Action Flick Chick: Which Avenger stole the show?
One particular Avenger won this vote by a landslide. He probably caused the landslide himself by headbutting a mountain.
Answers on Facebook:
A Quinn: HULK!!!!!!!!
Aaron Joel Pleat: Hulk, by far. Hulk. without question.
Adam Poynter: HULK/Bruce Banner!
Alan Sizzler Kistler: You.
Alex Langley: Everyone was so, so awesome but Bruce Banner/Hulk surprised me with just how freaking awesome he was.
Alfred Alfie Norris: Hulk
Alvertis Williams: Everyone is saying that this is the first time they got the hulk right, in the Incredible Hulk movie….he was perfect.
Travis Langley This one did things with the Hulk that The Incredible Hulk just didn’t have the opportunity to do. No comedic sucker punch before, for instance. This is the funniest we’ve ever seen the Hulk.
Alvertis Williams: Hulk did easily….no contest….iron man close second.
Andrea Levine: Hulk and Agent Coulson.
Andrew Masih: Hulk and Black Widow
Arthur Moy: Hulk!
Carter Friend: Hulk.
Christoffer Andersson: Ruffalo was the standout among the Avengers-characters this time around imoho. But Tom Hiddleston as Loki was a treat in general. Unhinged, creepy, malicious and exceptionally hammy. Just what this movie needed
Christopher Morgan: The Hulk, by FAR.
Dan Gutierrez: I don’t know if it’s the “real” hulk, he’s the first to truly meet our high expectations.
Dave Montalbano: No one, it was a total team effort on so many levels.
David H. Ampton: John Steed?
Denis Doran: Hulk
George Wagner: HULK!
Harold Burman: Hulk SMASH!!!!!
Ian Garrette Holt: I think alot of people will say Hulk cause it’s the first time we got the real Hulk
Ian Garrette Holt: They all stood out at there own Moments.
John Scrofani: The Hulk
Jose Soria: Hulk all the way..
Julie Haagenson: Capt America’s butt! lol
Kahlan Khong: Josh Whedon ♥ ………………(“he’s adopted”) BAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Kanu Digit: I have to give the top to Captain America. A man out of place and time but he still takes the leadership role in the fight. He turns them from just a group fighting into a team.
Kathryn Blair: *Smash*
Kathryn Blair: Seriously, everyone involved did an amazing job! Totally worth the wait. Stoked to take the tcup to see. Going to be on the edge of the seat with excitement I’m sure.
Kurly Tlapoyawa: Hulk
Lani Deves: Hulk, but I also thing NAtasha did a good job of trying to though.
Larry Frantzen: HULK!!!
LordComett Dloa: All of them
Luigi Garofalo: The Hulk
Luis Robles: Iron man!!!
Luis Sam: Hulk with his smashing of Loki
Michael Whitehead: Hulk is the strongest of them all
Ray Smotherman: Hulk vs Thor. The final punch
Reo Atienza: Hulk
Richard Purnell: what everyone said. Hulk.
Ryan Breaux: Hulk.
Shawna Bracken: Okay, so he’s not technically an Avenger, but Coulson hit me hard.
Shawna Bracken: Okay, so he’s not technically an Avenger, but Coulson hit me hard.
Siegfried Padilla Golderos: ”The Other Guy”. Can’t wait to see it again.
Thomas Leath: Definitely the HULK!
Timmy Hensley: Yeah Hulk with his humor and facial expression stole the show, but the movie made me love Thor even more, that is one bad dude.
Travis Langley: Every character had great moments. Every single one. I laughed hardest at the Hulk and the post-credits scene. This movie did things with the Hulk that previous movies just didn’t manage. For some reason, I really love that Banner rode off with Stark at the end. (Nobody worried about spoiler alerts should be reading a thread like this in the first place.)
Answers on Twitter:
☆mimi3000-Michele☆ @mimi3000: Hulk! RT @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?
