Zombieland was originally developed as a television show, but became a hit film instead. Now, it’s returning to the TV outlet, but not on any network television channel. Following in the footsteps of Netflix, Amazon has picked it up and will produce it as original content for it’s instant video streaming section (reported by io9). io9 also got their hands on some casting call script pages and found that the series will focus on the four main characters from the film, but, seeing as how they sent out casting calls, I guess we won’t see the original actors returning to their original roles. Regardless, I’m looking forward to seeing the further exploration of these characters and their shenanigans. Now, more than ever, can we related to the horrors of a zombie apocalypse, and the lack of Twinkies in the world.
I love seeing more shows getting picked up by streaming services like Amazon and Netflix. Audiences need a backup when major networks inevitably cancel our favorite shows. Maybe there’s still hope to bring back Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles?
This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!
Source: io9
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