Review: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)


Let’s just start this review with the one thing that should be on everyone’s mind after they’ve seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier– Chris Evans has achieved muscular perfection. In the first scene of the movie we have Steve Rogers out on a morning jog; once he slows down enough for us to actually see him, we get a full look at the chiseled body- a body so tight you can see his abs through his not-even-particularly tight shirt. He’s cut, yet not so overloaded with muscles that he can’t reach his own ass. He looks flexible, but strong enough to send a dude flying off a boat with one kick. Bravo, kudos, congratulations, Chris Evans! You are bound to fuel many people’s erotic dreams.

However, there’s far more to Chris Evans and Steve Rogers than muscles, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier does a great job showing that. The film takes place a couple of years after The Avengers, and in this outing Captain America has been working with Black Widow as a full time SHIELD agent. On his latest mission (during which the aforementioned boat-kicking occurs), they uncover a so-called “virus” threatening the whole agency.


Oddly enough, The Winter Soldier doesn’t necessarily feel like a superhero movie. Sure, Cap’s got crazy muscles and survives things no normal human ever could, but so does Rambo, and when you combine that with the diet political thriller plot, you get one kickass action movie that happens to star a superhero. Often people complain that it’s hard to relate to Captain America; well, not here. He and this entire movie are very down to Earth and relatable for everyone from the most obsessed of comics fans to those of us who mostly just see the movies. This relatability comes from the very real-feeling struggles each of the major characters go through. For example, Steve struggles with not being able to connect with people in this new time, his new buddy Sam Wilson (Otherwise known as The Falcon) still feels out of place since he returned from two tours overseas, and even the evercool Black Widow finds her support beams cracking when the few things she’s ever trusted start going to pieces. These kinds of issues are things most people have/can/will experience, deepening the film overall and Black Widow in particular. This is the first time we’ve really gotten a decent look at Natasha’s character, seeing past her outer layers of stoicism, ass-kicking, and nice ass-having to see the very human person underneath.


Though The Winter Soldier primarily focuses on Cap, it does a fantastic job of giving each character their own things to deal with and their own fights, making the movie more of an ensemble than most superhero flicks. Marvel is leaps and bounds ahead of any other comic book company (specifically cough DC cough) in trying to bring in diverse, interesting characters, and it makes their films exponentially better. This time around we’ve got a number of ass-kicking people of color and women, including the wizened old Peggy Carter, who is a little too busy being really old to do much ass-kicking, but whose reappearance is a nice touch for fans and a nice character moment for her and Cap.

All plot aside, The Winter Soldier features some of the finest damn action sequences you’ll ever see- especially for a PG-13 movie. We’ve got large-scale battles, thrilling chases, intimate, one-on-one fights. This flick’s got everything! One of my favorite sequences include the first full-fledged street fight between Captain America and the incredibly intimidating Winter Soldier. Even though we mostly see naught but his eyes, Sebastian Stan gives The Winter Soldier such a menacing presence that you can’t help but worry about any of our poor heroes whose sights he sets on them. My other action scene of choice pits Nick Fury in a shoot-out/car chase against a horde of well-armed bad guys; the timing and choreography of this entire sequence keeps things very tense even when, deep down, you’re pretty sure they won’t kill Nick Fury. He’s part of the Marvel franchise, and you can’t kill someone that’s part of the franchise, right?

I won’t get too deep into the plot of Captain America: The Winter Soldier so I can keep this review spoiler-free, but all you really need to know is that this superhero flick foregoes the usual cape-and-tight formula to create an ass-kicking action flick wrapped up in an easy-to-digest political thriller. This, folks, is an excellent sequel.

Action and Overall Rating: 5 Captain America Shields, out of 5!

