G.I. Joe: Retaliation Takes a Dookie on Duke

Beware spoilers below.


Does anyone else feel like Hasbro likes to fling poop in the faces of their long time fans? The most recent Transformers trilogy spiraled into a massive abyss of crap, Battleship was no bueno, the Transfomers animated movie was a Cybertronian blood bath so they could “make way for more toys,” and now look at what’s happening to G.I. Joe. Maybe it’s not completely Hasbro’s fault, films are the product of many people and companies; but, whoever decided it was a good idea to kill off Duke (Channing Tatum) in G.I. Joe: Retaliation is a big doo doo head. What, other than irritating the hell out of Joe fans, did it accomplish? Duke’s a classic GI Joe character, and the central focus of most Joe cartoons, comics, and assorted media. If his death were heroic, or for a greater purpose, it might have felt justified. But as it is in G.I. Joe Retaliation, it could have just as easily not happened and it wouldn’t have changed anything.

Don’t try to say his death acts as a catalyst for the remaining Joes to get revenge- the fact that the President ordered an attack on their unit, and killed damn near everyone, is enough fuel to want revenge. Three Joes survive the attack at the beginning, and it’s absolutely ridiculous that Duke dies and gets replaced with Flint (D.J. Cotrona), an uninteresting character that adds nothing special. If Duke had survived, the audience would have been a little more invested in what was happening, and when the story is as dumb as it is in this film, you need all the investment you can get.


There are a few good things about G.I. Joe: Retaliation that make it “turn your brain off” watchable (if Duke’s death isn’t a deal breaker, that is). The fight scenes are no doubt the highlight of the film… well, the fight scenes, and Dwayne Johnson’s rippling muscles. The ninja fight on the mountainside is especially fun, with unique choreography to match the unique fight setting. As Snake Eyes, Ray Park’s skill shines through (as they do in every role he has) and Byung-hun Lee’s Storm Shadow is equally impressive. Honestly, G.I. Joe: Retaliation’s cast is pretty strong- it’s the insultingly stupid plot, bad jokes, and strange story choices that drag the film down definitely making it a “rent” at best.

Action Rating: 3 ½ G.I. Joes Ultimate Ninja Mountainside Battle Playset, out of 5!


Didn’t get enough Channing Tatum? Get an eye full with these films.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!


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Continuum Stars Talk Season 2


Beware- there are a few spoilers from season one of Continuum below.

Syfy/Showcase’s Continuum wrapped up season one with an explosive finale. I participated in a conference call with the show’s creator/writer Simon Barry, and cast members Rachel Nichols and Victor Webster to talk about the upcoming season two as well as a few other things. Even though the Syfy representative was quick to say season two has not been announced yet, Simon chimed in with a little extra saying he didn’t think the time between Showcase’s airing of season two and Syfy’s airing would be as large as it was with season one, which is great news to hear. No one wants to wait long to find out what happens next.

As far as what to expect in season two, here’s what Simon had to say about that:

I can certainly say that this season [two] is really where we get to play a lot of the relationships of the characters out in a way that we didn’t get to do in season one. As you know everyone now has stakes in this game and as those stakes become chips that can be played, everyone has a point of view about how they can best take care of themselves and also control their own destiny. And actually that covers almost every character. Information comes to light, people make alliances, people split up and break connections and so a lot of the positioning of these characters comes down to how they’re going to control not only their lives in the present but also in the future. And so control, power, and those themes run heavily through season two.

Continue reading at Nerdspan.


This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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Axe Cop Trailer: Death by Doo Doo!


If you’re not familiar with the amazing webcomic Axe Cop, let me break it down for you: Axe Cop is a cop who fights badguys with an axe. He’s friends with heroes like Flute Cop, Sockarang, and The Best Fairy Ever. If it sounds like something a little kid would dream up, that’s because it is. Written by five-year-old Malachi Nicholle and illustrated by his brother Ethan, Axe Cop quickly became a runaway hit. There’s Axe Cop games, Axe Cop apparel, and even an Axe Cop cartoon coming to Fox. Featuring the voice talents of Megan Mullaly, Ken Marino, Patton Oswalt, and Nick “Ron Swanson” Offerman, there’s plenty of comedy chops to back up this animated masterpiece. Axe Cop will chop his way onto your TV screen July 27.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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The Walking Dead Season Three Finale: Gov Must Go!

As always, there are spoilers ahead!


Season three of The Walking Dead is dead and buried, and now we’ve got a long wait for season four to rise from its grave. While there’s plenty of good stuff that happens in “Welcome to the Tombs,” overall this finale just doesn’t match the dynamite intensity of the first half of season three/badassness of season two’s finale.

