@ActionChick: Comics & gaming – when do they mix together best? And worst? Why?
Think broadly about this. Comics includes comic books, comic strips, webcomics.
Gaming includes video games, tabletop games, poker, freeze tag.
Answers on Facebook:
David H. Ampton: The latest Batman games by Rocksteady are a true joy for me. Atmospheric and true-to character stories, with action that satisfies despite it’s apparent simplicity. Bullets are almost instantaneously fatal, and both games do an incredible job of premising future situations with small examples experienced first so you have a chance to figure things out before dying utterly. But each games escalates so well with eventual challenges that are very memorable.
Josh Stewart: I’d say The Darkness games are pretty damned awesome…Volition’s Punisher game on PS2 is probably my favorite comic book game though.
Edward Herpington: Spider-Man on the PS1, N64 and Dreamcast.
Josh Stewart: That game was awesome too.
Christopher Flocco: Maximum Carnage. Almost identical to the 12 issue run. Ridiculously badass with Green Jelly music, and beating the crap out of hobos and supervillains. Also, X-men for sega genesis. Insanely awesome, and the only game i know of that made you actually press the reset button to progress to the final stage.
Tim Jackson: The Marvel vs. Capcom series is a good example. Especially Ultimate MvC3!
Dave Maulding: I agree with the Rocksteady studios games, Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. Maybe DC/Warner Bros. can get them to handle another comic property.
Dave Maulding: On the flipside, the licensed Mass effect comics from Dark Horse are a great way to find some more backstory to relevant characters and events from the Mass Effect game universe.
David H. Ampton: Oh yes, I forgot about the spider-man games! My friend has stated they let him do everything he wants. Incredible freedom and amazing animations and the most detailed New York ever. Except that he never really appreciated the find-every-last-ridiculously-placed-token.
Answers on Twitter:
Aaron Teplitsky @yyr_: my first thought was “Settlers of Gotham City.” Obviously this doesn’t exist, but maybe it should? lol
AJ @SAssassian: Best Spider-man series by Activision, worst Thor: God of Thunder by Sega
Alan Kistler @SizzlerKistler: OOOH! Fascinating topic. Pondering….
Alan Kistler @SizzlerKistler: I think it’s the closest we’ve come to creating the experience of actually BEING the character in question. [Batman: Arkham City]
Apparatus Salvator @SaviorMachine: Besides Marvel vs Capcom (which I like) I can’t think of any others that didn’t disappoint me at the moment.
Apparatus Salvator @SaviorMachine: I’d say I also liked X-Men: Next Dimension but I’ve only played the demo. Never owned a non-handheld console besides NES & Wii.
Apparatus Salvator @SaviorMachine: Wait, I enjoyed Spider-Man: Web of Shadows.
arrville @arrville: X-Men Legends 2 and Ultimate Spiderman were both great. X-Men on NES was awful.
brad tee @notthatbrad: They work best when there is a respect for the world; otherwise they are just characters used to sell generic games.
brad tee @notthatbrad: well, that is the current gold standard [Batman: Arkham City]
Brainiac Simon @AtrocitusRaptor: I think a Comic Book game needs to be story driven. Arkham City felt like the Batman comics I pick up every week.
Branden Drew @BDrew0829: best Marvel comics game Siderman( PSone ), worst Thor and Iron Man, also Captain America, or X-Men Destinies.
Brandon R. Wilson™ @BRW_549: @Darkhugh WORST: (Tie) Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis (GC) & Superman (N64). BEST: Spiderman 2 (GC) IMO.
Burton Durand @BurtDurand: The #MassEffect comics tell some interesting “between-the-games” stories. I recently read the first two trades.
Chris Alexander @Loung3r: wrong. Fantastic four: rise of the silver surfer.
Chris Da Ninja @EvilNinjaX24: Back in the mid-80s, TSR (I think…) put out a Marvel Superheroes RPG. It was… what it was, haha.
Comics Geekguy @ComicsGeekGuy: Order of the Stick.
Katrina Hill @ActionChick: An outstanding marriage of comics & gaming. RT @ComicsGeekGuy: @ActionChick Order of the Stick.
Comics Geekguy @ComicsGeekGuy: Ain’t it, though? “How did they sneak up on us?” “I failed my spot check.” lol
Darthbx @Darthbx: The better Warhammer 40k stuff is worth checking out. Dan Abnett does a lot for them.
