Being Human 3-6: Soul for Sale- 25 Cents


The supernatural household is getting a little crowded with these days on Syfy’s Being Human. “What’s Blood Got to Do With It” starts off with one teen wolf, a funeral home boy, a reanimated corpse, a vampire, a wolf turned human, and a partridge in a pear tree, all crowded under one roof. Plenty of nail-biting events happen to our beloved characters, some of which will leave viewers screaming for more once the credits roll.

Let’s start with Sally’s very big moment of selling her soul to Witchy-poo! Nooo, Sally, nooooo! Sally runs into her long lost brother and, in order to save him from a dusty future, she makes a deal with Witchy-poo- her soul for her brother’s life. Sally seems to be making out like a bandit, for the moment, because she also gets to see anyone she knows from her past without them dying. No more hiding from her old buds because she might accidentally kill them. Sally’s free… until she dies, and then her soul will belong to evil Witchy-poo, and there’s no telling what she’s going to do with it. Also, has anyone else noticed the lack of reactions of Sally’s friends and family to her being alive? No one has freaked out enough over the fact that she’s actually alive after spending so long thinking she was dead. Even her brother was like, “I thought you were dead but, okay. I’ll send you a postcard now that you’re not.” What!?!


Josh didn’t really do a whole lot except being a freaking mom to Erin the Teen wolf, yelling at her to clean up, brush her teeth, and go wolf out in a storage locker next to Nora, like normal werewolves.

Bubble boy Kenny prods Aidan until he finally admits to being a vampire. Like the nice boy that he is, Kenny offers to feed Aidan willingly…and also asks to be turned into a bloodsucker himself. Aidan gives his noble speech of how he doesn’t know what he’s asking for, but Kenny knocks one into the stands by saying Aidan doesn’t know what it’s like to be a bubble boy and that it’s no way of living. Oh snap! Will Aidan do it? With bubble boy’s crappy health, may not get the chance even if he wanted to.


Aidan goes home to think about it and knock back a few cold test tubes of blood when he suddenly feels sick and falls over. That little twerp Erin the Teen wolf poisoned his blood supply with her own, all at Liam’s bidding. Now Liam’s on his way to finish Aidan off and exact revenge for his little pups, but Erin may beat him to it. She stands over Aidan with a stake as the show rolls to credits. Souls and stakes! Stakes and souls! I definitely won’t be missing next week’s episode!

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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Coming Attraction: Fast and Furious 6 (Full Trailer)


The Fast & Furious franchise is known for four things: fast cars, cool heists, scantily clad women, and fluctuating uses of the words “Fast” and “Furious” in the film titles. The next entry in the angry and quickly moving series, Fast and Furious 6, has a full trailer showing off all of these things and more! On the surface, this series may seem shallow, with its cars and bimbos, but underneath that glitz are several films with great action, fun heists, and empathetic characters. With as good as Fast Five was, I’m pretty pumped to see how 6 turns out. It drives furiously into theaters on May 24.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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Olympus Has Fallen Featurette


It’s President’s Day, so what better day to have a featurette from Yahoo! Movies on Olympus Has Fallen, a film about saving our president from terrorists. It will explode into theaters March 22, 2013, and stars Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, and Aaron Eckhart.

Here are six character posters featuring a score of handsome mugs.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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The Walking Dead 3-10: Pardon the Interruption

The Walking Dead episode “Home” reminds viewers of what most season one and two episodes were like- mostly talking, minimal zombies. But… just when you’ve been lulled into complacency by the endless jibber jabber, all freaking hell breaks loose and hits you in the face like a big smelly doo doo pie.

Before we get into the recap, let’s check in with Dale.

Dale Face 2

Action Chick, I don’t know how, but I got my foot stuck in a toilet and I can’t get it out, no matter how many times I try flushing.

Thanks, Dale. Now onward, to the recap!

In Woodbury, The Governor spits out more lies and Andrea eats them up as fast as she can. He tells her she needs to be the leader for a while until he can get himself together. She agrees and feels sorry for him, then he mysteriously disappears.


In the woods, Daryl and Merle’s camping trip has met with zero success. The hungry hungry Dixon boys run across some people being attacked by zombies and Daryl comes to the rescue while Merle sits back and watches. This makes Daryl realize he needs to head back to the prison to be with his real family, and Merle reluctantly follows since he can’t survive out there alone. For most of this sequence you see an interesting reversal in Daryl- where he’s normally strong-spoken and fierce, his voice was softer, his body language more timid. Just being around his older brother made him act weaker. Plus, you can really see how far he’s come from season one. Where once he was somewhat like Merle, now he’s a loyal friend and brave hero, whereas Merle’s the same violent, racist ass.