Before we get into the recap, let’s check in with Dale.

Dale Face 3

Andrea! Great to see you!


Hey, there, Dale. Looks like my naive optimism and lust for alpha males was finally the end of me.
I’m not sure what you mean about things being the “end of you,” but I’m glad to see you out here at my RV. Pull up a chair and grab a hot dog.


Hey, guys.


Carl? You didn’t die.
Nobody’s dead, Andrea. Gosh, you sound just like Shane.
Oooh, how’s he doing? He seeing anybody?


You’re right, Andrea. Carl didn’t die, but his innocence and humanity sure as hell did.

The Dale Face

Carl! Watch your language, son!


(Unintelligible raccoon noises)


What in the world is that?
Oh, that’s the raccoon what’s been terrorizing me for the last few months. I call him Rowdy Raccoon. We had a big ol’ fistfight, and then sat down and talked a few things through. Now we’re roommates. He’s calmer now, but I’d keep an eye on your firearms around him because he likes to take ’em and start taking potshots at trees. He’s kind of macho that way.


Macho, huh? Tell me, Rowdy, is there a Ms. Raccoon?


(Unintelligible raccoon noises)


Oh, you. Not in front of Carrrrrrrl!


What are you guys talking about?

Dale Face 2

Carl, give these two love-birds some space and give me a hand in the kitchen. I keep trying to make cherry pie, but I can’t stop eating the dang cherries. You gotta keep me cherry-free, son, or else all we’re getting is more nekkid pies


Thanks, Dale! Glad to see your raccoon troubles got sorted out… more or less. Now onward, to the recap!

Despite Woodbury’s superior numbers and weaponry, Rick’s Rebels prove themselves to be the far better survivors in what ends up as a quick and not-so grand battle.  The Gov, having permanently stapled a pair of Crazy Pants onto his body, rides into the prison with his army, guns a-blazin’ and rocket launchers a-firing, but Rick’s Rebels are nowhere to be seen. The Woodburians actually do Rick’s Rebel’s a favor by clearing out most of the zombies at the prison! They end up surprised, though, when Rick’s Rebels lure them into the heart of the prison and then scare them with smoke grenades and flashy gunfire. The Woodburians run away with their tail between their legs, with roughly zero casualties on both sides. Brilliant plan, Rick’s Rebels! Didn’t make for that exciting of a climax, but it was smart nonetheless.


The Woodburians decide that enough is enough— if Rick and his “psychos” want that prison, they can have it. The Gov doesn’t react too kindly to their cowardice, so he grabs a machine gun and mows everybody down. The only survivors are Karen, who hid under some dead bodies, and Martinez and Bowman, who still look incredibly freaked out over the massive body count. The Gov drives off with his two right-hand-men as very reluctant passengers, and then that’s the last we see of them this season. What the frickin’ frak! Why isn’t The Gov dead?! They’re going to leave us with blue balls until the show returns in October? Argh! The Gov killing his own men was the perfect way to add some tragedy while showing off just how much The Gov has gone insane… and given the fact that he killed Merle last episode, I’d say his time is up. Gov must go! Gov must go!


I think Carl was playing Hide and Seek with his humanity this season, and gave up on finding it. He sulks around angrily before the battle, furious that Rick would stick him with protecting Beth and Hershel. As the Woodburians flee, Jody, the young guy who has been running around with Tyreese, appears and surrenders to the well-armed trio. Carl ain’t having it, though, and pops the kid between the eyes while he was trying to give up his gun. Yowza! Carl’s turned into one cold mofo. When Rick tries talking to him about it, not only is he unrepentant about killing that kid, but he lists Rick’s previous decisions not to kill certain people and how it ended up costing several lives, including Lori. The young Grimes has a point, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s turning into a little terminator right before our eyes.

And lastly, Andrea’s story: she’s still tied up in The Gov’s torture room. After pounding on Milton for a while, The Gov fatally stabs him and locks him in with her so he’ll zombify and kill her. She spends what feels like several days trying to pick up some pliers with her feet, and once she finally gets loose, Zombie Milton attacks. She kills him, but gets bitten in the process. Michonne and company discover her, and Andrea does the noble thing and takes herself out before she turns. Michonne tearfully stays by her side the entire time, thus ending the proud reign of #teamblondeanddreadly. It was really sad to see Andrea, who was often a smart, tough character, transformed into someone so frequently incompetent this season. However, when she’s talking to the mortally wounded Milton she explains that the she always did what she did because she “just didn’t want anyone to die,” and Laurie Holden’s delivery is so innocent and kind that it really makes you feel for her. Alas, we won’t have to be annoyed any longer by her constantly making the wrong choice even when the right choice is slapping her in the face. Her death came at the right time, but I was annoyed at how she died— I was hoping for something a little more badass and redemptive.

