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Tag Archives: Scott Larson
FemForce #155 Featuring Action Flick Chick Katrina Hill, Art By Scott Larson

Femforce # 155 has hit the shelves and artist Scott Larson was kind enough to include me in some of the backgrounds. Here is a look at the pages from start to finish. Thanks Scott! I think it looks awesome!
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Tagged action, action chick, Action Flick Chick, art, background, battle, Femforce, FemForce #155, fight, gore, Katrina Hill, Scott Larson, shirt, superhero, superheroine, supervillain, tank top, villainess, violence
Coming Attraction: FEMFORCE #155 with Action Flick Chick Cameo

Today’s the last day to pre-order Femforce #155 which includes cameo appearances our star Katrina Hill. This time the AC in AC Comics stands for “Action Chick!” from artist Scott Larson’s blog: Hey, Femfans- there is STILL time for you … Continue reading
Posted in Coming Attractions, superhero
Tagged * Comics *, comic book, Diamond Previews, Femforce, Scott Larson, Stormy Tempest, superhero, superheroine