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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Brick Mansions Trailer


The late Paul Walker wasn’t only filming Fast & Furious 7 before his untimely death, he also was filming a new action film, Brick Mansions, which will come down on theaters like a ton of bricks on April 25, 2014. In it Walker plays an undercover cop who attempts to take down a crime lord with a bomb. Despite its simple premise, I’m super excited to see this film, partly because I like Paul Walker, but also because it looks like a lot of fun- an element missing from many  recent action films. Plus, Brick Mansions is reminiscent of The Raid: Redemption, with the cop infiltrating an area ruled by a gang and the action includes a lot of parkour stunts and fights, and anything that makes me flash back to that awesome movie is okay in my book. Check out the action filled trailer below!

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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The Walking Dead Season 4 Finale: Rick Takes a Bite Outta Crime!


Nobody puts Rick’s Rebels in the corner! Season four of The Walking Dead has come to a close with a nail-biting cliffhanger. While “A” is fantastic, in some ways it wasn’t as brutal as I was expecting, and in some ways that’s okay. What’s clear is the premiere of season five is going to have a whole lotta ass-kicking, and probably some really messed-up stuff seeing as how Terminus ain’t the haven Rick’s Rebels were promised.

But first, let’s check in with Dale to see what’s up at the RV of Love.

Dale face 4 electric dance floor

Well, Action Chick, I was all set to have a nice, big, barbecue, but something about this week turned my stomach off to the idea. I wonder what it could be…


Thanks, Dale. Now, onward, to the recap!

PS- Spoilers, dummy!

A quick primer in case you missed the last few episodes:

  • Tyrese, Carol, and the two young sisters: The elder girl, Lizzie, is kind of a psychopath, and was revealed as the culprit behind the murdered rats at the prison. She also kills her sister, thinking that she’ll “just come back” and “it’ll be okay.” Well, it wasn’t, and since this budding serial killer was going to do the same to baby Judith, Carol did what had to be done and shot her. And she also told Tyrese that she was the one who killed his girlfriend; while he was pissed at first, he ultimately forgave her.
  • Glenn teamed up with Tara, the not-crazy member of the Governor’s crew, and a trio of a soldier, a scientist, and a girl with an exposed midriff.
  • Maggie and Glenn get reunited, and Bob and Sasha do some smooching.
  • Beth and Daryl bond, Beth gets kidnapped, and Daryl teams up with some bandits out of necessity. Unbeknownst to him, these Bandits are after Rick for (deservedly) killing one of their group.
  • Rick, Carl, and Michonne bond, and we learn a lot about Michonne’s painful past.
  • Along the way, everyone finds signs pointing them to Terminus, a supposed safe haven, and they all head their separately.


For the last episode, we follow Rick, Carl, and Michonne as they journey to Terminus. Naturally, the bandits (Daryl, Joe, et al) catch up to the trio and get the drop on them. From there, madness ensues- so much so that Rick goes off the human edge and lands in animalistic crazy town and, for just a moment, Terminator Carl resurfaces. I can’t stress enough how amazingly tense this scene is; I’ve never seen something so wrought with deliciously painful drama. Daryl tries to vouch for Rick, but the bandits are having none of it, and Joe tells Rick they’re going to “beat him to death, then have her, then have your son, then shoot you in the head.” So, survivalist Rick, with a gun to his head, the lives of his friends in danger, and his son about to get raped by a fat guy named Dan, does what he has to do. He rips Joe’s throat out with his bare teeth. Peas and rice! What could be a more perfect way to express how frantic Rick is to save Carl? At least now he might fit in at Terminus… but more on that later.

There’s been a lot of discussion about whether or not TWD has gone too far, first with Lizzie’s psychotic/murderous break episode, and now with Rick going all vampire. I’ll settle this for everyone- nope, they haven’t gone too far…yet. They are pushing the limit though, and I’ve been loving it. Maybe if Rick had gone back in for seconds or Carl had actually been defiled- that would be too far. However, so far TWD has masterfully towed the line without falling over it. Anyway, after Rick takes a bite out of crime, Michonne uses the distraction to overtake her captor and shoot him in the head, and then Daryl kills the two guys who were just beating the crap out of him.