Dave Sanchez @lrdvampyre: Streetfighter RPG, though guess that might be more a video game than comic to rpg
Dave Sanchez @lrdvampyre: and I forgot to add…one of the worst crossovers ever
David Nieves @dex_starrcat: fantastic connect 4 ?
Deggis @Deggisfox: The Incredible Hulk for the Genesis/SNES were pretty terrible.
des Troy @sociallyinept_: best = arkham city. worst = superman 64
Duffy @paintmyart: @ComicsGeekGuy You can’t leave out 8-Bit Theater.. the online comic about Final Fantasy. Sheer genius.
Duffy @paintmyart: Iron Man 2 was pretty unacceptable. Spider-Man 2 was the best Marvel video game in history, however. Cpt. America wasn’t bad.
Eric @xE_Catalyst_3x: Best? Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (X-Men for the Genesis comes at a close 2nd)….there’s too many bad ones to choose a Worst
Erich Shanholtzer @episkipos: the SuperHero 2044 role playing game, da Bomb !!!
Flodo Span @GL875: @Darkhugh Best – Batman: Arkham City. Worst – Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu
Guillaume Gurdil @gurdiiil: loved Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. Pretty much all other Marvel games are lame.
Guillaume Gurdil @gurdiiil: sorry I forgot about Marvel vs Capcom, nice game series!
Hugh Sterbakov @Darkhugh: Great question! Comics to games: Best: Batman Arkham City. Worst: The Tick for SNES (digging deep for that one). @ActionChick
James Beech @scubadiverjames: @Darkhugh #ARKHAMASYLUM AND #ARKHAMCITY literally the best computer games in the world! #I’mBatman
Jason @DoctorNvrmore
Jason Farrell @Jason_Farrell: Blood Bowl wasn’t any good either. Too bad, since the fiction that GW did for those games was often pretty good.
Jason Farrell @Jason_Farrell: I’ve yet to read a decent Warhammer comic and I’ve tried a few.
Jeff @JalenJade: worst: all of them. *shudder*
Jesse Fehrenbacher @JTFehrenbacher: Good Marvel games: Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, Marvel vs Capcom 2
Jesse Fehrenbacher @JTFehrenbacher: Dork Tower is a pretty good webcomic about Tabletop RPGs. The old Magic: The Gathering comic from the 90’s was pretty bad. The recent D&D comic was pretty good.
Joel Lyons @onlyONscripting: Best: X-Men vs. Street Fighter. Worst: X-Men for Nintendo. Beating that one was tricky and happened by accident.
John Rose @Furbysbadday: Marvel’s multiplayer arcade games were some of the most fun. Getting to smash things up with 3-5 friends (dep on game) rocked
Jonathan Ray Johnson @GandalfJohnson: Definitely when integrated into an RPG. The storytelling of comics, and the interactivity of video games. Winning, yes?
Jordan DesJardins @Jordamus_Prime: Best: Spider-Man 2 The Game Worst: Punisher War Zone
Jose H. Sanchez Jr. @DSB_IV: Batman because everything was so fluid in combat and it made you feel like you were Batman…Minus the being in the upper 1%
Jose H. Sanchez Jr. @DSB_IV: Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction because he took a car and made gloves out of them!!! #HulkSmash
Jose H. Sanchez Jr. @DSB_IV: Rocksteady’s interpretation of Batman, The X-Men Legends series,& The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction are top 3 for me
Jose H. Sanchez Jr. @DSB_IV: The worst has to be just about anything with a movie tie in. MOST of them are broken, rushed, and all around horrible
Jose H. Sanchez Jr. @DSB_IV: The X-Men Legends series because every one they used felt different, and had their own variations of how they used their powers
Joshua Butler @Hayvock: Worst: Anything X-Men minus the arcade game.
Kareem Ali @RealKareemAli: Arkham City is best from any company. For Marvel best ones are Spiderman 2, Wolverine (origins) and Ultimate Alliance
Katrina Hill @ActionChick
kenflott @kenflott: The Crow should have/should be a game.
KingsOfHere @KingsOfHere: worst #marvel game? Most of the spiderman games on xbox have sucked thus far, none nearly re-creating the fun we had on N64!
Langston @reyford1: because we forget about games like TMNT on the 1st nes, and marvel vs capcom 2 dreamcast. There are so many good ones out there
Langston @reyford1: spiderman 2 , city of.heros, freedom force, xmen the arcade game, xmen 2, hulk ultimate destruction and the list goes on.