Ultimately, the episode ends with the remaining Woodburians, including Tyreese and Sasha, joining Rick’s Rebels to live at the prison.



  • Relative lack of cast member casualties— Rick’s Rebels made it out (mostly) unharmed!
  • Carl shooting Jody.
  • Carl’s cold, hard lesson for Rick
  • Carl’s reaction at the sight of Woodbury citizens showing up to the prison. He thinks it’s a namby-pamby move, and he’s sick of it.
  • Tyreese and Sasha joining Rick’s Rebels



  • Lack of a dead Governor. GOV MUST GO! GOV MUST GO!
  • Andrea’s quiet death


5 Walking Dead Characters Who Outlived Their Life Expectancy

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

Dale’s Deeds written by Alex Langley.

Posted in Recap, The Walking Dead, TV | Tagged , , , , | 7 Comments

Zombieland Web Series- First Look at the New Cast


As you may have noticed, pictured above are four people who are not Abigail Breslin, Woody Harrelson, Emma Stone, or Jesse Eisenberg. That’s because those four are bona-fide movie stars, and the new Zombieland web series is operating on a smaller budget than the original movie. While it may not have the star power of the feature film, the web series does retain the same smartly morbid humor of the original, and continues the story of Wichita, Tallahassee, Columbus, and Little Rock. Taking a note from Netflix’s move towards original content, Amazon is funding this one out-of-pocket, and the mega-retailer will your portal to the pilot once it premieres.

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The Wolverine- Teaser Trailer!


The lucky skunks over at MTV managed to snag an early teaser trailer to The Wolverine, the latest installment of the X-Men films. So far it’s looking awesome- and too short! Watching this trailer is like taking a bite of steak when you’re starving. So be prepared to be hungry for more until The Wolverine snikts its way into theaters July 26, 2013.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

Posted in Coming Attractions, movie, trailers | 1 Comment

The Walking Dead 3-15: Red Dixon Redemption


Merle gets contemplative.

(Major spoilers below!)

The end-of-season body count gets started early with “This Sorrowful Life,” and with only one episode remaining, Walking Dead fans should brace themselves for more beloved (and not-so-beloved) characters to fall. Speaking of death, if The Governor doesn’t die next episode, I’m going to flip a table and choke a mofo. As much as I love to hate him, it’s time for his freaking reign of evil to end. The Woodbury vs. Rick’s Rebels battle has been building up for 15 episodes, so it’s time for some closure!

Before we get any further into the recap, let’s check with Dale.

Dale Face 3

Why, as I live and breathe! Fancy seeing you here!


Been a while, Dale. We wasn’t ’round one another too long, if I recall. I bet you don’t remember my name, do ya?

Dale Face 3

Sure I do, Steeebbiiilllrooggerr—



Dale Face 3

Merle! Merle, it’s good to see ya. Sorry if I keep it short, but there’s this dang raccoon tearing up the inside of my RV right now and I gotta scare him out.


Raccoon? I know few things ’bout dealing with them.

Dale Face 3

Merle, I wouldn’t just go in there unprepared if I were you. This one’s crafty.


Aw, hush, little boy. Ol’ Merle ain’t never faced off ‘gainst a coon he couldn’t handle.


Four minutes pass.

Dale Face 3



Bastard took my knife-hand and tied my shoes together. I tripped and fell face-first inna toilet.

Dale Face 2

Count yourself lucky.

Thanks, Dale. Now onward, to the recap!

The episode starts off in what seems like an alternate universe, one where Rick is stupid and Merle is the voice of reason. Rick tells Merle he’s going to give Michonne over to the Governor in exchange for the group’s safety, and Merle tells him he doesn’t have the balls to actually do it. Well, the elder Dixon was right. Rick changes his mind, but not before Merle knocks out Michonne, ties her up, and heads out to hand her over to The Gov.

“This Sorrowful Life” focuses mostly on Merle and his moral struggles. He’s always been a wild card, but had a few good qualities hidden deep down. He just didn’t have the pampered upbringing everyone else had. Michonne tries to convince him he can go back to the prison and start a new life. Instead, he lets her go and tries to take on The Gov himself as a last act of redemption. Since he knows where the Governor plans to have the hostage exchange, Merle comes up with a plan of attack that is uniquely Merle. He blasts some butt rock to draw zombies in around his car and sends the car and its horde of zombies hurtling towards the Woodbury group to act as a distraction. He then picks off most of The Gov’s henchmen while they fight with the zombies, but in the end The Gov gets the upper hand on Merle and they have a massive brawl which ends with The Gov biting Merle’s fingers off mid-fight and then shooting him. Yes, Merle did some terrible things to Maggie and Glen, and certainly wasn’t what you’d call a good guy, but man did he keep the show interesting, so I’m sad to see him go. There were so many good things they could have done with his character, it really feels like his death was a season too early. Plus we were finally seeing him warm up a bit and then BAM! He’s gone. It’s just like The Walking Dead to show a character’s good side and really make you feel for them, and then kill them off!


