San Diego Comic Con starts this week!! While thousands and thousands of people get ready to make the epic journey to San Diego, many are searching for tips on what to bring and what to expect. Don’t forget to study up on things you DON’T want to do and places you want to avoid. My list, “Places You Don’t Want to Be at SDCC,” can be found at MTV Geek, but here is what the peeps on twitter have to say about the last place they’d want to be at SDCC.
- ElmntsofMadness @ActionChick at home reading about the fun on Twitter
- bebarce @ActionChick the bathroom stall next to garth ennis. He’s got a wide seated stance and a penchant for writing about male rape.
- dpaz @ActionChick No line at ANY booth offering the exclusive toy/comic and I do not have my wallet. Who am I kidding? No lines?
- NomadsWandering @ActionChick stuck in Iowa… oh wait, that’s where I’ll be :facepalm:
- DSB_IV @ActionChick I think in between those two guys who were arguing at the Robot Chicken Q&A
- paulwellar @ActionChick jail.
- georgefromwy @ActionChick the bathroom by the food court
- OnyxPrimal @ActionChick The security holding area?
- DoubleSixx @ActionChick in a long line. Sometimes unavoidable there.
- LordComet @ActionChick in the line waiting to get in and discovering the person you wanted to see closed shop.
- Leone72 @ActionChick Passed out drunk and naked in the Twilight line.
- BluTwistr @ActionChick Home!
- RubinPingk @ActionChick broke down mid road trip in death valley.
- to_paraphrase @ActionChick the restrooms
- hennybottle @ActionChick home.
- Cali_gamer @ActionChick sick and in bed missing it
- renkris @ActionChick The infernally long restroom waiting lines.
- ocularnervosa @ActionChick Where I am right now. Sitting in my hot living room.
- GigawattConduit @ActionChick a ditch with bloodied comic books?
- Congo_Red_Jr @ActionChick at my house in chicago?
- DrSideSteppin @ActionChick Omaha, Nebraska
- JnAStudios @ActionChick Artists’ Alley, love to see those that are at the ground level and getting into promoting their books
- muddobber107 @ActionChick Turned away from a filled panel
- DaveMaulding @ActionChick Circling slowly just inside the event horizon of a black hole. That goes for last place I’d want to be at any time.
- TimelordATX @ActionChick at the twilight fan fic panel, I’d rather nail my favorite body part to a burning building
- Skyetk @ActionChick …back in Oklahoma
- drmwvr39 @ActionChick at home
- HippoJuice @ActionChick A port-o-John
- drzarron @ActionChick Cleveland
- SteveNiles @ActionChick In the mens room after the first hour.
- InstantKarmal In a furry costume. RT @ActionChick Where is the last place you’d want to find yourself during SDCC?
- jeditigger Not there.
RT @ActionChick: Where is the last place you’d want to find yourself during SDCC?
- cthulhuchick @ActionChick probably a disgusting restroom with all the stalls clogged and having a full bladder…that’s the sort of thing I fear about large conferences.
- SizzlerKistler @ActionChick Twilight Fan Meet-Up.
- RocketLlama Talking to a fanatic cosplayer who went as a made-up character @ActionChick Where is the last place you’d want to find yourself during SDCC?
- WillTurc @SizzlerKistler Oh! I really agree with that one. Twilight…Shoot me first. @actionchick
- SURCEASE12 @ActionChick on the toilet
- iambeelzebabee @ActionChick Not AT SDCC. That’s the worse place.
- underwood @ActionChick I’m on the east coast, so, probably here.
- RobDimension @ActionChick on the outside looking in.
- dezo424 @ActionChick MY apt. Seeing as I am so close! But sans tickets!! Bummer!
- bamaq23 Anywhere near the DC reboot protesters. @ActionChick: Where is the last place you’d want to find yourself during SDCC?
- angrykoalagear @ActionChick I do not want to be next to the person with a sharp pen. #sdcc #stabbycon
- beano76 @ActionChick I hate crowded bars. SDCC would drive me nuts.
- justdevin @ActionChick In Hall H during the “Breaking Dawn” panel.
- foxsyd @ActionChick at a Twilight panel.
- Kellisanth @ActionChick either the bathroom or hotel room due to Con-Crud
- geektechlive @ActionChick at home. Unfortunately it is becoming true.
- BrendonWan @ActionChick Mexico
- NomadsWandering @ActionChick in that order: where most are likely to be anyway and where many SDCC attendees will likely end up at some point
- DENISEVASQUEZ @ActionChick stuck in an elevator with a group of people who are NOT wearing deodorant!
- WillTurc @ActionChick I’m going to be in Disney World so… Pretty much not going to be a problem.
- shadownlite @ActionChick At the Twilight:Breaking Dawn panel with all the screaming Twihards.
- mgrabois @ActionChick In the Twilight panel in Hall H when the stars of the movies come out
- CherylA_Dorning @ActionChick stuck in traffic in washington state! Lol
- girlsreadcomics @ActionChick back at your hotel realising someone has stolen your wallet #ithappenedtome
- BlackNerd RT @ActionChick: Where is the last place you’d want to find yourself during SDCC? //The men’s restroom
- ConnorCG @ActionChick the Hall H line.
- mary3s @ActionChick Outside Ballroom 20 during GoT panel
- AndyFitzSimons @ActionChick All the way across the country when it’s going on….
- VanAllenPlexico San Diego. RT “@ActionChick: Where is the last place you’d want to find yourself during SDCC?”
- underdogmn @ActionChick At the Twilight panel. *shudder*
- JasonFifer @ActionChick Across the street from SDCC, locked in a port-o-potty… for the entire weekend.
- TJSlipperman @ActionChick I wish I was at SDCC, but like most other folks I’m stuck at home instead… =(
- smizwidme @ActionChick stuck in line trying to get in or being stabbed in the eye with a pencil from some weird fan
- ChaoticScholar @ActionChick A Twilight panel
- joekinkopf At work RT @ActionChick Where is the last place you’d want to find yourself during SDCC?
- VanAllenPlexico San Diego. RT “@ActionChick: Where is the last place you’d want to find yourself during SDCC?”
Any other places you can think of that wasn’t mentioned here?
This is the Action Flick Chick, and you’ve just been kicked in the ass!
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I equate the floor at ComicCon with getting stuck in the crowded street at Texas/OU weekend in the West End.
That said, I’ll be sitting on an air conditioned deck with a view sipping on ‘ritas and checking out highlights from everyone that went. I expect I’ll have just as much fun
Pingback: Rocket Llama HQ - » Worst Place to Be During Comic-Con?
After being there for five days, I think I have a ten page list of Worst Places to be during Comic Con”, most of them starting with….
Standing in Line For (blank) for (number of) hours and not getting in to the event.
Still, had a great time at SDCC. See you next year.