Video Game Giveaway: Capcom’s Dead Rising 2 – What Do YOU Want to Kill Zombies With?

If you’re a zombie, I want to kill you. C’mon, we’ll make a game out of it. Just let me stab, shoot, chop, chain-saw, beat, bludgeon, bash your brains, and blow you to bits. The video game Dead Rising let me kill you in so many different and creative ways, and thank goodness the sequel Dead Rising 2 is here so I can do even more.

DR2 finally comes out of the 28th and I couldn’t be happier about it, short of having it already in my hands. But guess what? I get to put a copy of it in YOUR hands, absolutely free to you so you can start skewering zombies on your Xbox! Keep reading to find out how.

Game Information:

Will you survive the zombie outbreak in Fortune City? Find out by entering the Dead Rising 2 Giveaway! Be sure to check out to create your own weapons and submit them for a chance to get your creation featured in the next Dead Rising game!

Check out some of the brand new DR2 features:
*    Thousands of Zombies On Screen: The undead are everywhere creating a dynamic and challenging zombie-killing experience for the player as weapons will be created to kill massive amounts of zombies at one time!
*    2-Player Co-Op: Co-op play is introduced to the Dead Rising universe for the first time as players can invite their friends to partner up with them at any time to take on the zombie massacre – tag-team style!  Play with a friend and have even more fun as you lure zombies in using strategic items like a toy helicopter or a firecracker.  Once the zombies have gathered, your friend can rain bullets from above or shoot at a strategically-placed gas tank to create a deadly explosion that will take out masses of the enemy.  Killing zombies with a friend is always more fun!
*    Terror is Reality: Allows 4 players to compete in a gladiator type show that pits zombies against a group of players in the ultimate Vs.multiplayer blood bath.
*    Combo Weapons: Players can combine two everyday items using duct tape to create the ultimate zombie killing creations such as the Portamower and Paddlesaw. Unlocking combo cards along the way will give players the advantage as the helpful cards will show you what items are best for combining.  The more zombies you destroy using your creative combos, the more Prestige Points you can earn which levels up Chuck along the way.

The game will also be released for PS3. We picked the Xbox version for our giveaway because the original was on Xbox, so we figured more Xbox players would be ready for the sequel.

Giveaway Information:

To enter, name the weirdest, funniest, or most effective thing you’d love to use as a weapon to fight zombies.

Answer (a) as a comment here, (b) on my related Facebook thread, and/or (c) via tweet to @actionchick with the hashtag #DeadRising2. Comment as often as you’d like but only one weapon per method (Facebook, twitter, comment here) counts, meaning three different answers can enter you three times. You can also enter by RTing my contest announcement with this link or by sharing it on Facebook.

Only one randomly selected person wins the video game, so to keep this fun, I’ll also hold drawings to give away a variety of other prizes (miscellaneous DVDs, books, comics, convention freebies, or such) for those who play along. U.S.A. only. All terms subject to revision. Language may get edited or inappropriate comments deleted at our sole discretion; while this is not a kids-only site, it is not adults-only either.

Deadline: Midnight Pacific at the end of September 27 – in other words, the instant the release date arrives on the U.S. West Coast (2 a.m. Central on the 28th my time).

Notifcation: I’ll notify the winner through DM’d tweet, Facebook private message, email if you’ve registered here, or all three if I can. I must receive the winner’s response within 24 hours of when I send prize notification or I’ll have to redraw to let somebody else win.

This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been given your zombie-slaying assignment.


About Action Flick Chick

Action Flick Chick Katrina Hill, author of the books Action Movie Freak and 100 Greatest Graphic Novels , learned to appreciate all things action at a young age by sneaking into the room while her two older brothers watched action movies and horror. At, she shares her love of these films with everyone, along with interviews, news, and whatever else she happens to choose. G4TV crowned her their Next Woman of the Web champion, and she co-hosted MTV Geek’s live Comic-Con coverage. Her articles have appeared at sites including,, Arcade Sushi, and Newsarama. Follow her as @ActionChick on Twitter. Base of operations: Dallas, Texas. Favorite Movie: Tremors (1990).
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24 Responses to Video Game Giveaway: Capcom’s Dead Rising 2 – What Do YOU Want to Kill Zombies With?

  1. TheReelRussell says:

    A nuclear bomb should do the trick!

  2. MarQ says:

    Firehose full of pure alcohol lit on fire

  3. Pingback: Rocket Llama HQ - » Video Game Giveaway: Capcom’s Dead Rising 2 – What Do YOU Want to Kill Zombies With?

  4. Oleg Filatov says:

    i d like to bite zombies with iPad

  5. Oleg Filatov says:

    my bad, BEAT with iPad

  6. Make their heads explode with the awesomeness of the song Hocus Pocus by Focus cranked to 11

  7. I would definitely want to kill a Zombie with my Wii Remote. I’m not sure how effective it would be but it’s so good at so many other things that I gotta believe it works well with zombies too.

    If I manage to get the Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Wii remote then I’m sure i can take on a zombie with it.

  8. Alex says:

    A Boomerang.

  9. ZomBlue says:

    How about a Turkey Baster Fulla Anti-Zombie Acid – Up it’s Stinkin Zombie BUTT!!!! lmao 😛

  10. Nick says:

    Frozen turkey, those things heavy, and if it defrosts before your done you can jam it on one of their heads before running away

  11. Missy says:

    Hmmm….I would probably go with Thor’s hammer. Why? Because lightning is fun! 😀

  12. Michael Taylor says:

    I’d use a cue tip… have you ever gone too deep in your ear with one of those things? They hurt like hell! And you know those zombies have some ear gunk. =o)

  13. Combat Jack says:

    I’d use an aerosol can of Old Spice deodorant (sp) and a bic lighter. Flame on bishes!

  14. Mitch says:

    *deleted for content*

  15. Weed wacker. Messy, but effective.

  16. DonJohnson says:

    Did you know that MJ can make you wanna to play golf?

  17. OnyxSparrow says:

    A weedwacker with a circular saw blade attached to the rotator and an automatic shotgun duct taped to the other end loaded with Frag-12 grenade shells.

  18. Surrounded by Fiends says:

    My 2 1/2 ft. stainless steel bong. Heavy and dual use!

  19. We are going to say Throw a Cat at the Zombie. Definitely a Cat. No one wins win you throw a Cat. They also have the most likely chance of accelerating the Necrotizing Fasciitis as Cats have the dirtiest little mouths. Throw A Cat Final Answer. Disclaimer, No Cats or other Animals Were Injured while we tested our Cat as a Weapon for this contest. Our newest Addition is an Orange Maine Coon Mix that is slightly Psychotic, even for a Cat.

  20. Kyle Krumm says:

    I would use a he-man doll on the end of a led pipe that is connected to three different canisters: one fire extinguesher, one propane tank(flamethrower?) and one with corrosive glue that eats away at their nerves. There is a button on each canister that makes the he-man’s mouth open and eject whatever you want it to. Or, you could press all three buttons to make the amazin’, blazin’ ray of death which sets the zombie on fire while knocking it over, blinded with the fire extinguisher stuff, and is slowly killed by the corrosive glue and fire, all while he-man does some amazing battle cry!

  21. Pingback: Action Flick Chick - » What 1 Question Would YOU Ask the Stars?

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