Langston @reyford1: the captain America game was actually decent the 1st iron man movie tie in horrible. Marvel ultimate alliance is a good game
Langston @reyford1: when you get series like red dead or mass effect. Games that have immersion of characters and story telling just like comics
Laquan Schoolfield @pookster91: @Darkhugh the Transition of Sonic def has to be one of the best but I also feel its simpler also.
Laquan Schoolfield @pookster91: marvel vs Capcom 2: best. Really hard to make a good single superhero game based of the comics.
Lawrence Maldonado @d5385: Agreed with Ultimate Spider-Man a close second.
Lord Hades @GodofUndrwrld: I like The Incredible Hulk (being a Hulk fan), but the 2 best Marvel games has 2 go 2 Ultimate Spiderman & Shattered Dimensions
Lord Hades @GodofUndrwrld: the worst Marvel game I would have to pick is Iron Man… However I’ve heard Thor was really bad. But I never played it.
Michael Anthony @MikeInASuitcase: X-Men (Sega Genesis) and X-Men Legends (PS2) are probably the only good Marvel Video Games
Michael Gonzalez @mikegonzalez2k: A great example of gaming based on comics.Spider-Man: Edge of Time, Batman Arkham City
Michael Gonzalez @mikegonzalez2k: I found such questions while at Wondercon intriguing. I am solely on the video game side, yet attended WonderCon in interest
Michael Gonzalez @mikegonzalez2k: IMO, gaming is the new theatre of experience where you control a hero’s destiny.
Michael Gonzalez @mikegonzalez2k: Unlike comics where the story is predetermined, in gaming your own morality is questioned as you witness results
Nathan Schaeffer @Turbeetle: Top contender for worst should be Superman: The New Adventures for the Nintendo 64.
Nick B @InstantKarmal: Best mix? Comic-based RPGs. Worst? When creators don’t truly understand the mediums they’re working with.
Oscar Calito @Soul_Chaser88: best would be Marvel super heroes IMO, worst would be the amazing spiderman for the N64
Phil Gerrard @morphilms: Any movie game tie in
Phillip @plcraig: They mix best in Batman: Arkham City and worst in Superman 64.
Princess Paula @Celeb_Leak
Robert J. Hoth III @RobertJHothIII: definitely batman, x-men for sega as worst
Russ Palmer @RussPalmer: michael bay is a bored game right?
Ryan Carbrey @CrashRyan: That Palladium Megaversal system adaptation of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles managed to be clumsy & awesome in turns. #oldschool
Sketkh Williams @Sketkh: the Batman Themed Game of “Sorry” so wrong it has to be right.
steve raymer @smraymer13: I think they mix worst when there is a movie tie-in involved. The games usually suck!
Steve Tollison @Stollison_99: IDK if the comics or board game were any good ( I always liked the cartoon though) But here used to be both for M.A.S.K.
Steven Mallory @BloodInMyRum: SWCCG?
Tenfoe @Tenfoe24: the games sometimes dont stick to the original plot that well. That takes away from the authenticity to me.
They call me Baylon @xKUPUAx: Marvel Ultimate Alliance…best mix ever imo. Has the quirky, comic-y feel and yet an awesome gaming experience. 10 out of 10.
Thomas Kewley @technohill777: I think that they could be really awesome but that hasn’t happened yet but defiantly lots of a potential
Tim Rowe @Tjcade: worst Marvel games Thor and not the best but still good couple of the X-men games.
TJ @SocialClimber85: Well.. I don’t think they’ve had any good ones that’s for sure… Not in a long time.
Tony @CylonBookworm: Stretching the definiton of “table top games”, but how about Hungry Hungry Catwoman?
Voices In Your Head @voicesinyahead: Xmen Destiny was pretty craptastic, but, the first spiderman film game was very good. The next two were pretty good, too.
W. Alex Sanchez @W_Alex_Sanchez: As far as i know there isn’t a #Deadpool video game but there should be one! (and if there is one, let me know about it plz!)
Worst: Spider-Man plays Ping Pong.
Yannick Faucher @Tranceplant: in the worst category, of course…
Yannick Faucher @Tranceplant: some of the old TMNT board games…
Zombieionism @Zombieionism: Actually a tough question. I don’t think they work well at all (overall) and don’t purchase those games. Arkham did well tho
Zombieionism @Zombieionism: I am a FPS nut, and anything war related does well in gaming as a plotline. Also don’t read comics anymore. prolly should tho