Props to The Walking Dead for being so amazingly subtle at setting up the latter half of this episode. Early on we get a nice flashback to Rick in the prison with everyone, showing his transition from Ricktator to Rickfarmer, and, in the present, there’s a great scene where he explains to Carl and Michonne how a snare works… foreshadowing, much? Now that has me analyzing every little thing, like, during the flashback, when Rick put his hat on Beth and calls her the new sheriff. Will we see her next season in some kind of Sheriff-y role? Or did that comment mean nothing and she’s the one getting served up with a side of her own ribs?


Yeah, for those who are wondering, Terminus is total crazytown, and it’s like 99% clear that they’re cannibals. We end the episode with a majority of Rick’s Rebels reunited… as hostages/leftovers in the same train car. The Terminus people don’t know it yet, but they just did Rick a huge favor by putting them all together. This may be a huge cliffhanger, but we can rest easy knowing that our beloved characters aren’t dead yet. We see Maggie, Glenn, and their group very much alive before the end. If you noticed though, Dr. Mullet is not around… which has me wondering if they butchered him first, or if he’s off somewhere else, doing science-y things for them. Also, Beth is still missing, which is a bummer, but one thing Rick’s Rebels have going for them (other than their complete badassery) is that Carol and Tyreese have yet to arrive at Terminus.

This last half of season four has been hugely character driven, and a bit calmer since there’s no huge big bad coming after the group. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the characters better- the writers found a way to develop everyone nicely while still keeping the action flowing here and there. Even though “A” wasn’t what I expected, it’s a great finale that had me screaming at the TV in excitement. The Walking Dead Season 5 premieres in October, but it feels like an eternity from now.


  • Michonne shaking the blood off her sword with a nice splatter sound.
  • Rick Candymanning Carl’s would-be rapist, the man appropriately dubbed by the Talking Dead as “Deserves It Dan.” Oooh, he so deserved it.
  • Rick snapping into a Slim Joe.
  • Rick’s Rebels are back together again!
  • Rick’s final line: “They’re screwing with the wrong people.” Never has a line been so true.
  • Daryl’s curb stomp. How beautiful was that!?! He stomped that bandit bastard so hard he practically pulled his heel up to his chin!

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!



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TV Round Up: Penny Dreadful, AMC’s Halt and Catch Fire, and More!

Poltergeist movie

At SXSW I got a look at a few new TV series (serii? How do you pluralize series?) that you can look forward to checking out soon. Here’s a round up of all my reviews so you’ll know which shows to set the DVR for and which to shun like the freaking Amish.

Showtime’s Penny Dreadful

AMC’s Halt and Catch Fire

El Rey’s From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series

HBO’s Silicon Valley

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

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Veronica Mars: The Movie: The Review



What an age we live in! Beloved cult show (and one of my all-time fave series) Veronica Mars has returned— and it’s on the big screen! For the two of you who don’t know, Veronica Mars’ new found glory is thanks to a ludicrously successful Kickstarter campaign where legions of fans pledged nearly six million dollars to see this film come out. But now that the Veronica Mars movie is here, the question lingers: were our hard-earned dollars well-pledged?


Veronica tracks her target.

Spoiler alert: hell yes they were. The Veronica Mars movie not only kicks ass as a film by itself, but it’s a fan-freaking-tastic love letter to any of us who love that little show that could. There are countless great in-jokes and references, and more than a few lingering questions get answered, like whether Keith Mars got elected Sheriff, who Veronica will end up with, or whether Mac would get a haircut. Plus, they got damn near everyone whose character wasn’t dead/on the run from the FBI to return, and the returns all happen in a very natural way. It was great seeing everyone again, all looking healthy and happy, with the same vibrant personalities that made us love the show in the first place. Plus, nobody’s return felt forced, or like they were handed some artificial plot just to give them something to do.

As a film in and of itself, Veronica Mars brings the laughs and intrigue as well as (or better than) any episode of the show, with a mystery that’s both personal and sensibly crafted. Plus (minor spoilers), I loved how Veronica takes care of herself during the finale rather than have Keith Mars or Logan come save her as they did during the biggest moments of the series.