♛♕Chizom Ekpunobi♛♕ @MsTweetah
Aamal Al Tenaiji @AamalAlTenaiji: @maljunaibi @actionchick Hulk & Ironman
Aaron DeLaughter @Dolla_DeLotta: It was Loki’s movie. Tom Hiddleston owned every scene he was in.
Acaimo González @acaimo: Hulk.The real dramatic arc of the movie wasn’t the attack of Chitaris, but the unleash of the big green guy. Ruffalo rocked too
Adolph Hernandez @Dolphy007: Hulk, ‘Nuff said!Al @CannonBall15: HULK!!!!!!!!!
Alex Carrion @AlexTheGrr8: Hulk ! RT @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?
Alex flores @chato908: the hulk!!!
Alexander Añé @aganej2: my opinion, the hulk.
alfredo ayora @ae_ayora: / hulk!
amelia a @vonarenberg: I think they all had one of those moments at least;) @twhiddleston gave the team a run for their money for sure! #LokiKilledIt
AMONymous @awarmann: It was a HULK SMASH! Iron Man was also awesome…
Ariel John @arieljohnw: Ironman RT @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?
azurelunatic @azurelunatic: Bruce is awesome. One of his moments got prolonged enough cheering to obliterate his next quip after the action.
Ben B @ben_b55: Definitely the Hulk, which really surprised me. Was needed though to make up for the last two Hulk movies.
Ben Reed @iBenReed: I would have said all of them until the final fight… now it is the Hulk. Yet, all of them kicked some serious ass. #Avengers
Ben Reilly @Reilly_Spidey: #Hulk
Beth Johnson @ladypembroke: The Hulk. I swear, Banner got some of the best lines, and Hulk got the best action sequences.
Binh Nguyen @Church4252: I would have to say Hulk
bob calhoun @bob_calhoun: The Winsome Wasp of course!
BOKE [name/brand] @artistofideas: Just from the trailer … persona overload … overload overload … And surely needed a more vivid chick. Yes: @ActionChick
Brandon Suttles @KrayzieBuffett: HULK.
Brian Esbensen @udontknowB: black widow, clearly. Lol
Brittany Cruz @iluffsasuke: I would have to say the Hulk
Camilo Santana @MrKamikam: Hulk!
Charles A. Mendoza @CharlesMendoza: duh iron man
Charles Lee @Goofyfan_Chuck: verbally, Black Widow. Physically, Hulk did.
Chris Ravert @ThaRadiofonik1: the hulk definitely. Every time that big green mother****er showed up the whole crowd cheered. They finally did him right.
Chris Sheppard @cjsheppard42: The Hulk, surprisingly, even after the other Hulk movies, I now want to see a Hulk movie with the Ruffalo version.
Chris Soyangco @csoy13: The Hulk is at the top of the scene stealer heap, but Thor during the after credits scene.
Christy Cassius @christycassius: @ChrisRobEvans aka Cap America, but i’m a bit biased
CirC Money @CirC_Money: I say its a tie between thor & hulk.
CJ @CarlyJennifer: Hawkeye shooting the arrow backward. #Avengers
Clinton The Trekkie @clinton_o: I felt everyone got equal treatment, and nobody really stole the show.
Come Back Buddy: @ComeBackBuddy
Craig Moore @ckmoore1982: It was a tie between Iron Man & Hulk for me.
Da Lil_Poorno Show @Lil_Poorno: Hulk
Daniel @vamp1r0: Iron man …….
Davann Srey @Dvann562: Hulk. Especially what he did to Thor and Loki in New York.
David Willford @Dave_Willford: Emma Peel. RT ” @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?”
Davin Ng @DavinDaLilAzn: Hulk did! Avengers made me appreciate him a lot more.
DeJay Minton @DeJayMint: Hulk, if you have seen the movie you’d get it. LOL
Dirk Lester @Dirk2112: Happily the very concept of a group super flick did for a change. RT @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?
Duffy the Gay Blade @paintmyart: Hulk. I wasn’t sure how it was gonna go, but Ruffalo did a great job as Banner.. and the Hulk stole every action shot.
