Bruce Campbell Talks Evil Dead Remake at Dallas Fan Days!

Evil Dead fans get ready, because the Evil Dead remake has been summoned to life and will hit theaters April 12, 2013! If you’re like me, you’re probably tired of all the lifeless Hollywood remakes of our most beloved films from long ago. Well, Bruce Campbell is aware of this and had something to say about it at the Fan Days Convention in Dallas a few weeks ago: “There are some very loyal fans who are nervous. They’re worried about one of their favorite movies getting remade. ‘Why remake it? Why, why, why dear god, why,’ you ask? Shut up! It’s too late, we already did it!”

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GAGA Season 1 Finale: I’m Dating a Lesbian!

This is it, people! This is the last episode of GAGA season 1. Work on season 2 has begun but in the meantime, enjoy season 1 and spread the news.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!


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Revolution 1-6 Sex and Drugs: How Do You Say No to That!

Sex and drugs- how do you say no to that? Call them a turkey, break someone’s neck, and then shoot yourself. That’s how the Revolution crew rolls. Technically no one called anyone a turkey but the other stuff happened in this week’s exciting episode. “Sex and Drugs” certainly brought us the sexiest episode of Revolution so far, with prostitutes and side boob galore! The audience sees our heroes taking a brief reprieve from the main plotline to deal with a heroin peddling, plantation living, prostitute employing, nutcase ex-friend of Miles.

Read more at Fanhattan!

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The Walking Dead 3-3: Walk With Me!

Michonne’s got some looks that could kill in the newest episode of AMC’s The Walking Dead, and I am loving them! Last week we didn’t get to see any Andrea or Michonne, but this week makes up for it by focusing on Team Blonde and Dreadly. The audience will see the return of a character everyone’s been waiting for, an introduction to The Governor, along with a little town called Woodbury. I don’t read the comics, so I didn’t know who the Governor was at first, but his first few scenes are shot so brilliantly that,  even though he has been nothing but nice to Andrea and Michonne, you feel like someone’s getting a fork in the eye at any second. The Walking Dead continues to bring the goods this season and I am pumped to find out what else happens!

Let’s check in with Dale to see how he’s doing this week.

Action Chick, I’m gonna need you to be quiet. Scratch that—really quiet. There’s a raccoon sneaking around somewhere nearby, and he stole my dang hat. Little booger’s been wearing it like a gyat-dang animal fisherman and I don’t appreciate it. Yesterday I saw him staring me down, hat on head, just grinning away with that snot-eating grin that only a raccoon can have.

(Makes unintelligible raccoon noises)

Well I’ll be-what’d you do with my hat?!? Why do you have a second hat and a briefcase? GET BACK HERE, YOU!

Thanks, Dale! Now, onward, to the recap!

Here’s what happens:

Episode three opens with a helicopter full of military guys crashing. Michonne and Andrea (whom I will refer to as MichAndrea (TM)) go to check it out to find another group of men who had the same idea. Man, Andrea looks really bad; I know she’s supposed to because she’s sick, but jeez, she’s looking seriously haggard here. MichAndrea watch from the bushes as the men investigate the wreckage, finding the pilot to be alive and the others dead and zombified. Michonne’s armless, jawless zombuds start making a lot of noise, and to prevent them from drawing attention to her, she slices their heads off without a second thought.

Right as MichAndrea think the boys are leaving, a distinctly southern accent comes jutting in from behind them. Yep! It’s the long lost Dixon brother, Merle! Technically, it’s Robo-Merle because he’s got some kind of metal prosthetic device covering his handless arm, a prosthetic complete with a freakin’ big blade attached to it! Merle turns them over to the Governor, and they’re taken back to his heavily fortified camp.

Team Blonde and Dreadly check out the town of Woodbury.

While Andrea received medical treatment, Merle explains what’s happened to him in the last few months: basically, he was bleeding to death when the Governor and company found him. Andrea, in turn, recaps what Team Rick was up to before she got separated from them, and Merle bristles a little bit at the mention of Daryl and Rick. Uh-oh! Trouble brewing!

Then The Governor comes in and officially welcomes MichAndrea to Woodbury- a little town he’s managed to create and protect from the walkers. He gives them a room with running water and food, though he hangs on to their weapons. The Governor keeps a tight leash on the people of Woodbury—no one is allowed out after dark; light and noise are kept to a minimum; and Justin Bieber fans are executed without mercy. He’s also got a scientist working to study the walkers, and I missed his name, so for now I’ll refer to him as Disco Steve. Disco Steve, though a little awkward, seems sympathetic towards MichAndrea, and tries to reach out to them, though they don’t react well to his socially inept brand of friendliness.

