AFC Classic: ID4: Independence Day

Seems like it’s the Fourth of July this time every year, so what better time than now to gaze back into the past and check out one of my classic reviews of the Fourth of Julysiest movie there ever was: Independence Day!


What better way to celebrate Independence Day than kicking some alien invader ass and then eating some BBQ while you watch the remains of the ships crash down from the sky. Mmmm, mmmm. Tasty!

Will Smith is just the person I would trust to beat up some aliens, too. I just don’t think the aliens know how to deal with his kind of humor and skills combined. He is the Fresh Prince, afterall. No one can compete with that and no one can gloat like him either. I love the scene after he has taken down the alien mini-ship and he’s walking towards it talkin’ all kinds of trash. Classic.

indpendence day

Independence Day is one of those classic movies that will always play on July 4 and it will always be good. The action is good once it finally gets started. You have to wait forever for it to get started though, so don’t hold your breath. At least there’s Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum, and Bill Pullman all ready to provide some comic relief, although most of Bill Pullman’s comedy comes in the form of inadvertently humorous delivery of the phrase “My God”. So sit back and enjoy the holiday with some good old fashioned alien action and some BBQ.

Time until Will Smith shows his pretty little face: ~ 22 minutes

Time until real action starts: ~ 47 minutes. I think this wins the award for longest time until action. Man! It takes awhile.

Big Bad Baddies: ALIENS!!!

Best Line: Oh come on! Do you even have to ask! “Welcome to Urf!” Will Smith just delivered it magnificently.

Best Kill: An alien has killed a lot of people trying to cut him open but is contained within a room. The alien makes one fatal mistake, he makes the President fall to his knees in pain. So, Adam Baldwin (a.k.a. Jayne from Serenity) takes out his gun and blows the alien away. He and a few other guys unleash a can of All American whoop ass on the alien. Then, just to make sure the alien is dead, Baldwin pumps three more bullets into the aliens head.

Best Explosion: You know a lot of movies have a scene where the White House explodes but nothing can top the one in Independence Day! The alien ship lasers the White House and it gets decimated. It is such a gorgeous explosion. Yeah, yeah, it’s tragic, but very awesome. Then the explosion continues to take out the whole city and cover your whole screen.

Action Rating: 3 Welcome to Urf’s, out of 5.

Welcome to Urf

Illustration by Alex of Rocket Llama Headquarters.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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New Trailer for Stallone and Schwarzenegger’s Escape Plan!


It’s going to be a happy birthday for me come fall, because Escape Plan, starring two of my favorite guys, comes out on my birthday! Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger headline this action flick which is, if I’m not mistaken, their first full film together. It looks reminiscent of Tango & Cash, which is a-okay because Tango & Cash rocks. Escape Plan breaks into and out of theaters October 18, 2013!

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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Kick-Ass 2 Red Band Trailer


Kick-Ass 2’s red band trailer has arrived, and as expected it’s full of dirty goodness. I can’t wait for this film to come out! Chloe Grace Moretz is a few years older now, so will her character’s foul mouth be just as amusing as it was in the first film? Most likely! And Jim Carrey  always puts on a great performance, and he’s barely recognizable as Colonel Stars and Stripes. Overall things are looking good for this sequel to be just as good, if not better than, the first. Kick-Ass 2 kicks theaters’ asses August 16, 2013.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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SyFy Original Movie: Independence Day-Saster (2013)


Celebrate the United States day of independence by watching Independence Day-Saster, a SyFy original film premiering tonight, June 27 at 9pm ET/PT. I’m sure I had you at “SyFy original film,” but here’s some more info about the film just in case:

In Independence Day-Saster, Aliens attack Earth, crippling our defense systems, so a small town guy and rebel scientist team up to find out the aliens’ weakness and save us all. Don’t expect to see any biological aliens in this flick- these otherworldly beings are robot drone balls attacking the Earth vis a vis a crapload of CG lasers. Independence Day-Saster stars Ryan Merriman (Final Destination 3), Tom Everett Scott (Southland), Emily Holmes (Snakes on a Plane), and Andrea Brooks (Supernatural).


Sci-fi original films always pack in the shlocky fun and Independence Day-Saster is no different. It doesn’t mess around- the alien balls attack early in the film, throwing things into chaos as those left alive try to survive the onslaught. This film may not win any prizes, but it’s better than most SyFy originals while still having the same kind of fuzzy CG and awkward acting we’ve come to know and love from them. Don’t forget to tune in or set your DVR for 9pm tonight, so that you, too, can celebrate Independence Day on June 27 for some odd reason!

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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World War Z: World War Cottage Cheese


There’s at least one thing that’s nice about World War Z, and that’s that they use the word “zombie.” They don’t try to dress up these creatures by calling them “the infected,” or “walkers,” or “people who seem to have an infection, have since died, and are now walking the earth again.” They say zombie, as they should.