Rick and Daryl debate what to do about Michonne.

Daryl went after Merle to stop him, and finds a zombified brother eating some fresh meat. He’s had to face the idea of losing his brother before, but to find him there, zombified and soulless, is too much for this hardened badass to take. He tearfully breaks down and tries to keep Walker Merle back for as long as possible before finally taking him out. It’ll be interesting to see if Daryl turns hard again like in the first season, or if he’ll be able to cope better with his bro’s death. Either way one thing is for sure— The Governor killed the wrong dude’s brother!

Rick fills in the rest of the group about everything that’s happening, and tells them that  he will no longer make all the decisions— everyone gets a say in what they do now. Glenn proposes to Maggie in one of the most unromantic ways ever seen on television, but given the fact that walking corpses try to eat them on a daily basis, and that I’ve been witness to worse real-life proposals, I’d say the unromantic proposal totally fit.



  • Everything about Merle this episode, from beginning to end. He was da bomb and Michael Rooker gave one hell of a performance.
  • Rick coming to his senses about Michonne.
  • Michonne kicking ass even while tied to a pole.
  • Glen gets his wedding ring from a zombie.
  • Daryl’s break down when he finds Merle.
  • Rick coming to the group and telling them they were a team, and he would no longer make all the decisions. This is a very good thing, seeing as how he’s still hallucinating dead people.


  • Merle’s death. He did some bad things, but I’ve never wanted him to die. He kept things funny and interesting, and while his death was shocking, I felt like the character had a lot more story potential left to him.
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The Walking Dead: Who Will Die Next?

The Dale Face

If you ask Dale, he ain’t going anywhere, never has, and never will.

AMC’s The Walking Dead isn’t exactly shy about killing off characters. Each season we’ve come to know and love (or at least, tolerate) characters who have bitten the dust, often because they, themselves, were bitten. With season three coming to a close, a dark question looms over the series: who will be the next to join Dale in his Pearly RV of the Afterlife? I turned to the Twittosphere to see what people think, and the answers were as diverse as they were clever.

@jchyip @ActionChick Beth

@kelterra13 @snthomson @ActionChick yeah it’s weird I like show Carol MUCH better than the book and book Andrea MUCH better than the show one. 🙁

Mia Wilkie ‏@mia_1980 @ActionChick it should be Carol and Judith (as per graphic novels). However, I don’t think it’ll be them.

@SAssassian @ActionChick I’m going with Andrea; sacrificing herself to save Michonne. Maybe Hershel thereby sending Rick down the road to madness

‏@carryoncarol @ActionChick Carol says, hopefully Andrea =D

@mj_starchilde @ActionChick Im kind of hoping no more of the prison crew dies this season.

@wiccan59 @ActionChick I think a few of the newbies,but my guess is Merle and or The Gov.

@EbonDawg @ActionChick Nobody is safe, really. 🙁 But I’m thinking Herschel.

@Siillii @ActionChick Daryl better NEVER die, IF you know what I mean 😉 *thought bubble* “please be Andrea, please be Andrea, please be Andrea” 😉

@kingestkong @ActionChick think th only safe characters r Rick, Carl, Glen, Daryl, Maggie, Michonne and The baby have a Gut feeling The Gov survives 2

@LegitimateGeek @emmacaulfield @actionchick everyone but Daryl is expendable #TheWalkingDead

@HooksSpyglass @ActionChick Judith :'( and it will be Andrea’s fault #TheWalkingDead

@nuke718 @ActionChick is Milton a candidate? I see him dying as soon as he sides against the Guv. He’s not cut out to be a hero.

@emmacaulfield @ActionChick or they’ll kill her to make his life more f***ed up. Then he’ll NEVER take that hat off!!

@snthomson @ActionChick Unfortunately I don’t think they’ll kill Andrea even though no one I know wants her around. I hope they off Judith (she’s just a hassle and would be a great plot motivator) or Carol (to make Daryl even more jaded). I agree w/ @emmacaulfield, Killing her would be great to solidify him as a badass and he could meet a girl from Woodbury.

