, Andrew Monkelban, Anna Gabriella Olson, Arvid Cristina, B-movie, bathroom, blood, boobs, breast, breasts, Brian Cheverie, Brown Ray DVD, Cajn, Caleb Emerson, cannibals, capitalism, Cathy Mackay, chicken, Chris Sciuto, Class of Nuke 'Em High, college, comedy, Comic-Con, Comic-Con International, cult films, Daniel Bova, Debbie Rochon, debt, debt management, dismemberment, Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog, Elisabeth Sobocinski, Elske McCain, eye gouging, Faith Sheehan, fast food, fast food industry, fried chicken, Gabriel Friedman, Glenn Lasky, gore, gross out, high school, horror, humor, Ira Kortum, Jason Yachanin, Joe Fleishaker, John Karyus, Joshua Olatunde, Joshua Samuel Strauss, Kailin Smith, Karen Tuccio, Kate Graham, Khalid Rivera, Kiel Walker, kiss, Kristin Kinnaird, Lauren Michelle Watts, lesbian, Lloyd Kaufman, Lori Schuler, Maria Gismondi, Martin Victor, Mary Ann Reisdorf, Melanie Syph, Ménage À Trois, monster, musical, naked, Nicolas Pellissier, Night of the Chicken Dead, Night of the Living Dead, nipples, nude, Nudity, parody, party, Paul Gusmann, Poultrygeist, protest, Return of the Living Dead, Robin L. Watkins, Ron Jeremy, Ron Mackay, Rose Ghavami, Ruth Phelps, San Diego Comic-Con, San Diego Comic-Con International, satire, SDCC, Simon Savory, softcore, splatter, spoof, student loans, Takashi Miike, Tessa Lew, The Toxic Avenger, Theresa Ferrara, threesome, threeway, Tina Crapsi, toilet humor, topless, Toxic Avenger, Tracy Janis, Troma, Troma Entertainment, Tromaesque, Tromaville, Tromeo and Juliet, twitter, Tyler Dolph, undead, vegan, vomit, Zack Beins, zombie, zombies
Action Chick vs. 3-D!

See the full-sized comic at http://rocketllama.com/actionchick/comic/action-chick-vs-3d/. You can hear Peter Pixie and El Secreto interview my co-creator and Action Chick artist Nick Langley on Hour 42. Nick comes in half an hour into this past Sunday evening’s show, but it’s all worthwhile, … Continue reading
Posted in The Action Chick comic
Tagged 0 stars, 3-D, 3-D film, 3-way, Academy Awards, action chick, Agent Abigail Brand, Alex Ross, Amazon, Animaniacs, arm, Avengers, Batman, Birds of Prey, Black Canary, Blackest Night, Bradley Cooper, Captain America, Cartoon Network, comic, Cry for Justice, DC, DC Comics, Deadpool, Deadpool Corps, Defenders, discount, Dr. Strange, earthquake, Ed Brubaker, El Secreto, Emma Frost, Fantastic Four, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Gail Simone, Galactus, Girl Comics, Girls Comics #1, glitch, Grant Morrison, graphic novels, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, Hellcat, Heralds, Hour 42, Hulk, Huntress, interview, J. Jonah Jameson, J. Michael Straczynski, James Robinson, Jeph Loeb, JLA, John Hughes, Justice League, Lady Blackhawk, Lian, Mark Waid, Mary Jane, Mary Jane Watson, movie, Ms. Marvel, New Avengers, Nick, Nick Langley, Oscars, Paul Dini, Peter Pixie, podcast, Power Prep, Prometheus, recession, Red Arrow, Richard Crenna, Rob Liefeld, Ryan Reynolds, Secret Six, sex, She-Hulk, Silver Surfer, Sinestro, Smallville, Spider-Man, Star City, Starman, Sub-Mariner, Sue Dibny, superheroine, Superman, sword, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Dark Knight, threesome, twitter, unemployment, Valkyrie, webcomic, White Lantern, Wolverine, woman, women, Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman #600, Zinda, Zombieland