That’s not the only nice thing about World War Z, but that list doesn’t go on very long either. It’s a very middle of the road kind of film- enjoyable, but passionless, and with scores of plot holes and logic issues. The thing most people seem hesitant over is WWZ’s use of CGI zombies; and while they used a crap ton of computer generated undead, the end result isn’t as bad as I’d feared. There are several scenes where we get a close look at the undead, in all of their greyed over, wrinkled glory. Of course, the lack of blood on them seems weird, but since it’s a PG-13 movie it’s to be expected. When we get the CG zombie hordes, though, the quality suffers,  never managing to evoke tension or fear like a zombie movie should. Who would have expected that zombies are scarier up close?


The characters are like big empty shells that could be filled by anything or anyone. They didn’t have to pay so much money for Brad Pitt to play the lead because cottage cheese would have been just as effective and have fewer calories. It’s not at the fault of Pitt or any other actor, the blame lies with the behind-the-scenes people. The director and/or writers  just did not create any points for the audience to become attached to any of the characters. Should we care for Gerry (Brad Pitt) because he has a family and the story is being told from his point of view? Everyone in the world has a family, so that doesn’t automatically make viewers care.  There is evidence elsewhere that Brad Pitt is a tremendous actor (Fight Club, Ocean’s Eleven), but in World War Z it feels like anyone could have played that role and we would’ve seen the same results. The story is similarly dry: Brad Pitt flies around the globe trying to use his super medical skills to solve this pandemic. Yawn.

For all its other problems, the film keeps the pace going pretty quickly. There are action spurts throughout on large and small scales… but then that PG-13 rating comes around to bite the audience in the butt.  A lot of the ultra violence is off screen and what’s onscreen tends to be dark and shaky, so we can’t see it as well, which makes it lack punch. While it’s nice to have some PG-13 action flicks out there to help ease the kiddies into the world of bullets and explosions, a zombie movie isn’t the best movie to neuter.

Ultimately, the film is set up for a sequel, but who knows if it’ll actually get one. World War Z didn’t suck balls, nor did it have any particular wow factor to it. Those who are interested could probably just wait until it’s out on VOD.

Action Rating: 3 Movie Adaptations That Have Nothing to Do With the Book, out of 5!

Overall Rating: 2.5 Movie Adaptations That Have Nothing to Do With the Book, out of 5!

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

Posted in * all movie reviews *, 3 kabooms, action, horror, movie, PG-13 | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

AFC Classic: Ghostbusters – Who You Gonna Call and What to Do Until They Show Up


I love Ghostbusters, I love Bill Murray, and the fact that this film was inspired by Dan Aykroyd’s own fascination with the paranormal is just the icing on top. This is one of those classics that you turn to when nothing else is on TV because it’s still enjoyable after the 100th time you watch it, and it always seems to be on (that or Groundhog’s Day). Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson make up the perfect foursome to deliver laughs. And don’t forget kicker of asses Sigourney Weaver. We get to see a different side of her in this flick: a barking, floating above the covers side. She leaves all the ghostbusting up to the “professionals.”


The Ghostbusters are very popular. In fact, they are in such high demand these days that you might find yourself in a bit of a predicament when there’s a ghost in your house because the Ghostbusters are out on several other calls. There are only four of them and they only have the whole world to save from ghosts after all. And let’s face it, Hitler’s ghost does not go down easy. First they have to capture Hitler (and we all know that’s no easy task) and save all the ghosts Hitler had rounded up because it’s just the right thing to do. Then they have to capture all those ghosts that they just freed because they really can’t have all those ghosts running around. You can see how it can get messy and complicated with all the ethical issues. So, you might have to stall for several hours before they can get to you. Here are a few tips on how to stall if you find yourself with a ghost in your house and no Ghostbusters to deal with it.

Well, first of all, you still have to call the Ghostbusters, duh. They do not have telepathic powers with people. If they aren’t available right away, which 90% chance they won’t be, you’d better hope it’s a friendly ghost or a least one that can be tricked or won over or else you can bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. But really, you have to kill time just long enough for the Ghostbusters to become available and get there. So: throw a sheet over your head with eye and nose holes cut in it. This has a 35% chance of tricking the ghost into thinking you are one of them. Then you will have to join the ghost in whatever shenanigans he wants to do or else your cover will be blown. So be prepared to make ghost noises and spook some kids, then go raid the kitchen for some Boo-berry cereal. The more you gobble down, the higher your percent of surviving will be. And make sure you have some green goop on hand and ready so that you can leave it behind on everything you touch or maybe just spit it at the wall or in the face of that annoying relative who has overstayed their welcome. It’s not your fault. You had to spit the goop on them or the ghost would have known you were a human, try to be understanding. That’s your story, stick to it.

If you don’t have the ghost sheet ready at any moment’s notice, you may not have time to make one right then. In which case, what’s wrong with you?!? You should always have a ghost sheet available for times like these, adults and kids alike. But, let’s say your cousin was borrowing yours for this very reason and so you’re stuck without your ghost sheet. You can always try to trick the ghost in another way. Try wrapping yourself from head to toe in toilet paper. There is always plenty of that around and a 25% chance of working.