Dylan Lange @Holidill: Hulk in the second half of the film stole the show.
EarlyVerley @EarlyVerley: RT @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show? According to the teenaged girls behind me, Cap was “So fine!” I don’t disagree.
Edgar Dapremont @3dg4r: HulK. RT @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?
elizabeth_ann @elizabeth_ann: i agree. loved everyone but Hulk was perfect. RT @rsmon77 @ActionChick Hulk FTW!
Enrique J Sanabria @Fulldemon0716: i would have to say the with the awesomeness….oh wait that the whole team ;P
Erik Cly @ecly7: “ @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?” Captain America
Ernie Estrella @ErnieEstrella: Banner & Hulk. Stark too.
Fefe {comma} THEE @theefefe: definitely Banner/Ruffalo, can’t wait for the next attempt at a Hulk movie.
Fernanda Navarro @_fernavarro: Hulk!
FinbarrFlyerClancy @Flyerraven: Hulk or Iron Man!!
Frodo Swaggins @DoubleOhSolo_: Mr. Stark RT @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?
GabEzio Auditore @Pegaso_Saint: RDJ!
Geek Soul Brother @GeekSoulBrother: Hulk going off was the payoff. Black Widow carried the emotion. Thor fought everybody worth fighting.
Gerald Coleman @iconiclast: I loved it when Captain America looked at the hulk and said, “you, smash!” … And when the hulk sucker punched Thor, lol
giantcu92 @giantcu92: Hulk. Definitely Hulk.
Greg @DarthDaisy: hulk
Gus Cespedes @GusCespedes: hulk
Hawk Z @HawkZee: Thor. And Nick Fury.
Hugh Sterbakov @Darkhugh: Joss Whedon!
HULK! RT “ @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?”
Hunter Duesing @HunterDuesing
Inter-Comics @InterComics: loki the slickest bad guy out there @twhiddleston it’s the villains that make these films a success
iWolz™ @wolzman01: The Incredible Hulk ” @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?”
Jaes Anthony @ninJaeS: EASY!… HULK was a beast!!! Pardon the pun. Every scene w/him in it was epic.
James Misiko @jeymez: definitely Bruce Banner/Hulk,Whedon made him a fun character instead of a dark brooding guy
JavS @JavTheGhost: The Hulk & Iron Man
Jay Bos @Jaybos27: in the beginning Stark. At the end Hulk.
JBK @_Nostalgic_One_: “ @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?” the hulk!
Jeff Neinast @Jefe_Online: HULK! (Big green)Hands down
Jessica Sievers @jess_sievers: surprisingly, I think it was the Hulk.
Joe Edwards: @JoesGonnaTweetU: Hulky definitely wrecked some fools in the end. But Black Widow honestly stole it. She had no powers and hung with the best!
Joe King @iamjoeking: Iron Man carried the movie but Thor deserves a lot of credit. Great humor.
joe mason @maz4sho: I haven’t seen it but I’m sure hulk out shined everybody
Joe Ries @CrazedDrScott: Hulk
John Abramowitz @onthebird: Hulk. And that’s even WITH the absurd # of good lines that Joss put in RDJ’s mouth.
John C Hendrix Jr. @BigJHendrix: Most people will say the HULK, but truly, it was Black Widow!! She has no special powers and straight up KICKS ASS!
John H Maloney @johnhmaloney: The Hulk. His beat down of Loki and the line that followed were probably the best part of the movie IMO.
Jon Jordan @CrimespreeJon: Hulk stole show, Hulk smashed my expectations
Jon Riley @riley652799: Hulk was hilarious!
Jonathan Deskins @Thor751: Iron man!
Jonathan Farrell @slainefeanor: definitely Hulk. Superbly done and really well acted. Also gets two of the funniest scenes imho
Jonathan Miller @jonfun: My small blurb… on #Avengers 3D
Jose Carbajal @Joecarbo: Hulk. Hands down….or fists down.
jose lozano @jloza1126: def hulk
Joshua Smith @MagicJoshrooms: The Hulk’s actions at the end of the movie blew all the others away.