The Veronica Mars movie brings on the LoVe.

Whether you’ve seen the show a thousand times, have never seen it before, or used to be friends but haven’t talked to Veronica Mars lately at all, the Veronica Mars movie’s use of wits keeps the laughs coming and the mysteries a-flowing.

Action Flick Chick Rating of Awesomeness: 5 Marshmallows, out of 5!

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve been kicked in the ass!

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South By Southwest ’14: South By Suckage!


Okay, baby birds, I know momma Action Chick hasn’t fed you in a while, but I’ll have a Walking Dead-flavored meal coming soon, I promise. Right now I’m decompressing from South By Southwest ’14, so while I lick my wounds I thought I’d chat a bit about the most interesting stuff I saw, and how awesome or sucky it was.

Halt and Catch Fire: A new AMC drama about the ’80s computer boom.

Verdict: Pretty darn good! Great cast, great story, and great music.


The Raid 2: Berendal: The sequel to the ass-kicking Indonesian flick has our hero Rama infiltrating a cabal of criminals.

Verdict: It’s probably awesome, but I wouldn’t know because, after waiting several hours to see it, SXSW’s copy of The Raid 2 would only play without subtitles and they had to cancel the showing. BOO YOU, SXSW!

From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series: Robert Rodriguez returns to bring his vampire films to small screen form.

Verdict: Mediocre.


Silicon Valley: Mike Judge’s new series about life as a programmer in Silicon Valley.

Verdict: Pretty funny, but the show’s kind of a sausage fest. Yes, I know it’s about computer programmers, but still. There are girls who program computers, people, and I’d like to see a few.

Penny Dreadful: Horror abounds in this series set in the late 1800s, with vampires, ghouls, and even a few famous literary characters.

Verdict: It’s gooshy, it’s gory, and it seems like it’s going to be one hell of a ride!


This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!


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The Walking Dead 4-11: Mullets and Spray Cheese


You wouldn’t think an episode about someone slinking around a house trying not to be noticed would be all that interesting, but The Walking Dead shows otherwise. “Claimed” claims more lives, but not those of Rick’s Rebels because they are mother freakin’ survivalists and well prepared! Before we get to the recap, as always, let’s check in with Dale.

Dale face 4 electric dance floor

Action Chick, you ever watch a show called Pretty Little Liars? I found a DVD box set in the burnt out shell of a car and I’ve been burning through ’em lately. How those girls handle having that “A” person stalk them all the time and leave those catty, yet informative, messages for them is beyond me. And I heard about this thing called “Fan Fiction”, where you write pretend stories about characters you like. I think I might just do that, because, frankly, there’s not enough smooching on this show for my tastes.

Thanks, Dale. Now, onward, to the recap!

Carl and Michonne go off to find more supplies while Rick stays behind to get some rest. He was just beaten within inches of his life a few days ago, so I totally get it. As usual, Rick never gets a break, because he wakes up from his nap to the sounds of a group of grizzly, animalistic men invading the house. After he hears them execute a dude begging for his life, he hides, and when he witnesses one of them murder another just to claim his bed, he Die Hards his way out of there- even managing to choke out one of these animals before escaping with his machine. All in all, this sequence is awesomely masterful, and incredibly tense. Little was accomplished by this sequence, and yet, I don’t care, because watching Rick Solid Snake out of the house was just damn good television.

While Michonne and Carl scavenge, we get to know her a bit more through a game she invents where he can ask her a single personal question after they’ve cleared each room of the house. We find out that she lost her three year old son after the zombie outbreak, and Carl opens up to her about how he got to name Judith. Chandler Riggs and Danai Gurira both kind of kill it this episode, packing in a lot of emotion without ever overselling it. Plus, though Carl’s sad at the mention of Judith, we can rest assured that he’ll (hopefully) be reunited with that screaming babe soon, as he, Michonne, and Rick high-tail it out of town and head towards Terminus- the camp that the rest of Rick’s Rebels seem to be gravitating towards.

