* 5 Best Multiplayer Video Games to Play at a Party!
Action Chick: Your favorite 4-player party game?
on Facebook:
Abwon: Mario kart
Allahweh: Tough one, though I’ve always had a soft spot for the Smash Bros. games.
apeachmoon: left 4 dead, classic TMNT arcade game.
assi9: umm..N64 goldeneye! #007
ATOMICFATE: Mario Kart 64
babyale760: Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Super Smash Bros. Melee
csdaley: One of my favorites was Hunter: The Reckoning. We played the heck out of that game.
Dalanna23: right now we are playing left 4 dead 2 on four player!
Dalanna23: we do karaoke or dancing games for our party games. Rebels we are.
DSB_IV: My personal favorite is the X-Men arcade game from back in the day
FragChef: One of my favorite split-screen four player games is Timesplitters.
Gordylocke: Gauntlet the original arcade and the Dreamcast version in particular. Also the ol Wrestlefest arcade ’91
Gordylocke: Wii bowling is my favourite
Gordylocke: also boozing must be part of the party video game session! =) #drunkgamingisfun
jlyoungthe3rd: Splosion Man
joestradamus: Def Jam fight for NY
johnny_williams: Goldeneye 007….there is nothing better.
livingdeadguy: Tie between L4D and Halo
LordComet: Mario party of course
MrBriiightside: L4D(2), Halo, Crackdown 2, The Simpsons (arcade), Monopoly Streets
P1LaughingMan: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The classic arcade game
ReelArtsy: Mario Kart. RT @actionchick Favorite 4-player video games?
scooterchicken: Super Mario Wii
Seven16: Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.
Shane_For_Wax: Iggy’s Wrecking Balls. Also, Gauntlet 64.
Tekknight: =oO Just thinking the same thing yesterday! There needs to be a new Rayman! #2 was one of the most atmospheric games ever!
Tekknight: Super Smash Bros! (I could go on and on… but wont =o)
ThatBlindBandit: mario party!
TheNamesKevinn: gotta be smash brothers.nothing compares
thepaperbicycle: drunk monopoly
TheRealThing: Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye, Super Smash Bros. (preferably Melee), Warlords (2600), X-Men Legends, & the 90s Simpsons arcade game.
VaughnOnMovies: GoldenEye 007.
WorkSuxAlot: I wanted to play the old Gauntlet in the arcade but I didn’t have 3 friends
Zachstreetboy: Definitely Twister. Yahtzee comes in with a close second.
Zushi13: Borderlands! Rock Band!
on twitter:
Allison Lampe: Gauntlet for the n64. For new Gen systems Mario Katy for the wii.
Christoffer Andersson: Mario Kart, or Goldeneye on the N64.
Cristian Mori: left 4 dead! Rulez
Eric Lytle: Star Fox 64
Harold Burman: X-Men was 4+
Jim Mack McGee: Agree with Marcus Gauntlet
John Ferrigno: Gauntlet was the first one I remembered. Loved that one in the arcade as a kid.
John Shaver: Kung Fu Chaos for the original Xbox was so much fun
Johnny Williams: Goldeneye 007…N64.
Justin Calvert: Mario Kart
Marcus Kempton: gauntlet
Mitchell Ivey: Gauntlet set the bar, but Off Roading with some buddies after a few beers was pure entertainment.
Preston Kane Harrell: Super Smash Brothers or Left 4 Dead
Ray Smotherman: Gauntlet! That reminds me, I need food…badly.
Stephen Huckabee: Does it count if its not out yet? Because I’m pretty sure that 4 player co-op on Gears of War 3 will be my fav
Tanner Gibson: First one that came to mind was Fuzion Frenzy for XBOX, loved that game.
Veronica Dorkmaster: Rayman’s Raving Rabbids!
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