Punisher: War Zone follows the story of Frank Castle, (played by Ray Stevenson in this rendition) and takes place after his family has been killed and he’s made a name for himself in the town as the Punisher. This time Frank is going after a mob boss who, in an earlier encounter, was horribly disfigured by him and went on to call himself Jigsaw (Dominic West). And his face looks disgusting. So… good job with that yuckiness. In the end Punisher and Jigsaw brutally battle it. Who will come out victorious? (hint: probably the guy whose name is in the title of the movie)
Just to be clear: Punisher: War Zone is not a sequel to The Punisher but a reboot. Knowing that will make it a lot less confusing when watching the flashbacks in War Zone and seeing how they don’t match up at all to The Punisher. They aren’t supposed to. Problem solved.

Jigsaw: A face only a mother could love, maybe.
This film is super cheesy with very noticeable CGI. The blood squirting out of bullet holes and knife wounds are all CGI, and it makes you think you’re watching some Saturday afternoon garbage on the Syfy channel instead of a real movie. Action-wise, the film opens with a nice bit of violence, then gets a little boring, then a lot boring before finally ramping up again for a decent finale. I will, however, give props to the film for being really brutal. So long as you completely ignore any concept of realism, there are some cringe-inducing kills that are sure to please any blood-lusty fans of The Punisher comic.Punisher: War Zone doesn’t hold a candle to The Punisher but is an alright action film and has some good quality action sequences.
Action: 2 Punishers Punishing, and a partridge in a pear tree, out of 5!
This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!
I never made it past the lot boring part, although did enjoy seeing Julie Benz, though not her best role to date.