At the prison, Rick wanders outside the fence, acting crazy and searching for Lori, while Glen tries to lead the group in coming up with a plan. He eventually gets all pissy and drives off in his truck to secure the perimeter. Hershel hobbles down to the fence line to see if he can talk some sense into Rick when Sheriff Grimes finally admits he’s seeing dead people.


Carol and Axel bond a bit, with Axel revealing his non-violent criminal past, but just when we’ve really warmed up to the guy, he falls over, dead, with his blood on Carol’s face. The Governor was hiding out in the bushes and shot Axel in the head! Just when you’ve accepted Axel, and accepted that there’s going to be a lot of talking, the poop hits the fan.

The gang at the prison are all separated and caught off guard. The Governor and his posse take advantage of their confusion and open fire, then drive a truck full of freaking zombies through the gate like a Fedex package from hell. While the zombies do their wandering, moaning ting, Gov and his guys exit stage left. Total fatalities: Axel, and one unnamed Woodbury badguy.

While everyone deals with the outpour of zombies, Rick fights off as many as he can until he’s out of ammo and pistol-whipping any zombies who come for him. But, just as they start to overwhelm him, the Dixon bros show up. He and Daryl have a manly “What up/thank you/I value you as a friend and partner” nod, and Merle cackles as he bashes in a zombie’s skull.

RIP Axel, your role as a human meat shield was invaluable in saving Carol. Say hello to Dale for us.


  • Daryl smashing a zombie’s head in with a car door.
  • Rick pistol whipping zombies.
  • The Gov laughing evilly while spraying a final semi-phallic cascade of bullets during his escape. He needs to die the most horrible death ever!
  • Season three Carol— not having that damn Sophia around has made her funny and cool.
  • Merle gleefully fighting zombies at the end. That Merle, all he’s interested in is fighting. He’s like a mean-ass junkyard dog.
  • Michonne slicing and dicing some walkers.
  • The gang coming back together at the end.



  • I like fighter/survivalist Glenn, but not mean, bordering on losing his crap Glenn.


This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

(Dale’s Deeds by Alex Langley)



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Review: A Good Day to Die Hard


Hollywood should either get John McTiernan, Jeb Stuart, and Steven de Souza back, or leave the Die Hard franchise alone. These men are the masterminds behind the original film, and while no-one is likely to fully recapture its magic, I’m willing to bet that anything they created would be a whole lot better than A Good Day to Die Hard.

The problems lie within the script. Bruce Willis and Jai Courtney had plenty of acting chops, and a decent chemistry. The two characters had some cute father/son moments, but Jack barely had a personality other than “I hate my dad,” and even John was written as more of a serious, jerky character, one who was irrelevant to the film’s larger story. The people behind this film mentioned that there there wasn’t going to be as much humor as the previous films, and A Good Day to Die Hard suffered because of it. Do they know who John McClane is? One of his main qualities is that is that he’s a mega snark-ass. While there were some attempts to keep that McClane sarcasm, it didn’t hit the funny bone at all- joke after joke landed on a stone-faced audience. And just because Yippee-ki-yay is a famous McClane line doesn’t mean it needs to be used over and over again. It was spot on fantastic the first time, and lost potency with every subsequent use. How about you think of something new!


The film’s plot is threadbare and aimless. Neither John nor his son seem to invested in what’s happening, and the audience will constantly question why they should care if the bad guys are stopped, because their goals are just that vague.  Also, fans of the series will come in liking John, and his son by proxy, but they don’t do anything to earn your sympathy if you don’t already know them, like John. Jack’s only quality is that he’s a younger version of John. And John himself felt like a third wheel the whole time, since nothing had anything to do with him. He was like a confused tourist who somehow wandered into a dull web of Russian criminal activity, and that did not make for a good film.

Having said all that, the action was grand and mostly enjoyable. The first action scene was a lengthy and elaborate car chase, which, while often was a little confusing, kept things mulit-tiered and fast paced. The end of the film was riddled with big, bright explosions, and between the two bookends were a few scattered firefights. But, again, while the action was large scale, it’s hard to care. We know the McClanes are going to be fine, and since the film’s stakes are so poorly defined it doesn’t engender any concern from the audience.

I would still watch a sixth one if they made it, because that’s just who I am- I am the Action Chick, after all. Plus, I like to see all of the films in a series if I enjoy the first few. A Good Day to Die Hard was decent enough, but definitely the worst Die Hard– for anyone who likes to rip on Live Free or Die Hard, watch this flick first, and then you’ll appreciate how much better part four is by comparison.

