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Tag Archives: Christmas movie
Black Christmas (1974): Ho, Ho, Ho-rror at the Sorority House

Looking for the next feel good holiday themed movie to put on at Christmas time? Well, keep looking. Buuuuut if you are looking for a real creepy-as-shit horror film, look no further! Black Christmas (1974) is the one you want.
Posted in * all movie reviews *, Christmas, holiday, horror, movie, R-rated
Tagged A. Roy Moore, action, action chick, Action Flick Chick, Billy, Black Christmas, Black Christmas remake, Black Christmas spoilers, Bob Clark, calling from inside the house, Christmas movie, Halloween, horror, John Carpenter, John Saxon, Margot Kidder, movie, Olivia Hussey, R-rated, Sorority, violence
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Action Archive Christmas Edition: Yippee Ki Yay, Santa Lover Volume 1

Not all of these are action movies, and not all Christmas action movies are here. Rotten Tomatoes made sure to point out that the Chick hasn’t hit Lethal Weapon yet. But these are the Christmas-related films the Action Flick Chick … Continue reading
Posted in action, Christmas
Tagged .45, .45 calibre, action movie, Alan Rickman, Ben Affleck, Black Christmas, body count, Bruce Willis, Charley Baltimore, Charlie Baltimore, Charlize Theron, Charly Baltimore, Christmas, Christmas film, Christmas movie, Christmas tradition, Christmas urban legend, Die Hard, Die Hard 2, Die Hard 2: Die Harder, Gary Sinise, Geena Davis, Gizmo, Gremlins, Gremlins 2, Gremlins 2: The New Batch, Hans Gruber, holiday, Holiday Inn, Home Alone, John McClane, Macauly Culkin, Merry Christmas, Mogwai, Moviedrome, orphanage, pie, Reindeer Games, Rotten Tomatoes, Sam Jackson, Samantha Caine, Samuel L. Jackson, Santa Claus, slasher, The Long Kiss Goodnight, urban legend, White Christmas, yippee-kai-yay, Yippee-ki-yay