 @KeithAllGamer @ActionChick Merle sustains an interesting element of chaos, but killing him off could have a profound effect on Daryl. #TheWalkingDead

Think Daryl is too popular with fans to kill off. Merle I give a 50/50 to. Not sure if which way with him has the most value. Since Daryl and Merle aren’t in the comics, they are the real wild cards in trying to figure out what is going to happen. I’d say Hershel is a definite possibility. We could lose more than one too. #TheWalkingDead

@mrlindan @ActionChick i heard judiths time was up

@iamjoeking @ActionChick Carol maybe?

@LeStrangeBellaB @ActionChick Andrea

@christycassius @ActionChick not sure, but I’m hoping it’s Andrea!

‏@moviesnmunchies @ActionChick What if we’re all surprised and it’s Daryl. I worry two Dixons is too good to last.

@whome732 @ActionChick can only hope it’s Andrea. And I hope it’s Daryl who puts her down after she turns.

@moviesnmunchies @ActionChick My money is Beth.

‏@kingestkong @ActionChick I am predicting Hershel and Merle end up dead. Oh and Martinez

‏@corpsefilth @ActionChick I think Merle will die, for his brother. Self redemption.

@episkipos @ActionChick Carol, because the actress is going to be at StarFest

@BatmanBill19 @ActionChick one? Just one? #wishfulthinking

@GimpySmalls @ActionChick I’d say Carl, but I don’t think AMC would go that far

@Sharp_Max @ActionChick i dont want too. i like them all.

@JaymEsch @ActionChick I think Maggie is going to die, then Glenn will die in an act of rage/vengeance. Andrea will kill Governor & rejoin group.

@DVK33 @ActionChick The new Showrunner.

@whoismiguel Andrea gotsta go “@ActionChick: Any other guesses on who’ll be the next one to die? #TheWalkingDead Andrea, Beth, Carol…?”

@TheRealOrdyh @ActionChick Andrea won’t die. If anything it will be Carol or Hershel. Or those two white guys from Ty’s group.

@NateHohl @ActionChick I wouldn’t mind seeing Andrea go but sadly Merl and/or Carol seem much more likely.

@KeithAllGamer @ActionChick Doubt Andrea. Everyone wanted Carl dead during previous seasons and look what they’ve done with him.

@MasterGio @ActionChick I hope to god its Andrea.

@KeithAllGamer @ActionChick Of those three, I think my money would be on Beth, followed by Carol, but who knows what they’ll pull.

@mrlindan @ActionChick judith

@claudibears @ActionChick The Governor and sadly Hershyl 🙁

@BroncoChase @ActionChick Glenn. Him and Maggie getting back together is a perfect time to kill him off.

@KingOfTheStereo @ActionChick maybe Milton? If the governor catches him with Andrea it’s over for him.

@WytchyD @ActionChick Well, my pick for deaths in the finale (or by the finale) are: Milton, Beth, Judith, Merle and possibly Herschel. 🙁 #TWD

@JasonMB @ActionChick Carol is next to go; Beth is needed for Carl’s love interest/Hormonal rage; Andrea is needed as a post governor storyline

@chrisgomez73 @ActionChick none of them, the one legged old guy

@ryandonnell Andrea. She is the 3rd wheel. RT @ActionChick: Any other guesses on who’ll be the next one to die? #TheWalkingDead Andrea, Beth, Carol…?

@johnny_williams @ActionChick I hope it’s Andrea. #TWD

@RyanWMcHenry @ActionChick Andrea is pissing me off… So maybe her.

@mcstevemcdonald @ActionChick Noooooooo!! Merle, probably

@nihlus @ActionChick It’ll probably be Glen.

@snthomson @ActionChick As long as Andrea dies too, I can handle losing anyone but Daryl, Glenn or Carl.

‏@CharlesSkaggs @ActionChick Relax, the next person to die has to be Andrea. Her storyline has almost ran its course. #TheWalkingDead

@VaughnFry @ActionChick @neal09 @MetallmanX nah, Beth is next one out.

@MetallmanX @Badpvtdan @ActionChick I hope it’s not @steveyeun. I’m leaning more towards Beth or Carol. Both motherly figures that Judith needs.

@NOLA_Fredo @ActionChick @MetallmanX my money’s on Carol. Easiest one to lose without damaging Team Rick and it would hurt Darryl.

@mikegonzalez2k @ActionChick @MetallmanX I hope it doesn’t Rick barely has any team left. I wouldn’t miss Merle though… sorry Michael Rooker 😉

@Badpvtdan @ActionChick @metallmanx Thinking @steveyeun will go down in a blaze of glory.


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