Action Rating: 2 1/2 Yipee-Ki-Yays, out of Five

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!


Posted in * all movie reviews *, 2.5 kabooms, action, movie, R-rated | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Interview with Nobody Gets Out Alive Director Jason Christopher


Nobody Gets Out Alive is a new horror film hitting shelves/DVD February 26. According to writer/director Jason Christopher, it serves as a tribute to the horror films of yesteryear, focusing on a group of college students who run into trouble when on a camping trip. This acts as Jason’s directorial debut and, based on his answers to my questions, the man is refreshingly self aware of his work. The film does follow the typical pattern of a horror flick, but does boast plenty of gore to feast upon. Find out more about the special effects and the film below from director, Jason Christopher.

AFC: The title seems pretty telling, but does anyone make it out alive?

Jason: That’s an answer I only know, haha, and will only reveal in the sequel, which hopefully this one does decent enough to make a small sequel. The sequel will explain so much and is such a background story on the killer, Hunter Isth.

AFC: I saw that the film has won several awards already at horror festivals. In a genre that’s as over saturated as horror, how do you keep a horror film feeling fresh?

Jason: Ya know, I didn’t make a groundbreaking movie. I wanted to just make a movie that I’d love watching. Horror movies are nothing but remakes nowadays. This is a movie that you could have seen in the 70’s and 80’s and really dug it. Some people are complaining that it’s the same story already told…of course it is. But we kind of feel certain way for the killer with this one. The back drop of the story is very cliche though, I’m not going to lie. The festivals just connected with what I was trying to do.

AFC: The film was very gory and looked like practical effects. What are some of the challenges of
working with practical effects?

Jason: There was a lot of time that was dedicated for Special FX artist Lauren Palmer. She was great, she knew what I wanted and what I was going for…that old school look. There’s only 2 very very small blood splats that were CG and I hate those out of all of the other ones. That also went with the whole 70’s/80’s feel of doing the fx in a modern day movie.

AFC: You said this was a film you could see in the ’70s and ’80s. Were there any particular films that inspired the creation of the film?

Jason: Friday The 13th Part 3, Halloween 2 (81), The Prowler, Black Christmas (74), Maniac, The Intruder.

AFC: You also mentioned a sequel. Do you have that script written yet, or is it just in your head right now?

Jason: I’ve been writing a sequel…kind of just going back and forth with it because I don’t know if I’ll get the chance to actually make another one. I made a ballsy move by making this one because I really want to tell the second one. The second one would be more of like a horror/drama movie because there’s so much explaining to do with Hunter Isth and his family.

AFC: What kind of films would you like to do in the future? Stay in the horror genre?

Jason: Horror movies are without a doubt my favorite genre. I wanted to make NGOA because I wanted to say thank you to the 70’s and 80’s horror flicks that I unfortunately didn’t get to witness first hand. I was born in ’87 so I got the 90’s horror flicks, blah. But I have a Christmas movie in me that I’d love to do for my Mum haha, a family movie for my nieces and nephews, an action movie, the next one I’m getting off the ground with is a sci-fi/horror/thriller movie, it’s everywhere. I’m real excited about that.

AFC: What’s the plan for Nobody Gets Out Alive? Will it hit theaters, more festivals, or DVD?
NGOA will be out on DVD/VOD/RedBox/Netflix on 2/26/13. In other countries it’s under the title Punishment. It came out in Greece and Sweden the past couple weeks…so it’s exciting but I’m nervous. No more festivals…this flick took technically 8 years of my life. I wrote the script when I was 17 and it’s coming out now when I’m 25…so I won’t be looking back at this movie after I’m done with the promotion and stuff…time to move on and hopefully do a sequel in a couple years 😉

Thanks Jason!

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!


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AFC Classic- The Hit List: Which Characters Go on Your Drunken Kill List?

Ever wish you had the chance to get back at the boss who undermined you? The spouse who cheated on you? The friend who deceived you? One night, a down-on-his-luck businessman, Allan Campbell (Cole Hauser), meets a mysterious stranger, Jonas Arbor (Cuba Gooding Jr.), who claims to be a professional hit man. Jonas offers to take out five targets, free of charge. Thinking it’s a bad joke, Allan jots down his own private hit list. The next day, the people he named start turning up dead, and all the evidence points to Allan. Hunted by the police and haunted by guilt, Allan races against time to stop the murders he set in motion. In this world, vengeance always has a price.

