On Facebook and twitter, the Action Flick Chick raised a simple topic, “Dumbest Movie Death?” Two answers quickly emerged above all others.
SPOILERS ABOUND! Consider yourself warned.
Arturo R. Garcia: Cheap ticket prices?
David Frederick: Wash, in “Serenity”.
Tanner Gibson: The mechanic’s death in The Final Destination. Did they guy not have a rib cage?!
Greg Lemons: Every death in Commando.
Lydia Ratliff: “You just got killed by a Daewoo Lanos, bitch” Pineapple Express. Funny but dumb.
Scott Dorian Dancer: almost every one in legion.
ΠΟΘΗΤΟΣ Μ.: Joker in Tim Burton’s version of Batman that was not only illogical, but uncalled for.
as for the film that most insulted my senses and dishonored a great comic book character “Catwoman” ; and also her death and resurection in that film was stupid. Like flushing a goldfish down the toilet. Why the hell didn’t they do a film with Michelle Pfeifer… See More?!?! did anyone NOT notice how hot she was in “Stardust”?! grrrr….
and last time I checked, THIS particular catwoman wasn’t an african half-caste. This was more of a character from Wakanda, than a Gotham character.
Gil Paulsen: Cyclops in X3 What the hell was that , i mean it was so f***ing lame !
ΠΟΘΗΤΟΣ Μ.: @Gil: remember there was a teaser after the credits. And Cyclops didn’ t remain dead in the comics.
Russell Allen Pinkston: Val Kilmer in MacGruber…so over the top and stupid!
Carter Friend: CRANK AND CRANK 2
ΠΟΘΗΤΟΣ Μ.: @Carter: crank is as it is. The deaths are secondary to the plot. The movie is just done for some wierd fun.
Freddy Fingers: Freddys Cockroach death in part 5
Lucas Scott Worley: nothing from NBK
Wendy NerdRage Vermeers: “She’s lost the will to live.” WTF????? Any guesses?
ΠΟΘΗΤΟΣ Μ.: actully Padme’s death isn’t that dumb…. people CAN lose the will to live. It is logical.
Gil Paulsen: I dont know , she just had 2 kids , if thats not enough to want to live she is kind of a B***H. lol
ΠΟΘΗΤΟΣ Μ.: let’s not forget the really shocking news she recieved. On the other hand “losing the will to live” could just be another way to describe an unknown complication; ‘dying at child birth’.
Kanu Digit: IF the stress of being force choked was enough to cause stress that forced labor, something internal could have been ruptured. The med-bot was able to safety deliver the babies and possibly repair any damage but if she had lost enough blood and was very weak she just might not have the will to live. She had just been betrayed by the man she loved…
Than again, maybe Yoda force killed her when no one was looking because if she stayed alive Vader would feel it and never stop looking for her. A Jedi do the wrong thing for the right reason or the greater good and not be on the dark side, can’t they?
TMOverbeck: My only guess for a reason is “they didn’t want to shock any kids”. (And an implied massacre of Jedi children wouldn’t?)
actionchick: Over on FB, someone just suggested that Padme’s death wasn’t dumb after all.
ChrisLejarzar: losing the will to live when she just delivered twins? it was dumb. and I LIKE that movie lol
Kanu Digit: Wash dying in Serenity just pissed me off and it still does.
Gil Paulsen: wash dying did suck……
Marq Piocos: Gotta go Pee Wee in the original Buffy movie
Cristina Bogdan: every possible death in freddy vs jason….every single one.
stevapalooza: definitely Boba Fett.
Slickriptide: That’s hard to put an all-time “dumbest” on… But let’s rile up some controvery and say “Darth Vader”.
RavinMdMn: Cyclops X-3 ………..what the hell was that??? He was Cyclops for F***s Sake !!!
Paulie_R: Darth Maul, because he was the best character in the prequels. He could have helped Episodes II & III!