Joshua Valentine @josh81valentine: great acting by the Dr., great comic relief and Oh Man moments by the Hulk.
jrsydevils @jrsydevils: Have you ever taken any polls on the most ludicrous/ridiculous movie fight scenes?
Justin Williams @j_dub_dawg: Hulk twice: that swift punch and then when he had his way with Loki! Awesome stuff!!
Kamal Kamaruzaman @mkamalkzaman: ” @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?” Hulk
Ken Gartin @RedTheTrucker: Hulk #punygod
Ken Simon @KenSimonSays: Emma Peel.
kerina @kerina: Hulk
Kristen McHugh @kristenmchugh22: HULK!
Lord Comet @LordComet: All of them
Lucas E. Burgess @LEBurgessArt: Hulk!
Madeleine Harred @madeleine334: Defiantly Iron Man! He was so amazing at the end! I’m not sure if you have seen it, so I won’t spoil anything for you.
Make Merich @MakeMerich1976: i haven’t seen The Avengers yet but i saw Iron Man 3…..wha?
Mar Anthony DeRoca @SD_OUTSIDER: I think all the Avengers stole the show, each had their moment. As a whole group….awesomeness!
Mario Ramírez Garza @MarioMARG: I think Hulk smashed! Finally!
Mathew Arrellin @Rockapotamuss: definitely the hulk
Matthew Finneman @GKFinns: Hulk did. Hands down
michael mckinney @Lastonetoleave: I agree with the followers of @ActionChick , The Hulk stole The Avengers movie. Though I did think Black Widow was really cool #TheAvengers
Mike Boyd @IceWarm: Hulk, easily.
Mike S. @mike_is_bored: Hulk. It isn’t close.
Mike Seidl @mikekarv: Iron Man in the first act, Captain in the second and Hulk in the third.
Mj Victoria @bonedaddymj11: The Hulk
Mohamed Al Junaibi @maljunaibi: Hulk had the show on it’s knees. RT @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?
Monster Popcorn @monsterpopcorn: Hulk!
Mr. Crosby @MoeCrosby: Ironman! RT @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?
Mr. Luck @A_Luck_12: hulk smash
Natasha Clements @Natijclem: Thor!!!
Nate @cpusavant: Mark Ruffalo as Hulk. Honestly, I thought he did better than any of the others (Lou Ferrigno excepted)
Nick Jones @Laneit360: The Hulk stole the show…
Nika Stewart @NikaStewart
Nimo Yusuf @Like_Whoa: IRON MAN!
Orko Bagchi @orkobagchi: Stark’s quips were definitely on point, but I think Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk was great (and we haven’t seen Hulk in 4 years!)
Patrick Sherlock @PatSherlock89: Hulk
Patrick Thorpe @Patrick_Thorpe: ALL OF THE AVENGERS!
paul demarco @PaulDeMarco1: Avengers!! all of them!!
Paul mearn (PJ) @Solar_wind84: i’ll let you know in about 12 hours
Paul Witzenburger @purewitz: Don’t know, haven’t see the movie yet. I will at some point.
Philip Mason @Legion3780: hulk stole the show with comedic timing… The rest were ‘just’ awesome, hulk was belly laugh funny and awesome!
Photowalker1983 @Photowalker1983: personally opinion, The Hulk not Banner just the Hulk. I don’t even like the Hulk either. @pissedOgeek: For me it was most definitely Hulk, with Iron Man having his moments.
Pix. @Ruthico: hulk. @Mruff221 owned the #AVENGERS
Pootie Tang @MisterMacon: The Hulk
Princess Paula @Celeb_Leak: RT @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?
Ratchet Genius @Capt_Charisma_: Hulk came through with the laughs and the “Yo….he is goin HAM!!!” moments
Rebecca Dimmick @AuroraReb: iron Man
Ren Kris @renkris: Agent Phil Coulson #Avengers
Ricky @rickygangster: Hulk…. Mark Ruffalo was so good, beyond breakout performance
rickyardo @Arkeenta: “ @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?”<-Hulk, followed closely by Iron Man
Rob Maass @RobMaass: hulk was awesome but now i want a hawkeye movie!
