Everyone knows why T2 is awesome, and everyone should know what happens in T2. If you don’t, shame on you. Watch it now! Linda Hamilton was born to fight off terminators and Arnold Schwarzenegger was born to play a terminator. Arnold’s robotic acting really shines through here as well as Hamilton’s bad ass-ness. Arnold delivers his lines masterfully. I didn’t realize it until this most recent viewing, but mundane lines like “I need a vacation” or “This does not help our mission” really cracked me up.
Overall, this movie shows no mercy. The T-1000 kills animals and innocent people alike. There’s none of this “Let’s only kill the baddies.” Hell no! If you are in T2 and you don’t have the last name of Connor you are pretty much screwed. And that is just a fact of life in the world of terminators. Well, you might have a chance if it’s Arnold who is coming after you, since in this flick he was ordered not to kill anyone innocent; but, that doesn’t mean you will come out of the encounter with both legs and/or all of your hair. So if you see Arnold Schwarzenegger coming at you with a Gatling gun or any other terminator, RUN, BITCH, RUN!
One thing I really liked about T2 was how simply Arnold solved everyone’s problems. Uh oh, you’re stuck in a vault with no way out, Arnold creates a way out by busting through the wall. Uh oh, someone is at the gate and isn’t going to let you in to save your mom; Arnold shoots the guy in the kneecap, with a quick “He’ll live” and it’s on with the show. So simple, and so beautiful. Why didn’t I think of that!
With Terminator Salvation coming out in just a few days, this is a good one to brush up on and remind you of just how awesome the Terminator movies are. T2 is my favorite of the three thus far, and we’ll all just have to see how the newest one holds up. I can’t wait!
Time until initial action starts: ~1 minute
Time until real action starts: ~ 8 minutes
Big Bad Baddies: T-1000
Best Line: It’s insanely hard to pick just one Best Line for this one, but I’m gonna have to go with “Hasta la vista, baby!”
Best Kill: T-1000 is posing as John’s foster mom. The foster dad thinks, “Hmm, I’m thirsty, I think I’ll drink some milk.” I guess T-1000 was really tired of everyone drinking out of the carton because he freakin’ stabs the foster dad with his blade of a hand through the milk carton, through his mouth, and out the back of his head, pinning him to the wall. A simple warning would have sufficed. “Hey, don’t drink from the carton or I’ll stab you in the head.” I would’ve definitely gotten a glass after that, wouldn’t you?
Best T-1000 ‘Kill’: A huge truck carrying liquid nitrogen crashes and spills all over the ground. T-1000, thinking he’s invincible, walks right through it, or at least tries to. First his feet crystallize and break off. Then every piece of him that touched the liquid nitrogen crystallizes until his whole body is frozen. Then Arnold shoots him into a million tiny pieces.
Best Chemical Explosion: John (Edward Furlong), Sarah, and T-800 (Arnold) fill a whole room of an office building with explosives. When it detonates, the whole floor is blown to smithereens.
Best Nuclear Explosion: In a vision of the future, a nuclear bomb explodes and absolutely disintegrates everything and everyone. All companies involved are reduced to ash. Awesome!
Action Rating: 4 thumbs up, out of 5
Illustration by Alex Langley. Rocket Llama World Headquarters.
Ah, the fun and excitement of the good ‘ol days! Can you believe my wife’s never seen any Terminator flicks?! I’ve tried to correct this obvious error but she refuses. She won’t even go see the new one, and it stars hunky fresh Christian Bale.
Can’t wait to read your take on T4!
Who’s really thougher? Robocop or Terminator?
Nice! The fourth doesn’t hold a flaming fart to T2, but it is decent in its own right. YOU WILL LOVE THE ACTION of T4, no doubt about it, and some really nice “action chick” sequences will have you going, HELLS YEA!
Love your review, “I guess T-1000 was tired of everyone drinking out of the carton . . . ” I literally laughed out loud here, nice one AFC.
Check out my review on the latest in the franchise:
“I’ll be back.”
Duke, without a doubt, TERMINATOR!
shortened url: http://3.ly/T2JD
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Action Chick rules! T2 rules! Hard to believe it’s been about 20 years.
Yes, and that movie begat T3, and TS, the apology, and now it sounds like we’re oging to get a T5 as well.
Fascinating, to be sure.
Nothing like T2! While I like the other Terminator films, I agree that T2 is the BEST. I have seen ‘T Salvation’, enjoyed it did not have the same feel, or at least for me. I did LOVE the ARNOLD showing up to kick John’s ass toward the end of the film. That was a great surprise.
i practically grew up with Terminator:)…loved the movie, my mom was a big fan of good movies, i saw most of them because of her..i was like 7 i think when i saw the first one and loved it:)…i have watched all the terminators:)..cause i love them, The last one, Salvation with Cristian Bale was pretty good, but i think the second one was the best:)..if you haven’t seen this movie you lived your life for nothing..we have a saying in romanian for this” Ti-ai trait viata degeaba”, it sound better in romanian;))..i think this post is really appropriate action chick…and pretty cool:))
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