Slickriptide: That’s pretty funny! Darth Maul was a case of Super Villain Syndrome, so more his own fault for acting dumb…
Slickriptide: X-3 was a dumb movie – every death in it was dumb…
swiv: I don’t believe Boba Fett is dead – we never see him really see him die.
swiv: besides – worst movie death has to be Pee-wee in Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie
VivaDorkmaster2: cyclops in X3

Step away from the redhead.
Coriantura: X-Men 3 was just an all-around bad film. However, I loved the first 2.
TeeMonster: I would say Cpl. Hicks and Newt in the opening credits of Alien 3.
Vertigo_X: That really doesn’t surprise me… He was a bit of an ass anyhow… Can you say similar to Hayden Christensen?
skynyrdnation: dumbest movie death? The bad guy in kiss meets phantom of the park. Great group dumb movie
gqgabe: Dumbest movie death? People already made many suggestons on FB. Top answer: Cyclops in X-Men 3. http://bit.ly/diT5OF/
PecanCtMichael: He got a horrible death. This is actually the best-ever commentary on the treatment of Cyclops in X-Men 3: http://is.gd/cmkju
nerdrage42: #DumbestMovieDeath “She’s lost the will to live.” WTF?!?!?!
Prof_Pinch: Wouldn’t call it dumbest, but definitely poorly written/thought out. They only had 30 yrs to come up with it.
skynyrdnation: coolest movie death was johnny depp in elm street 1
TMOverbeck: That’s what I thought… I was like, “They couldn’t do blunt force trauma? Or at least an aneurysm?”
aboynamedart: Or, like the rest of us who watched that flick, out of pure boredom?
TanManG: I feel like my pick was a pretty dumb death.
TMOverbeck: For dumbest movie deaths, I would’ve suggested Jean Grey in X2, until I found out the basis of the story.
TMOverbeck: Actually, for dumbest movie deaths – the kid in the wheelchair in X2. They couldn’t get HIM out of there, of all people???
PopCulLibrn: ep 3 had a gazillion probs w it, the least of which was Padme’s death.
Apocalypse2001: yes. Me.
OSOSANTOS: padme&boba fett very stupid
Apocalypse2001: actionchick http://unrealitymag.com/index.php/2009/08/25/10-funny-ways-characters-died-in-comedy-movies/
MonicaOn949: There was soooo much wrong with Wolverine’s own movie. It was BA
RavinMdMn: I already gave cyclops. Of course you could always go with anything from shoot em up. Awesome movie and plenty o dumb deaths
wyldride: actionchick In Pitch Black, Caroline Fry’s death, in that she did and Riddick’s, in that he didn’t. More Riddick movies only made it worse.
wyldride: Padme’s death=uber stupid. It makes Leia look like an idiot 4 1 thing+that she died of nothing & nobody tried to stop it. Fail!
AyeQue: padme died of a broken eart
kallisti_x: The guy in Volcano who sacrifices himself by leaping into the lava and then waves everyone off instead of them pulling him out. I mean, he would’ve lost his legs down to the knees at least, but he probably would’ve survived that. It’s just stupid.
mcpierce: Paris Hilton’s death in “House Of Wax”…
CleverUserName: This YouTube clip has what I think is the dumbest movie death ever. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOBbmdJTLdE [re Hard Ticket to Hawaii]
MightyGeek: I’ll counter that with “Most Memorable Movie Death”. My vote goes to Wash from Serenity.
actionchick: Interestingly, some named that 1 Dumbest. http://2.ly/dumb RT @MightyGeek “Most Memorable Movie Death” Wash from Serenity.
MightyGeek: That astounds me…. but to each his/her own I suppose.
Related post:
Which Movie Villains Died Too Easily?
Paris Hilton’s death in “House of Wax”.
Pingback: Rocket Llama HQ - » Dumbest Movie Death?
Jaime Foxx’s death in ‘Stealth.’ That blind woman in ‘Blade: Trininy.’ Why did Dracula disguise himself as one of her friends when SHE CAN’T SEE! Darth Maul in Episode 1.
I found it way over the top that they strapped Jar Jar to a couple of X-Wings and flew in different directions. Spilling his insides out. Wait I think that might just be a fantasy of mine, never mind.
shortened url = http://3.ly/DUMBdie
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