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Tag Archives: monster
ThanksKilling (2009): Just add alcohol!

If ThanksKilling doesn’t make you say “WTF?” at least 10 times, I don’t know what will. I’m just going to come out and say it: Thankskilling is bad, bad, bad. How bad was it? It was so bad that I … Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 0.5 kabooms, horror
Tagged action chick, Action Flick Chick, alcohol, ancient evil, Awful movie, bestiality, boobs, breasts, dog, drunk, evil turkey, Feast, gobble, gore, grand guignol, grave, holiday, horror, monster, nipple, Nudity, Pilgrim, redneck, revenge, Rocket Llama, sex, shotgun, Spoilers, stereotype, stuffing, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving horror, ThanksKilling, turkey, violence, wtf
Reasons to Love Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead (2006)

Action Flick Chick Katrina met Lloyd Kaufman, head of Troma Entertainment (home to The Toxic Avenger, Class of Nuke ‘Em High, Tromeo and Juliet), during this year’s San Diego Comic-Con International. “Speaking of action CHICKS,” Kaufman asked later, “have you … Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, comedy, horror
Tagged A Modest Proposal, A. J. Verel, Allyson Sereboff, American Chicken Bunker, Andrew Monkelban, Anna Gabriella Olson, Arvid Cristina, B-movie, bathroom, blood, boobs, breast, breasts, Brian Cheverie, Brown Ray DVD, Cajn, Caleb Emerson, cannibals, capitalism, Cathy Mackay, chicken, Chris Sciuto, Class of Nuke 'Em High, college, comedy, Comic-Con, Comic-Con International, cult films, Daniel Bova, Debbie Rochon, debt, debt management, dismemberment, Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog, Elisabeth Sobocinski, Elske McCain, eye gouging, Faith Sheehan, fast food, fast food industry, fried chicken, Gabriel Friedman, Glenn Lasky, gore, gross out, high school, horror, humor, Ira Kortum, Jason Yachanin, Joe Fleishaker, John Karyus, Joshua Olatunde, Joshua Samuel Strauss, Kailin Smith, Karen Tuccio, Kate Graham, Khalid Rivera, Kiel Walker, kiss, Kristin Kinnaird, Lauren Michelle Watts, lesbian, Lloyd Kaufman, Lori Schuler, Maria Gismondi, Martin Victor, Mary Ann Reisdorf, Melanie Syph, Ménage À Trois, monster, musical, naked, Nicolas Pellissier, Night of the Chicken Dead, Night of the Living Dead, nipples, nude, Nudity, parody, party, Paul Gusmann, Poultrygeist, protest, Return of the Living Dead, Robin L. Watkins, Ron Jeremy, Ron Mackay, Rose Ghavami, Ruth Phelps, San Diego Comic-Con, San Diego Comic-Con International, satire, SDCC, Simon Savory, softcore, splatter, spoof, student loans, Takashi Miike, Tessa Lew, The Toxic Avenger, Theresa Ferrara, threesome, threeway, Tina Crapsi, toilet humor, topless, Toxic Avenger, Tracy Janis, Troma, Troma Entertainment, Tromaesque, Tromaville, Tromeo and Juliet, twitter, Tyler Dolph, undead, vegan, vomit, Zack Beins, zombie, zombies
Feast (2005): Project Greenlight’s Fearsome Finale

Feast goes all out showing you everything that other movies would never do. There are surprises around every corner. Just when you think the rules of an action movie apply, they kill off someone you thought was absolutely safe. And I loved it for this very reason. Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 4 kabooms, action, horror, movie, R-rated
Tagged action movies, Balthazar Getty, Ben Affleck, Chris Moore, Clu Gulager, comedy, Dimension Films, drug content, Eric Dane, Feast, gore, Harvey Weinstein, Henry Rollins, Hero, horror, Jason Mewes, Jay and Silent Bob, Jenny Wade, John Gulager, Josh Zuckerman, Judah Friedlander, Krista Allen, language, Marcus Dunstan, Matt Damon, monster, Navi Rawat, Patrick Melton, penis, Project Greenlight, R-rated, sexuality, violence, Wes Craven
Cloverfield (2008)

It’s a good movie overall, great for a scary movie night. The lesson that can be learned here is to never live in New York. Crap always goes down in New York first. Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 3.5 kabooms, horror, movie, PG-13, science fiction
Tagged action, Cloverfield, Drew Goddard, explosion, giant monster, horror, J.J. Abrams, Jessica Lucas, Lady Liberty, Lizzy Caplan, Matt Reeves, Michael Stahl-David, Mike Vogel, monster, New York, Odette Yustman, Paramount Pictures, PG-13, science fiction, suspense, T.J. Miller, terror, thriller, violence
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Recon Mission: The Incredible Hulk vs. The Barely Credible

The lethal ladies of Arterial Spray can’t agree on whether The Incredible Hulk sucks or rocks. Find out why. Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, action, movie, PG-13, science fiction, superhero
Tagged Abomination, action movies, brief suggestive content, Bruce Banner, Edward Norton, Hulk, Incredible Hulk, intense action violence, Iron Man, Jack Kirby, Liv Tyler, Marvel Comics, monster, partial male nudity, PG-13, Robert Downey Jr., some frightening sci-fi images, Stan Lee, superhero, Tim Blake Nelson, Tim Roth, Universal Pictures, William Hurt, Zak Penn
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008): More Mummies, Minus Some Magic

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor starts off slow, too slow, but picks up speed and becomes a very watchable, never dull bit of cinema with some interesting ideas and clever visuals that might have been more impressive had the movie managed to seize us earlier like the series’ previous installments. Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, action, fantasy, movie, PG-13
Tagged action, action movies, adventure, Alfred Gough, Anthony Wong, Asia, Asian, Brenden Fraser, CGI, China, Chinese, deux ex machina, Hamunaptra 3, immortal, immortality, Isabella Leong, Jet Li, John Hannah, Luke Ford, magic, Maria Bello, Michelle Yeoh, Miles Millar, monster, mummy, Orient, Oriental, PG-13, Rachel Weiss, Rob Cohen, spoiler, Stephen Sommers, superpowers, The Mummy, The Mummy 3, The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, Universal Pictures, violence
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