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Tag Archives: Spirits Within
AFC Classic- Cinematic Sedatives: Which Films Fail to Keep YOU in Action?

Friends assure me I’ve watched the movie Elektra – tried to watch it anyway. Apparently I turned it on and the thing put me to sleep. Twice. Which movie is most memorable for having put you to sleep? The power … Continue reading →
Posted in Facebook, social networks, superhero, twitter
Tagged 2, 2001: A Space Odyssey, 9th Gate, A New Hope, Akira, Armageddon, Avatar, Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever, Barry Lyndon, Blackhawk Down, boring, Dances with Wolves, Darkness, Death Proof, Diary of the Dead, Dune, Elektra, Final Fantasy, George A. Romero, Gladiator, Godfather, Godzilla, Hulk, ican, Jurassic Park, K19 The Widowmaker, Last Man Standing, Last Night, Lord of the Rings, March of the Penguins, Matri, Metro, Moulin Rouge, Piranha 3D, Queen of the Damned, Revolutions, Robin Hood, Robocop 2, Russian Ark, Shutter Island, Silent Hill, sleep, Sneakers, Spirits Within, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Star Wars, Supergirl, The Abyss, The Beach, The English Patient, The Interpreter, The Italian Job, The Me, The Princess Frog, The Tree of Life, Titanic, Transformers, Up the Academy, Valkyrie, Vanilla Sky, Yellow Submarine
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Cinematic Sedatives: Which Films Fail to Keep YOU in Action?

Friends assure me I’ve watched the movie Elektra – tried to watch it anyway. Apparently I turned it on and the thing put me to sleep. Twice. Which movie is most memorable for having put you to sleep? The power … Continue reading →
Posted in Facebook, social networks, twitter
Tagged 2001: A Space Odyssey, 9th Gate, A New Hope, Akira, Armageddon, Avatar, Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever, Barry Lyndon, Blackhawk Down, boring, Dances with Wolves, Darkness, Death Proof, Diary of the Dead, Dune, Elektra, Final Fantasy, George A. Romero, Gladiator, Godfather, Godzilla, Hulk, Jurassic Park, K19 The Widowmaker, Last Man Standing, Last Night, Lord of the Rings, March of the Penguins, Matrix 2, Matrix Revolutions, Metro, Moulin Rouge, Piranha 3D, Queen of the Damned, Robin Hood, Robocop 2, Russian Ark, Shutter Island, Silent Hill, sleep, Sneakers, Spirits Within, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Star Wars, Supergirl, The Abyss, The Beach, The English Patient, The Interpreter, The Italian Job, The Mexican, The Princess Frog, The Tree of Life, Titanic, Transformers, Up the Academy, Valkyrie, Vanilla Sky, Yellow Submarine
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