ActionChick: Most addictive video game?
5THWDLOGO: All MGS. mainly Metal Gear sons of the patriot
___ notmikestark: Counter Strike… or Everquest (aka EverCRACK)
815k1 815k1: Alex the kid, jenken with me, 1 2 3…
Abwon Uno Abwon: bejeweled
Alden Diaz Strider_Diaz: Mass Effect 2
Allynn Garcia keilbasa_al: angry birds for sure.
Andy Butts AndyButtsin: Angry Birds! It’s like crack, i guess, I’ve never done crack. But it’s addictive!
Apathetic Hippie ApatheticHippie: Shining Force 2
Ashley Prester Delaton: Any game where you have to unlock every single little gosh-darn frakkin’ hidden thing to get the good ending. #SuperMario
Batty Shadowbat: Angry Birds. Damn those pigs!
Belly Dancer Soraya SorayaAgency: Nintendo Wii Mario Brothers and Arkanoid!
Ben Linares BenLinares: Black Ops! I never get tired or blowin’ someone or something up!
Bill Felix BillFelix: black ops! Have to get them kills!
Boy Interrupted Donnie_j1: The original Legend Of Zelda,
Brad Woodcock gam0ra: Lemmings, avatar and nethack. Avatar is a multiplayer dungeon game from the 70s-00s on the PLATO/Novanet network
Brent Salmon BKSalmon: The first Deus Ex. I think I’ve logged more time on that than any other game. Except maybe Chrono Trigger.
Bret UltimateWraith: I hope minecraft is in the mix. That sh*t is addicitng!
Brett G. bg_ohthehorror: Columns!
Brian ThisIsNotBrian: Oh wait I take that back, that doesn’t count as a video game, I thought it just said game haha.
Brian ThisIsNotBrian: Snake on the Nokia.
Bryon Lape brainmuffin: Old school? New school? Middle school? Of all time? Last 10 years???
C.J. Garrett DrSideSteppin: I don’t know about addiction, but I’ve got 200+ hours of nostalgia put into Pokemon HeartGold. Just like I remember.
Carlosjiminez Masenko13: would have to say chrono trigger or marvel vs capcom 3,lol
Carter Friend CarterFanboy: Mario Kart…There are definitely far better games out there, but this one NEVER gets old playing against friends.
Castle P Bookshop CastleBookE: WoW, then tetris
CeeDark ♪ ceedark: Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Fallout 3/New Vegas, or one of the Pokemon games
Chad Evans CAEvans75: Deception for the PS1, I played it for 36 hrs straight.
Chonchillio Dairymoostache: OSU!
Chris Flocco The_Flocco: Lineage 2
Christian Klump Klumpmeister: So far for me its TF2 and Starcraft 2.
Christian Lindke ChristianLindke: Solitaire…or Master of Orion.
Christian Pizzirani brunojohn: Currently, for me, it’s Minecraft.
Christopher brown Orangeasylum: that use to be Mario cart while drunk..
d1047 CoolPolarBear: Angry Birds! I have had to quit as it was cutting into my slacking time! ;0)
d1047 CoolPolarBear: oops, just for a month though, ’till my heart rate & stress level gets low enough to play again :0)
Dana nerdygirl_om: Plants vs Zombies. I’m one of those weird nerds who never really understood why people love Tetris so much.
Daniel Ballow DanyFantomBeast: Angry Birds Count?
David Maulding DaveMaulding: The most addictive game is whatever I happen to be working on. I’ll delve into that world until I beat it, then move on.
Dawn Mosher Nerdy_Books: Tetris. #videogamecrack
DCUO UNLIMITED DCUOUNLIMITED: Batman Arkham Asylum RT @ActionChick Most addictive video game?
DCUO UNLIMITED DCUOUNLIMITED: I agree, i just want more batman detective missions. RT @LinZee1 I think @DCUO is most addictive video game? QT @DCUOUNLIMITED: @ActionChick
Dennis Natale Phungus_Amongus: Fallout 3,I never get tired of shooting raiders in the head.
Elorfin elorfinthendt: I think the series that I’ve sunk the most time into over my life has to be Civilization. Of them, probably the fourth one.
Em²a EmaCartoon: Plants vs Zombies and Minecraft, too!
Erin Byers undefined_v: Tetris!
Erin Kellems Hertzlos: Runescape!
evico evico: most addictive right now gotta be Angry Birds…
Firni Firni: WoW, of course.
Game Warp Show GameWarpShow: Tetris!
Geek Wing GeekWingNet: Tetris. It has been FOREVER. It keeps getting remixed and remade and people still buy it. Simplicity can be everlasting fun.
Hassan Amir HassanAmir2: infamous ps3
Hilary Bissonette HJBiss83: Without a doubt WOW, but since that one shouldn’t fairly be counted in this competition, Fable 2
Irene CouturePetite: Pixeljunk monsters.. Or any tower defense game, really. >_<
Irene Gonzalez irene_ester: mortal kombat
James Friendlessone: sadly I spent so much time playing Animal Crossing. Had to fill that damn museum up and get all the special items!
James Washington Freshjim: call of duty black ops for me and can’t stop playing it, I’ve been playing almost everyday since November : ( I need to get out
Jamie Young atjamie: Tetris.
Jay Marie 333JayMarie6: Red Dead Redemption
Jay Newman CuriouslyBaked: Black Ops or NHL 11
Jaye Lee Vocque jayeofmanyhats: Pitfall, Contra, Rock Band, TETRIS
Jedii Raccoon JediiRaccoon: Hmmm….Nintendo’s ‘Dr. Mario’, any ‘Grand Theft Auto’ and also ‘Red Dead Redemption’ @ActionChick Most addictive video game?
Jessa Lynn Phillips sultryminxzoe: definitely God of War for me
Jessica Sievers jess_sievers: WoW, definitely. People get unhealthily addicted to that game. I used to play, but it took WAY too much of my time, so I quit
Jessie M. jade_kadir: For me, the most addictive video game was Final Fantasy X & X-2. I loved the story and the game play equally.
JJ Amidei JJisBroBeard: No game I have played has just sucked me in for hours and hours like Age of Empires 2
John V. Ferrigno JohnVFerrigno: I once played Civilization II for 36 hours straight. That’s pretty addictive right there!Related posts:
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