The Governor talks with the pilot and convinces him to divulge where his other posse of National Guardsmen are so he can help them. After he gets this information he tricks the boys in green into relaxing by waving a white flag at them upon his arrival, all while his own men flank them and blast them to bits. After brutally killing the last of the injured Guardsmen with a switchblade, the Governor orders his men to round up their supplies.

He goes back to the town with a BS story about how the walkers got to the men first and how the town should be thankful for what he’s given them—safety and a life. Later he goes off into a secret room to relax and watch a little TV. What’s on tonight Governor? Oh yeah, the same thing that’s on every night—fish tanks full of twitching, zombified heads including Michonne’s pets and what remains of the pilot guy!


  • Gory sliced in half soldier dude.
  • They have totally upped the gore!
  • Michonne is a freakin’ hardass— she sliced off her zompets heads like it was nothing!
  • The return of Merle!
  • Michonne’s deadly looks of disapproval. If they were any more severe, people would literally just start freaking dying from them.


  • Nothing. I love Season three of The Walking Dead! If the show keeps this kind of thing up I might have to (happily) retire the dislike column.


This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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Elementary 1-5 Review: Watson and the City!

This week’s installment of Elementary, “The Rat Race” opens with a little En Medias Res, meaning that we come in partway through the story, and then find out how our heroes got in such a pickle. Case in point, Watson approaches Gregson about Holmes’ whereabouts, as he’s been missing for a while, and Watson believes he’s relapsed into drug abuse. It turns out, however, that Holmes has been bound and kidnapped! Goodness! Let’s go back in time, back when this situational pickle was still a cucumber, and find out how we got here.

Read the rest at Fanhattan!

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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From Beneath You It Devours: The Tremors Series’ Seven Best Graboid Kills!

Val (Kevin Bacon), Rhonda (Finn Carter), and Earl (Fred Ward) try to tread lightly.

Tremors rocks! Ever since I was a little girl I have watched Tremors— back then I used to jump around on the living room furniture with my brothers and if we touched the carpet we were Graboid food! I even experienced some hesitation when walking outside on the ground for fear that Graboids might actually exist. As a kid, this film is a fun movie to watch because you can pretend you’re running from the monsters along with the characters; and as an adult, it’s still fun to watch because you can still pretend you’re running from the monsters!

Click here to continue reading!

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NYCC 2012: Silent Hill: Revelation 3D (2012)- All Monsters, No Mash

NYCC held a press screening for Silent Hill: Revelation 3D, and I was there to get the scoop. The Silent Hill video games have some of the most terrifying creatures ever dreamed up by the human brain, and now you can watch them on the big screen with Silent Hill: Revelation 3D. This flick roughly follows the story of the third Silent Hill video game, and picks up many years after the first Silent Hill movie. Heather Mason (Adelaide Clemens) has been plagued by nightmares since she was little, but doesn’t know the truth behind them: that she’s actually Sharon, the little girl from the first movie. She and her father, the glorious Sean Bean, have been running from Silent Hill since the events of hte first movie, but, when daddy Boromir goes missing, it looks like Heather’s coming back home to Hilly Dearest.

Aesthetically, Silent Hill: Revelation 3D is stunning. The monsters, created mostly through practical effects, but with a few CG, and the town of Silent Hill itself were all lush with terrifying details. And, for once, I actually wasn’t annoyed with the 3D— it looked great, and was used appropriately, resulting in a few jumps and head dives to the side from the audience. The sounds of the monsters themselves were appropriately freaky, and the music makes use of several of the video game series’ signature tunes.

While the aesthetic aspect of the film was fantastic, it falters when it comes to the human element. It was beautiful to look at, but it didn’t strike the emotional nerve that the first one does, to invest you, to tense you up and keep you frightened of what might be coming. Also, the story is a hazy mish-mash of ideas, with several problematic plot holes, and the climactic showdown between Heather and Evil Heather is one of the biggest let-downs I’ve seen in a while. The action was nice, when there was any, but this is a horror film so I can forgive it for not being a action packed ride through Silent Hill. The final showdown between Red Pyramid and Carrie-Anne Moss was impressive but viewers will have long-since been mentally checked out.

The first film is by far the superior film. This installment was a good try, but the story fails to make you invested in the characters, which in turn fails to make you scared of what might happen to them or scared of what’s around the corner.

Action Rating: 1 Red Pyramid, out of 5!

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!


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Interview with Silent Hill: Revelation 3D Stars Adelaide Clemens and Kit Harington!

NYCC proved to be very productive for me this year, as I got to sit down with the stars of the new film, Silent Hill: Revelation 3D, Kit Harington (Game of Thrones) and Adelaide Clemens! We talked about their favorite Silent Hill monsters, whether or not filming gave them nightmares, and just how weird you can expect this ultra-freaky film to get. Silent Hill: Revelation 3D comes out in theaters Friday, October 26!

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!


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