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Tag Archives: Nicolas Cage
Drive Angry 3-D (2011) Review: Never Disrobe Before Gunplay!

After watching Drive Angry 3D, I’ve come to realize that Nicolas Cage’s character, Milton, is really a metaphor for Nicolas Cage. It doesn’t matter what you do to kill Milton, he just keeps coming. It doesn’t matter how hard his film bombs or what critics say about it, Cage will keep making funny and ridiculous, sometimes horrible, films, and by golly, I just can’t get enough. Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 3-D, 4 kabooms, action, movie, R-rated, Valentine's Day
Tagged action, Action Flick Chick, Amber Heard, Billy Burke, Chicks Who Don't Want Flowers for Valentine's Day!, cult, Drive Angry, Drive Angry 3-D, explosion, gun fight, hell, Jonah King, Machete, Milton, Nicolas Cage, Piper, Sex Scene, The Accountant, Valentine's Day, William Fichtner
Expendables 3 Gains an Archeologist, Loses a New York Cop

According to Deadline, Sylvester Stallone confirmed two big announcements yesterday regarding the casting of Expendables 3. Bruce Willis will not be rejoining the all-star cast this time around; however, Harrison Ford has agreed to help fill the gap. That’s right, … Continue reading
Posted in action, movie, News
Tagged action, Action Flick Chick, Bruce Willis, casting news, Expendables 3, Harrison Ford, Jackie Chan, Milla Jovovich, movie, Nicolas Cage, Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes
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The Expendables 3 Packs on the Power!

Lionsgate has finally given a release date for The Expendables 3- mid-August, 2014. The second installment outdid the first one in both the action and the fun department, and if the casting has any indicator of how the third one … Continue reading
Posted in action, Coming Attractions, movie, News
Tagged action, casting news, Cynthia Rothrock, Gina Carano, Jackie Chan, Lionsgate, Milla Jovovich, Nicolas Cage, The Expendables 3, Wesley Snipes
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Avi Lerner Talks Possible Expendables 3 Cast!

Holy space balls! The Expendables 2 will hit theaters this weekend, and producer Avi Lerner is already talking about who will show up in Expendables 3. In an interview by Total Film, Lerner discusses who’s in the works for another … Continue reading
Whose Walk of Fame Star Do YOU Want?

Action Flick Chick: If you got ONE replica of a Hollywood Walk of Fame star, whose would you want? Answers from twitter and Facebook: katydarkangel: Norman Reedus:) KoValik317: how is this even a question!? I am 99% sure all of … Continue reading
Posted in Facebook, TV, twitter
Tagged Adam West, Alfred Hitchcock, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Audrey Hepburn, Batman, Beatles, Bela Lugosi, Betty White, Billy Wilder, Bruno Mattei, Charlie Sheen, Clint Eastwood, Colin Firth, frank sinatra, Gene Kelly, Godzilla, Governator, Han Solo, Harrison Ford, Hollywood, Hollywood Walk of Fame, Humphrey Bogart, Indiana Jones, Jim Henson, Jimmy Stewart, John Lennon, John Wayne, Kate Mulgrew, Kermit the Frog, Los Angeles, Mr. Darcy, Nic Cage, Nicolas Cage, Norman Reedus, petition, Pride and Prejudice, Saturday Night Live, Sigourney Weaver, Spider-Man, Stan Laurel, The Fugitive, Three Stooges, Vince McMahon
Season of the Witch (2011): Fast Paced Fantasy Fun

The first weekend in January is often seen as the weakest weekend for opening films just because you still have the “amazing” end of year films in theater and a lot of people are looking to either save money after … Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 3.5 kabooms, action, fantasy, movie, PG-13
Tagged action, Action Flick Chick, Behmen, Bruce Lee, Claire Foy, Demons, fantasy, Felson, monastery, Nicolas Cage, review, Rocket Llama, Ron Perlman, Season of the Witch, witch trials, witches
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Coming Attraction: Season of the Witch (2011) Nicolas Cage, Ron Perlman – Prize Pack!

Online giveaway for Relativity’s upcoming film SEASON OF THE WITCH? Why, sure, we can arrange that. Gladly! How’s this $50 prize pack strike you? * Season of the Witch T-shirt * Mini Poster * $25 Fandango Movie Cash The film … Continue reading