If the ghost seems to be a smart one and isn’t going for any of your tricks, try to win it over. First, take in all the clues to try to figure out the background of the ghost. If it’s wearing a confederate uniform, start talking about those damn Yankees. If it gets very upset because you misinterpreted the uniform, say, “I mean, those damn Yankees were the best damn soldiers there ever was.” Think carefully; word your sentences so that stuff can be added on if you say the wrong thing. If it’s wearing a nurse outfit, talk about how horrible the doctors’ handwriting is and how you just can’t live with them or live without them. If it happens to be a doctor, say, “Me personally, I can’t live without them. Nurses on the other hand, they are always calling in the middle of the night for nothing.”


If it’s a fat ghost, offer it free reign on your kitchen. Offer to take it out to eat at Chuck E. Cheese. If this works, then maybe you can use the Jedi mind trick and say, “I am not the one you are haunting.” Then pick out some random annoying kid at Chuck E. Cheese who cut in front of you for the ball pit before proceeding to pelt you with balls the whole time you were in there. Point the ghost in that little bugger’s direction. Then make your getaway, or hopefully the Ghostbusters will have arrived by that time. The last, and most important tip for dealing with the supernatural: If anyone asks you if you’re a god, you say YES!

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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Coming Attraction: The Heat!


Sandra Bullock knows a thing or two about mixing action and comedy- she provided a lot of laughs in Speed, and more laughs (though less action) in Miss Congeniality. Melissa McCarthy, on the other hand, is a newcomer to action movies, but man this chick knows her comedy- and she’s willing to do whatever it takes to get a laugh. Teaming these two up seems like a great idea, plus it’s always nice to see some kickass ladies taking the lead, so here’s hoping that The Heat’s as good as these two talented ladies’ past forays into action and comedy. The Heat burns up theaters July 28, 2013.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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Man of Steel: Cold Steel


Man of Steel is crushing the box office, but is it really worth it? Will DC finally venture out to other superheroes if this movie does well? I certainly hope so. They need to get with the program and try to catch up to Marvel’s commanding box office presence, and maybe Man of Steel will give them the confidence to do so.

This film has some of the best superhero fights you can find anywhere! Superman and the evil Kryptonians try to beat each other senseless, but seeing as how they’re all almost invulnerable, it just leads to some extraordinary fight sequences with massive amounts of destruction. At heart, Zack Snyder is a man who knows how to shoot the hell out of a fight scene, and as a result we get to see the Kryptonians all use their powers creatively and with flair, whether they’re taking the fights up to the air, down to the ground, or anywhere in between. These awesome throwdowns only happen in the last act of the movie, though, and most of the rest of the film is a quiet affair.

The story works well for the kind of Batman Begins-ish vibe they’re going for- one that treats its subject with respect- but it’s also lacking a bit in the fun factor. This movie would have really benefited from some more levity. Maybe a few more jokes, maybe spending some time with Superman enjoying his powers instead of purely being broody about them, something. As it is everything’s a little too moody, and while that’s fine, after a while it starts to drag.


Warning- this paragraph is dedicated to drooling over Cavill. Please proceed to the next paragraph if not interested. Thanks. Henry Cavill must have been made from actual steel, because good grief is he one handsome dude. His face looks like it was hand carved by Michelangelo himself, and his shoulders are so perfectly-muscled they’re twice the size of his waist. Superhero suits are generally pretty unforgiving on the human figure, but that doesn’t matter for Cavill. There’s nothing there to forgive!

Cavill is a great choice to play Clark Kent/Superman, and not just because he has a rockin’ bod’ and a face so handsome you could get drunk off of it. He really conveyed the inner turmoil of a man torn between two worlds, burdened by the responsibility of his incredible power. There’s a good sense of how loyal Superman is, and how much he longs to do good. All in all it was a strong performance from Cavill, one that’s almost enough to make me re-watch Immortals. Amy Adams does a great job as Lois Lane, but there’s a bit of a fumble with her character. While she starts off strongly enough as this tough-as-nails reporter, she’s fairly quickly relegated to typical heroine roles, like being kidnapped or providing emotional support for the male lead, rather than having any issues of her own to deal with. It doesn’t kill the film, but it is disappointing that she’s not given more emphasis on her rather than just her relation to Superman.


Man of Steel gets weighed down in its super-seriousness sometimes, but overall it’s still one super-enjoyable flick worthy of anyone’s time.

Best Kill: Faora jumps on top of a fighter plane high in the air. She rips off the top of the jet when the camera switches to someone else’s point of view. From a distance you see her going for the pilot’s head and then a huge blood cloud come flying out. Gah! This is one time where you don’t need to see an up close shot of what’s going on. That blood cloud says it all!

Action Rating: 3 Men of Steel out of 5!
Overall Enjoyment: 4 Men of Steel out of 5!

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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