After watching Drive Angry 3D, I’ve come to realize that Nicolas Cage’s character, Milton, is really a metaphor for Nicolas Cage. It doesn’t matter what you do to kill Milton, he just keeps coming. It doesn’t matter how hard his film bombs or what critics say about it, Cage will keep making funny and ridiculous, sometimes horrible, films, and by golly, I just can’t get enough.

Just like many a Nick Cage film, the plot of Drive Angry doesn’t really matter! Here it is anyway: Milton (Nicolas Cage) escaped from Hell after seeing his daughter get brutally murdered and his granddaughter get kidnapped by an evil cult leader Jonah King (Billy Burke). Milton sets out to save his new baby granddaughter and along the way picks up Designated Feisty Gal, Piper (Amber Heard). All the while, Milton is being chased by The Accountant (William Fichtner), a hellspawned badass trying to get Milton back in his cage. It’s the perfect amount of story to move everyone from wild setpiece to wild setpiece.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m a lifelong fan of Nick Cage, and his performance didn’t disappoint with this film. Honestly, everyone kills it here. Amber Heard brings an angry indignance to her character, Billy Burke is perfect as the villain whose shit you want to see kicked in, and William Fichtner rocks the shit out of the quirky, likeable, sort-of antagonist The Accountant.
The 3D was used really well, for once. My only complaint is about some of the sound effects were kind of distracting. One sound effect in particular was this weird metal punching sound which was like having a robot stick a finger in my ear every time it sounded out from the speakers.

Pictured: Driving, angrily (2011, oil on canvas)
Drive Angry is going to be one of those films you where you either really love it for its weirdness and wildness, or you really hate it. So, basically, it’s a Nick Cage film. I am definitely in the first category. It kept the action coming and was mad gory, just the way I like it.
Time Until Action Starts: ~ 2 minutes
Baddies: Cult leader Jonah King!
Best Line: “I never disrobe before a gunfight,” Milton says this when asked why he’s having sex with his clothes on. That’s right! He is fully clothed, trench coat and all while pleasuring a lady. Cage is such a bad ass he doesn’t even stop when the gunfight ensues! It’s a hilarious scene.
Best Kill: During the gunfight/sex scene from above, Milton shoots at one guy holding a machete. The bullet hits the nothing but the machete, but the force makes the guy machete himself right in the forehead, killing himself.
Best Explosion: A hydrogen truck flips over and crashes into a group of cop cars, causing a huge explosion and flinging all kinds of debris in your face.
Action Rating: 4 Fully Clothed Nicholas Cage Doing Things You’d Normally Be Naked For, out of 5.
This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!
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Hey, thanks for the review. I was on the fence about seeing this movie. You’re also really funny. Anyway, do it again please. signed your friendly neighborhood Spiderman.
HA – sounds like one fun film!
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sounds like an interesting movie and I love Nicolas cage movies so i will check it out. Also great blog!
I didn’t quite like Drive Angry as much as you did. Nic Cage seemed to be sleepwalking through a film that was way more goofy than his character should’ve been. For goofy action and horror, i’ll stick with Planet Terror.
shortened link = http://is.gd/ANGRY