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Tag Archives: Superman
You Got Comics in My Gaming! You Got Gaming in My Comics!

@ActionChick: Comics & gaming – when do they mix together best? And worst? Why? Think broadly about this. Comics includes comic books, comic strips, webcomics. Gaming includes video games, tabletop games, poker, freeze tag. Answers on Facebook: David H. Ampton: … Continue reading
Posted in Facebook, twitter, video game
Tagged Aquaman, Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis, Batman, Batman: Arkham City, board game, Chutes and Ladders, comic books, Cryptozoic, deck, deck game, games, gaming, Hulk, Marvel vs. Capcom, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, Order of the Stick, Rocksteady, Spider-Man, Spidey, superhero, superheroes, Superman, Superman 64, The Tick, The Walking Dead, video games, X-men
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Green Lantern (2011): Give It Money So DC Will Make a Better Sequel!

Superheroes: We cover our cheekbones so no one will recognize us! I think Green Lantern is the first film to acknowledge just how silly it is that just because a superhero has a tiny mask on, no one they know … Continue reading
Posted in * all movie reviews *, 2.0 kabooms, 3-D, action, movie, PG-13, superhero
Tagged action film, Action Flick Chick, Blake Lively, Carol Ferris, CGI, Clark Kent, comic book, DC Comics, Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, Hector Hammond, movie, Parallax, Ryan Reynolds, superhero, Superman
Your Fametown Giveaway Answers! Any Movie Can Be Improved By Adding…? Round 2

In our Facebook FameTown promotional giveaway, the Action Flick Chick posed the question through twitter and Facebook: “Any movie can be improved by adding…what?” Entry in the giveaway ended last night. After we’ve tallied and double-checked all answers, a random … Continue reading
Posted in announcement, Facebook, twitter
Tagged Above the Law, action chick, Action Flick Chick, Adam Baldwin, bacon, Bill Shatner, bitch, Boobies, boobs, Boondock Saints, breasts, Bruce Campbell, Burt Reynolds, Busy Gamer, BusyGamer, butt, cameo, Cate Blanchette, chainsaw, Cher, Chris Cooper, Christina Aguilera, Christopher Walken, contest, dancing, Danny Trejo, Dean Stockwell, Deep Blue Sea, Doctor Who, Dolph Lundren, drive-in, duel, Ellen Page, Ernest P. Worrell, Ernest Saves Christmas, explosions bazooka, Facebook, FameTown, Gamette of the Year, gift card, Gina Torres, giveaway, Graboids, Hard to kill, Hugh Jackman, Jayne, Jeopardy, Johnny Depp, Katrina Hill, kittens, lasers, Leonardo DiCaprio, light saber, little people, Marked for Death, Michael Eisner, monkeys, Morgan Freeman, motorcycle, Movies, Nathan Fillion, ninjas, Norman Reedus, Nudity, Out for Justice, Pam Grier, penguins, pirates, RiffTrax, Robert Rodriguez, robots, Samuel L. Jackson, Sean Bean, Shat, Shawn Fanning, slow motion, song and dance, Speed, Star Wars, Steve Buscemi, Steven Seagal, Superman, TARDIS, Terminator, Tremors, twist, twitter, Washington, William Shatner, zombies
Comic-Con Episode Four: A Fan’s Hope – Starring Yourself?

Morgan Spurlock’s Super Size Me turned the fast food industry on its head in his near-suicidal month of living on a super-sized McDiet and inspired numerous other films putting their own spin on the title, standup comic Doug Benson’s Super High … Continue reading
Posted in announcement, convention
Tagged Buffy the Vampire Slayer, comic book convention, Comic-Con Episode Four: A Fan's Hope, Comic-Con International, ComicConDoc, Dark Phoenix, Emma Frost, escalator, fan convention, Firefly, Jean Grey, Joss Whedon, Morgan Spurlock, San Diego Comic-Con, San Diego Comic-Con International, San Diego Convention Center, Serenity, Stan Lee, Superman, Thomas Tull, traffic, White Queen
Action Chick vs. 3-D!

See the full-sized comic at http://rocketllama.com/actionchick/comic/action-chick-vs-3d/. You can hear Peter Pixie and El Secreto interview my co-creator and Action Chick artist Nick Langley on Hour 42. Nick comes in half an hour into this past Sunday evening’s show, but it’s all worthwhile, … Continue reading
Posted in The Action Chick comic
Tagged 0 stars, 3-D, 3-D film, 3-way, Academy Awards, action chick, Agent Abigail Brand, Alex Ross, Amazon, Animaniacs, arm, Avengers, Batman, Birds of Prey, Black Canary, Blackest Night, Bradley Cooper, Captain America, Cartoon Network, comic, Cry for Justice, DC, DC Comics, Deadpool, Deadpool Corps, Defenders, discount, Dr. Strange, earthquake, Ed Brubaker, El Secreto, Emma Frost, Fantastic Four, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Gail Simone, Galactus, Girl Comics, Girls Comics #1, glitch, Grant Morrison, graphic novels, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, Hellcat, Heralds, Hour 42, Hulk, Huntress, interview, J. Jonah Jameson, J. Michael Straczynski, James Robinson, Jeph Loeb, JLA, John Hughes, Justice League, Lady Blackhawk, Lian, Mark Waid, Mary Jane, Mary Jane Watson, movie, Ms. Marvel, New Avengers, Nick, Nick Langley, Oscars, Paul Dini, Peter Pixie, podcast, Power Prep, Prometheus, recession, Red Arrow, Richard Crenna, Rob Liefeld, Ryan Reynolds, Secret Six, sex, She-Hulk, Silver Surfer, Sinestro, Smallville, Spider-Man, Star City, Starman, Sub-Mariner, Sue Dibny, superheroine, Superman, sword, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Dark Knight, threesome, twitter, unemployment, Valkyrie, webcomic, White Lantern, Wolverine, woman, women, Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman #600, Zinda, Zombieland