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Tag Archives: Paul Reubens
Is That Who I Think It Is: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)!

Remember the 1992 movie Buffy the Vampire Slayer? I, myself, love that movie. Of course, the television series is way better in every way, but the film has some charming qualities, one of which being the cast, a combination of … Continue reading
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992): The Real Cherry on Top of the Pile of Dead Vampires

Do you find yourself wishing that you could relive the early 90’s? Silly question, of course you do! That time period was just so awesome and Buffy the Vampire Slayer is the perfect 90’s movie. The clothes, the dialogue, the hair…every aspect reeks of early 90’s and it is just so much fun… Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 1 kaboom, comedy, horror
Tagged 20th Century Fox, Ben Affleck, Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, David Arquette, Donald Sutherland, Fran Rubel Kuzui, Hilary Swank, Hillary Swank, Joss Whedon, Kristy Swanson, Luke Perry, Natasha Gregson Wagner, Paul Reubens, Peewee Herman, PG-13, Rutger Hauer, Stephen Root, Vampires, violence
Natsukashi Podcast: Hank Carlson and Dennis Murphy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Join Rob Rector (Natsukashi), Hank Carlson (fx artist), Dennis Murphey (producer), and me (Action Flick Chick) while we relive our memories about Buffy. Continue reading