Robert Coupée @BobCoupee: For me definitely Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk.
Robert Nolan @RobRoo79: Ironman
Robert Walton @MrRobertWalton: Hulk…and Iron Man in a close second. RT @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?
Roger Crow @RogerCrow: @slainefeanor @actionchick yep. agreed. Going agn tonight. Whoop.
Ryan Dapremont @dapremonster: “ @3dg4r: HulK. RT @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?” Hands down best Hulk ever.
ryan weeks @Ryeguy695: Hulk. Mainly because it’s been the first decent interpretation of him in spite of 2 movies.
S. Thomson @snthomson: Hulk
Sarah M @sarahrodeo: AHHHH I cannot wait to see it tomorrow morning!
Sean Gerber @ModernMythMedia: Trick question. None of them could because Loki had already stolen it.
Sebastiaan van Dijk@mashupman: The Hulk stole it for me. The Avengers is absolutely Hulklarious.
Shane Benbrook @FilmFan94: Hulk for sure.
Sheldon @paublo_sheldon: The Incredible Hulk
Stephen Rooney @steo76: hulk no black widow smaaash
Stewart Moncure @rsmon77: Hulk FTW!
T Raw @RyLegit: “ @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?” Thor !
Taele Lealiiee @TaeleLII: puny avengers…hulk smash
Teese @_teesie: the Hulk!!! Most definitely the Hulk.
Teno Dulina @TDulina: Iron Man for reasons I will not spoil (but you know why! )
The Incredible Hulk !! @ActionChick
Thor and Ironman RT “ @ActionChick: Which Avenger stole the show?”
Timmy Spicyweiner @Twotoetimmy: for me it was Iron Man at the start, Hulk at the end
tomiwk @tomiwk: for the most part of the movie, Stark, of course!!! and then the Hulk smashed…
Tommy Jr @BeefyAmazeBalls: Hulk!
Tori @toriKh: the Hulk, Stark(alway), Agent Coulson!!!!
Travis Langley @PapaLlama: All the Avengers had great moments, @ActionChick, but to my own surprise, the Hulk entertained me the most.
Tyler Moliterno @TylerMoliterno: Hulk, hands down!
Ultra Warrior @UltraWarrior: The Hulk.
Vaughn Fry @VaughnFry: Hulk with the Loki smash FTW!
Victor Sánchez @_VictorRKO: Hulk
Vincent Chase @Marcelzera: Hulk Smash! o/
Voices In Your Head: @voicesinyahead: Hulk.
Watcher Junior @watcherjunior: @onthebird @ActionChick RDJ ad-libbed a lot…
William Hunter @whunter89: Robert Downey had the best lines, but Hulk stole the show! #holycrappunygod
Woodythegreat @Woodythegreat: HULk
Yannick Faucher @Tranceplant: some say Hulk but I say it was Iron Man. Always and still the best!
zelle oniki @eyem24: hulk,he’s funny…:-)
حمدة الهاشمي ♕ @Hamda_AlHashemi: @maljunaibi @actionchick hulk and iron man
Russell Pinkston @TheReelRussell: Did anyone else see #TheAvengers & think S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Hill should have been played by @ActionChick?
Alex flores @chato908: @TheReelRussell i agree with 1OO% agent hill should have been played by @ActionChick it would of been perfect!!!
I would have to agree with the majority, and I believe the reason why is that finally we had the actual actor (Mark Ruffalo) doing the MoCap for The Hulk. And Joss Whedon seemed to channel the character as well. This bodes well for the proposed next Hulk movie.
Hulk smash !!!!
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Hulk steals the film. “Puny God”. Hahaha. Everyone in the theatre applauded.
Puny God – that scene got the biggest reaction on both screenings I attended, so far.
Hulk is the man…would love to see part two. wonder if the pair ups at the end is a clue to future projects
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