The Walking Dead - Episode 4.11 - Claimed - Promotional Photo 2_FULL

Meanwhile, Glenn wakes up in the back of Abraham’s truck, demands to get out, then Abraham lays a bomb on everyone that Eugene (who is one awkward, mullet-having scientist and I already love him) knows exactly what caused the outbreak and can save the world. While they’re discussing this over a pot of tea, Eugene decides to fight some zombies on his own and ends up accidentally shooting up their truck, rendering it unusable. I like how he doesn’t show any signs of emotion- he’s not apologetic, he doesn’t blame himself, he just informs Abraham that “We’ll find another one. Trust me- I’m smarter than you.” Abraham, Dr. Mullet, and Sexy McMidriff, the sexy member of this trio whose name I missed, end up following Glenn and Tara down the road instead of sticking with their original plan of heading to Washington. Why follow Glenn? Abraham explains that good allies are hard to come by, and when you find them, you stick together. Smart people- I think I like them.


  • Michonne and Carl’s question game.
  • Rick choking out one of the bandits like a stone-cold mofo.
  • The horrifying, blood-spattered painting Michonne found.
  • That one little tear that leaked out of Michonne’s eye when she found the family in that awful pink room.
  • Dr. Eugene Mullet knowing exactly what caused the outbreak.
  • Glenn refusing to give up on Maggie.


  • The color of that pink room. SO MUCH PINK! It was like drowning in a bottle of Pepto-Bismol!
  • No Daryl.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!

Dale’s Deeds written by Alex Langley.

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The Walking Dead 4-10: Climb on the Magic School Bus


BOOM! Okay, baby birds, Momma Action Chick has been pretty busy this week gearing up for SXSW and helping run a Kickstarter (which you should totally check out if you haven’t), so this recap of AMC’s The Walking Dead is going to be short, sweet, and kind of late.

Before we get to it, though, let’s check in with Dale.

Dale face 4 electric dance floor

Well, Action Chick, I’m glad you mentioned Kickstarter, because I’m running a crowd-funding idea of my own. It’s called the Hot Dogger, and it’s a machine that makes a hot dog every time you push a button. If everyone donates enough money, I can pay someone to invent this machine and then rake in the sweet rewards.


The Shane Face

Dale, I don’t think that’s how Kickstarter works. And I thought you was sick of hot dogs after trying that thirty-day hot dog challenge?

The Dale Face

I am, Shane, but, at the same time, that challenge awakened a craving in me I can’t ignore… a craving for hot dogs. If I go too long without having a dog, well, I end up really wanting one.


Thanks, Dale, now, onward, to the recap!

“Inmates” reminds us of why we love The Walking Dead. Things were occasionally getting a bit tough to watch thanks to how ridiculously dragged-out The Governors stuff was, but we seem to be rid of that a-hole (for now, at least), so we can move on to better things. Here’s a brief rundown of the highlights of the episode.


  • Daryl and Beth are still Batman and Robin-ing it around the woods, and Beth seems to be about one good insult away from having a total breakdown.
  • Tyreese is taking care of the two young girls, Lizzie and Not Lizzie, as well as… baby Judith, who is alive and well! A little too well because she won’t shut the crap up.
  • Young Lizzie might be a serial killer in the making, what with her lack of empathy and proclivity towards emotionlessly killing bunnies.
  • Maggie figures out Glenn’s still alive! Sasha’s emotionally numb! Bob seems surprisingly at peace!
  • Glenn was still at the prison and not on the bus after all, which is good because that Magic School Bus full of survivors turned into zombie party bus pretty quickly. He finds Tara, who was one of the Governor’s unwilling cronies, and the two of them high-tail it out of the prison and end up meeting a trio of people who are, apparently, from the comics, so they’ll be important later.
  • Carol’s back and Tyreese doesn’t know anything about what she did, but she managed to find him and the girls, so it’s all good… for now.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!


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