So which fictional characters go on YOUR drunken hit list? What a good opportunity to clean up the fictional universe, akin to having your own commercial cleaning service come in and take care of those characters that just are not necessary, or downright annoying.One random respondent before the DVD’s May 10 release will win a free copy of The Hit List on DVD. U.S. addresses only.

Which fictional character would you send a hitman to kill?

Answers on Facebook:

Danalee Eston: Lex Luthor
Mike Frontera: John McClain
Leigh Lewallen: Kate from LOST
James Howell: Edward and Bella
Kurt Tusberg: Dr. Who
Alex Langley: @Leigh Nooo! I love Kate! Shame on you! Seconding Edward and Bella, though. And throwing in the obligatory Jar-Jar. OH and Kyra Sedgwig’s character on The Closer because of her horrendously fake southern accent.
Mitchell Ivey: Delores Umbridge from Harry Potter.
Scott Larson: Aunt May, Jason Todd, and Barry Allen
Ron Vink: Wolverine.
Kevin Coulston Jar Jar
Eric Chan: @kurt What do you mean, Dr Who? You mean the Doctor? He’s real ;D
J. Seth Barnard: Not the Doctor!! Now, the Daleks? Definitely! Also, Austin Powers.
Veronica Dorkmaster: Edward and Bella from Twilight, no question.
Kurt Tusberg: i most definately meant The Doctor. that freak has been going WAY too long! enough already. go away.
Luis Bermudez: The cast from Jeresy Shore.
A Galaxy Called Dallas: agree with @Alex Langley about the southern accent on Closer, which brings me to the characters on True Blood. I grew up about 20 miles from where Bon Temps would be located if it were real. We sound nothing like the atrocious sounds coming from those actors! So, off with their heads and a stake through their hearts!
Nick Langley: I love the Doctor. Don’t speak such blasphemous things.

Answers on twitter:

TroyJeffrey: Superman. He needs to go. That’s right. I said it.
JayTomio: Doctor Who
mjarbo: Bella Swan. She needs to die like the scene in the book where she gives birth…Just with no saving vampire bite. #twilightsux
swiv: Jar Jar Binks needs to die #PagingBoBoFett
Shadowbat: Jar Jar Binks saved the Galaxy!
jonfun: I loved him! RT @Shadowbat @ActionChick Jar Jar Binks saved the Galaxy!
assi9: The entire hanna barbera pantheon.
Mr_Qwerty: River Song, retroactively. The Glee student body.
santiag25: the power rangers, pokemon…
BadKidsGoToHell: who should die? well that’s an easy one @bkgth_Matt @bkgth_Craig @bkgth_Tarek @bkgth_Megan @bkgth_Tricia @bkgth_Veronica
QuixoticExotic: Jar Jar Binks. Elmo. Pikachu.
MissChrissyLyn: Uhm, Bat-Mite?!
cyclicsven: how many enemies would i make if i stated “the entire cast of #glee”?
iamWoWunk: Goofy! That dude survives more accidents on shear dumb luck 🙂
theJeffreyWells: any Pokemon
asemicek: Superman. Even with recent events he’s just not that current anymore
m_buggie: long list. Most of them need to die and STAY DEAD.
DeathBatBettie: All Harry Potter chars, all Twilight chars, Rebecca Black…Oh wait. RT @ActionChick Which fictional characters need to just DIE?
Zach_Parks: Bella from TWILIGHT.
AKincaid87: if you watch Bleach, about half the cast =P. Love the show but just too many people!
kristenmchugh22: Bella Swan.
Hokubu: @kristenmchugh22 @ActionChick Agreed. Then again, I would say most every character from the Twilight series.
CarterFanboy: Madea
drunken_hopfrog: Irene Adler. Needless burden in every Holmes adaptation. Less than a minor character in the various stories. Appeared once and was mentioned once in 56 novels and stories.
toddbushbooks: It PAINS me to say it, but Jack Bauer
wedge1980: Jar Jar Binks
Rogueactor: Knight Commander Meredith from the Dragon Age games
dennisabdala: 5.darth veda 4.lex luther bush 2.souljaboy mane
lamsam3: Beggar Su from Drunken Master.

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New Trailer for Oblivion


A second, more in depth trailer has been released for Joseph Kosinski’s film, Oblivion starring Tom Cruise. This video description differs from the one found on IMDB, which I find more interesting: “A court martial sends a veteran soldier to a distant planet, where he has to destroy the remains of an alien race. The arrival of an unexpected traveler causes him to question what he knows about the planet, his mission, and himself.”

Oblivion will obliviate theaters April 19, 2013

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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